Werewolf: The Devil's Hound
Werewolf: The Devil's Hound
R | 04 December 2007 (USA)
Werewolf: The Devil's Hound Trailers

An escaped werewolf - who’s determined to start a family of her own - sinks her claws into Kevin, leaving him with an uncontrollable desire to kill. Can his family save him before his lycan nature takes over for good?

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
William_Henry_Pratt I think the producers of this film handed an old mini DV camera to two schizophrenics and told them to go make a movie. The film is shot almost all in close up so the audience has no idea where they are or what's going on. The frame is plagued by interlacing issues, the cinematography is amateurish, and a complete lack of filmmaking knowledge. The story is boring and uninspired.Sample dialogue: M-"Want to have some sex?" F-"Do I want to have some sex?" M-"Yeah." F-"I don't know."… I can't even go on. Pure garbage. I understand how these things get made, but how do they get released?
sgcim Every part of this movie was intended to be funny, and it had some goofy humor in it that had us laughing most of the time. Sure, I saw it on Chiller, and didn't pay a cent for it, and maybe I would've been annoyed if I had to pay for it. But it was a lot more entertaining than watching another group of 19 year-olds stranded on a camping trip and being killed in some way, or watching some scientist having to get back together with his ex-wife to save the world from some insect/bird/dragon/creature/earthquake/storm/dinosaur/etc...And it actually had some characters that weren't teens or college students in it(!). The goofy assistant with a "hot internet date" waiting for him probably was too close to home for most of the reviewers here. The humor was not emo-teen oriented like Ginger Snaps, and had fast, surprising editing that proved that his director could come up with something like "Smokin' Aces" if he had even half of the money that director had in production values. The humor also wasn't the typical dope/sex stuff that i've also had enough of in these horrible mainstream teen comedies, although the "rectal probe" ending was one of the few jokes that fell flat...
Paul Andrews Werewolf: The Devil's Hound revolves around a small family run special effects company, one day they take delivery of some crates. After checking they find out that they have one more crate than they should. Nobody particularly cares. That night a Werewolf breaks out of the crate & scratches employee Kevin (Michael Dionne), he starts to turn into a Werewolf too. Can his family save him? Can they cure him or is Kevin forever cursed to walk the Earth as a Wereworl & change every night? Who cares.Also known under the title Lycan this low budget horror flick was edited, written & directed by Christian Pindar & Gregory C. Parker, one has to say right off the bat that I thought it was terrible. Having a quick browse through the other 'User Comments' here on the IMDb to date it is pretty clear that just about everyone who has ever seen Werewolf: The Devil's Hound has had a pretty lousy time doing so & trust me if you decide to spend ninety odd minutes of your life watching it your going to feel the same way. I did. Like a lot of low budget films what happens in the script is almost totally decided by the lack of funds, it's almost a given that while writing this Pindar & Parker were saying to themselves 'can we afford this' & 'could we achieve that'. The film has boring locations, it has a distinct lack of logic or action & some truly awful comedy relief character's & moments at the end that seemingly come from nowhere. There's also something about U.F.O.'s but by the time they show up I had pretty much lost all interest & was on autopilot. The character's are awful, the dialogue is awful, the story is awful, the beginning, middle & end are awful & generally speaking the film as a whole is awful. Sorry but that's the way it is.The film is pretty amateurish, it looks like it was shot on a camcorder by two film students using all sorts of annoying editing techniques, shaky camera moves & blink & you'll miss it editing. There are one or two gore scenes, someone is cut in half, an arm & a leg are ripped off, someones head is crushed & there's some fake blood. The special effects are poor, the Werewolf looks more like some sort of hairy albino Ape. It's not scary & it's not funny & it's incredibly hard to sit through in one go.According to the IMDb this had a budget of about $1,200,000 which is actually a fair amount of money which makes what ended up on screen even worse, it looks a lot more low budget than it actually was. Filmed in Connecticut apparently. The acting is no better than anything else to do with this film.Werewolf: The Devil's Hound is a poor, poor film that I often found painful to sit & watch. Definitely not recommended, one to avoid & most people will be very glad that they did.
Chill I feel ashamed actually having bought this garbage. Its one of the worst movies I've ever seen - and I thought that was "Ice Spiders" up until I got this one. Sometimes up-and-comers get it right but this is not one of those times. This movie is simply put one of the worst movies made in the entire history of mankind. Besides the horrible acting, shoddy camera-work and a script that could be written by a blind, half-mad grandmother, the special effects that usually define a werewolf movie are non-existent. The sad attempts at humor in the movie makes me cringe. There is ONE good scene in the entire movie - and it lasts for about 4 seconds - its the one in a mens room and the leading man is sitting on the floor in what, in that light, actually passes for a good werewolf half-transformation. But alas - no. That one scene does not a movie make.