NR | 01 March 2016 (USA)
Weaponized Trailers

A damaged homicide detective (Johnny Messner) must prevent a grieving father from unleashing a "robotic virus" that he believes will destroy the terrorist cell that murdered his son, but at an unimaginable cost.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
wishmaster_tr there is nothing to say. it is a terrible movie and very boring. script is terrible, fiction is terrible, acting is terrible, effects are terrible. an ordinary person with logical thinking can easily understand all the gaps about fiction. Even the beginning of the movie barely about the movie, in addition using expensive cars can't save you, when you use cheap cars to burn. Hot actress, hot scenes right this will save your movie?!. Seriously power rangers outfit? could not you come up with a better costume for super soldier? it is a waste of time to try to make sense of all those nonsense, actually in order to complete this review, writing ten lines for this awful movie is also very difficult.
Brodie McGee If you think people are joking, they're not. This movie is so atrociously awful it's almost funny. The acting, the filming & editing, the screenplay and dialogue: it's all absolutely crap.I'd say it's a saving grace for the film, but I still don't think it's enough to warrant *anyone* seeing it: the actual story behind everything is somewhat interesting. The conspiracy theory of the private military agency and everything they're doing *could* have been done really well, but unfortunately the poor cinematography, acting, and dialogue just make this a horrible, horrible movie.There isn't a single scene in this movie worth watching.
jager-marc This movie is terrible!I got sucked in by the trailer, which made it look pretty good...I can't believe how bad it really was...A horribly unoriginal concept for story, TERRIBLE script and some of the worst acting I can ever remember seeing.There are only TWO movies that were so awful I couldn't watch them to the end.... THIS one and a movie called "Nemesis" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107668/?ref_=fn_al_tt_3) and THIS ONE...I stopped watching "Weaponize" at 55 mins....It's a shame because I like Rourke and Sizemore.
sportsbros808 I want to start off by saying I am a HUGE fan of Mickey Rourke. I pretty much see everything he is in. I also like conspiracy theories so this film was right up my alley.First thing first, the movie is not Citizen Kane and it doesn't pretend to be. It is a standard sci-fi/action film that really hits on all cylinders, in my opinion. The camera work is great and really helps move the story along. You may have heard this story before; a less than ethical military contractor is trying to create the ultimate weapon and one man is out to stop them. That is the basis for "Weaponized." But it goes beyond that. One of the lines that gets repeated throughout the film is, "There is no murder in war." Which raises the main question in this movie, if we are at "war" can we do whatever we want? With our military involvement throughout the Middle East I think this is a valid question to explore.The man who runs the military contractor (played by Tom Sizemore) is out to avenge the death of his son, which he blames on a terrorist group. His company has created a biomechanical weapon that he want the US military to use. Without giving too much away let's just say that many legal and ethical issues arise.A detective (played by Johnny Messner) is determined to stop all this from happening and is contacted by Rourke's character, Clarence Peterson. Rourke plays this shadowy character to perfection. We don't know whether we can trust him or not.Jon Foo puts in a solid performance as Victor and comes through with some serious martial arts skills. He also appeared in "Tekken" which I enjoyed very much.The story does get a little convoluted and it seems like the makers tried to add just a bit too much, but overall the film works. The action is solid and the pace builds suspense. The ethical questions it raises about war and weaponry are much needed today. Overall, I recommend that you give this film a watch.