We Are the Night
We Are the Night
NR | 11 November 2010 (USA)
We Are the Night Trailers

One night, 18 year old Lena is bitten by Louise, leader of a female vampire trio that are as deadly as they are beautiful. Her newfound vampiric lifestyle is a blessing and a curse at the same time. At first, she enjoys the limitless freedom, the luxury, the parties. But soon the murderous blood lust of her comrades in arms proves too much for her, and she falls dangerously in love with Tom, a young undercover cop.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Shadowplayed Germans have come a long way from Nosferatu to Wir Sind Die Nacht, but haven't lost their touch. Times are changing and changing some more, so this refreshing, modern take on bloodsuckers proves to be a worthy step in that direction. Berlin. We are introduced to cool, hip and large - living vamp trio: Louise (serious and older, alpha vamp...also, a lesbian) Charlotte (avid reader; moody and depressed former silent film star) and Nora (a quirky, jokey third member who loves a fling followed by a nice dinner: meaning 2in1) Soon after, Lena, delinquent girl, pickpocket coming from a broken home steps into the picture. One night she attends one of the rave parties our aforementioned trio throws regularly, and after the brief encounter with Louise, her life changes for good.In case you are thinking what I think you are...this is not, NOT German answer to most hated vampire saga in film history. But it does follow the formula which has transformed new vampires into human like, not-so mystical beings that raid big cities looking for fun and a good meal. We are The Night is beautiful to look at: high production, great effects and lots of fake blood so even the grumpy traditionalists shouldn't scoff at it. OK, so it does have some romance, all vampire films have romance! (one way or another) I was expecting nothing and was pleasantly surprised, but make no mistake: some people will rush to call it the best vampire film since Let The Right One In. It's not. As much as I wanted it to be a worthy follower.Immortality, good looks, money and glamour....who wouldn't want to trade place with them? So it's not all fun and games there is much needed "but", provided by some particularly emotional and tragic scenes with Charlotte (excellent Jennifer Ulrich) as central figure and nihilistic reminder how eternity can be unwanted and lonely place to be. HUGE complaint: Where's Rammstein in otherwise cool soundtrack?!???!But it's lots of lightweight fun, so easy 7/10
WakenPayne Okay I have watched a movie that my brother cited as being one of the best movies of the last five years. I personally think that it did quite a lot of things right - I mean more than Hollywood movies have done in that time but then again there are a few really big gripes I have with this movie.Okay so the story. Lena is a delinquent who due to just being in the wrong place at the wrong time gets bitten by a vampire named Louise. When she finds out naturally she freaks out at what is happening to her and at first she loves the life of a vampire of staying up all night, having a lot of money, fast cars and... Well you get the drill. As time goes on however this lifestyle deteriorates into one that is out of control and does whatever she can to escape it.Okay my big gripe with this movie is that sometimes it just leaves the viewer to tie up stuff on their own. For example - The gift. It is established that vampires have some way of telling whether humans can be turned or not and... That's all there is to know apparently because I do kind of want to know "Okay, How can they tell?".The ending is also really ambiguous. I'll try to reveal as little as possible if anyone still wants to see this movie but the cops are on the tail of Lena and the other cop named Tom and it ends with the cops arriving to the spot where you last saw them... WHERE DID THEY GO! I was invested in what was going on - Does Tom have the gift and Lena turned him so they travel the world and stuff together? It just expects you to fill in these gaps.I guess another big complaint is that it actually has a scene that is kind of sexist towards men. Now I'm not saying "Us poor men" No, We've had it pretty good in terms of portrayal. But it tries to make out that the reason why Male vampires are extinct is that the men are stupid and power hungry and threatened to expose the whole "vampires exist" thing. Yeah because in this movie the vampires do a good job of that by climbing up and around buildings like Spider-Man in plain sight, setting people on fire faking a plane crash where apparently everyone's blood was completely drained and everyone died before the crash even happened. Yeah because that's keeping a secret okay!...Okay my point is that if you want to make a feminist movie - fine! I'll support that decision wholeheartedly but please don't have a scene which is devoted to building all men up as being like that and have the female characters do something similar by the movie's end.Okay my complaints are really big for this movie and after reading all that you'll probably be asking why I gave this an 8. Well As I said I was actually pretty invested with what was going on. I think one of the best scenes in the entire movie is where Charlotte is visiting her daughter in a retirement home. The directing and acting of that scene is handled so beautifully that it is hard not to feel at least something for Charlotte's character after that.I liked how instead of these vampire films that say "being a vampire is awesome" or "It actually sucks" this movie kind of does both by saying okay at first this lifestyle seems like every teenager's ultimate fantasy but over time it changes into basically "It actually sucks". It doesn't just make this transition out of nowhere either which I liked.The acting is marvelous. I will definitely be looking at other things that these actors have done. They pretty much elevate some of this material especially the sketchy parts. I'd say the acting is worth the entire watch of this movie alone.I also like the visual effects. This CG work is done really well especially in the scene where Lena changes appearance from goth girl to average person in the streets. I mean wow is this stuff well done. I guess other effects that I liked was the jumping out of a plane in the opening among others.I'd also say the directing is pretty good. The Cinematography is really good and the writing - while extremely sketchy in some parts it does actually hold up in parts as being dramatic and establishes character and the way vampires live really well too.If you want to watch this movie I'd say go ahead. I mean if you can get past some of the complaints I have (the only one I haven't mentioned being that Nora is annoying but I guess that's a nitpick) then I'd say go watch it. It is a really good movie if you can get past the flaws and it probably is one of the best vampire movies of the past few years. If you like this sort of thing - check it out.
chicagopoetry Wir sind die Nacht (We Are the Night) is simply fantastic. It's scary, suspenseful, and funny in it's own way (sexy, lesbian vampires driving Lamborghinis and shopping after hours, for example), and the most original addition to the vampire genre since Let The Right One In. Controversial in many ways, this is the real deal. The story centers around a coven of four female vampires as their bond unravel when one of them establishes a relationship with a police officer. The film introduces some concepts that I've never seen in a vampire film, such as when one of the young looking vampires visits her elderly, dying daughter, or when another gets shot and then pops the bullet out of her chest. The musical score is exciting as well. I really enjoyed We Are the Night. Don't be fooled by the hokey DVD cover. This is a truly well made, bad ass flick.
abisio Germans tried to create their own Vampire franchise with "We are the Night" with mixed results. Compared with any of the TWILIGHT movies; this looks like a masterpiece; but with really great movies like NOSFERATU (in any of its version) this is just a clichéd movie with a few original ideas.The most interesting things are dialogs which based on my very limited German and subtitles seemed really smart. Another is that even when vampires are only women and there is a lot of lesbian innuendo; the movie is far from exploitative. There is no feminine nudity, no sexual scenes and a very PC moral message (here, nobody is happy to be a vampire). Even violence in the movie is more suggested than shown (there are a few brief strong scenes ; but mostly for the surprise effect ) . Lena, a minor delinquent is converted by Lena; an old bored vampire looking for her great love. Louise has two other vampires girlfriends; all living like "Sex and the City" in Berlin. An excess of glamour and luxury just to cover their empty lives. Lena is not very happy with her unwanted changes; particularly because she has a certain interest in a policeman; something forbidden by Louise for two reasons; he does not want men and even less policemen. There is not much more happening. The first act is strong but after Lena conversion, the second act looks extracted from "SEX AND THE CITY". The drama could have been really interesting if we knew something about each woman; but aside from a few dialogs and little back story about one of them; the others are pretty much a mysteries nobody cares to solve. The third act is more action driven and it is very effective with just the necessary amount of special effects in order to get things realistic. In brief; it is not a bad movie; but considering it comes for the country that re-invented cinema and the vampire genre; it is below expectations.