BloodRayne: The Third Reich
BloodRayne: The Third Reich
R | 05 November 2010 (USA)
BloodRayne: The Third Reich Trailers

Rayne fights against the Nazis in Europe during World War II, encountering Ekart Brand, a Nazi leader whose target is to inject Adolf Hitler with Rayne's blood in an attempt to transform him into a dhampir and attain immortality.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Eric Stevenson After watching horrendous Uwe Boll movies, I am so happy to say that this is my final one. Yes, I know there are others he made that I haven't reviewed, but I'm just not going to review them. Well, maybe I will eventually but you get the idea. This is the third and (thank God) final installment in the BloodRayne series, one of the worst film series in history. This movie features Rayne in World War II fighting Nazis. I guess they had had so many historical settings, WWII was the only one really left. As you might have guessed, it's incredibly stupid with terrible special effects.I guess this isn't as bad as the previous two installments, but it's still awful. The fight scenes are really stupid looking, especially in one scene where Rayne just walks up a wall or something. Hitler's a vampire for some reason. Actually, I think that would have been interesting to see more of. They outright say that they're working on a way to make Hitler more powerful, but I knew this movie was too awful to actually show something cool in it. It turns out Hitler doesn't appear at the end the film even stops before what looks like a cool fight scene.There's a lot of nudity here and I think you could even consider this soft core porn. As someone who's not into porn, that didn't interest me. It's just another excuse for Boll to be obscene. I guess it only figures that Boll would make a movie with the only person from Germany that's hated more than him. Okay, this literally is the worst film series of all time according to the IMDb. I seriously don't think I'll have such an unpleasant film series viewing in my whole life. Boll is a terrible director and I'm so glad we can at least write reviews to show what a hack he is. *
Wizard-8 There were apparently two "BloodRayne" movies made before this one, but I had not seen them when I sat down to watch this third entry. Fortunately, the movie had a little explanation as to the setup at the beginning, so the movie (kinda) made sense. However, some people will probably be somewhat upset by the script all the same because this escapist fare movie brings in Nazi and Holocaust elements, which I can see will strike them as tasteless. If you can look beyond those things, what is the film like? Well, not very good. It doesn't look as cheap and tacky as some of Uwe Boll's other movies - there's something resembling production values here (like with costumes and props), and the Croatia backdrop is well photographed. However, I thought the movie was kind of a drag. There's far too much talk, and when the action comes, it's badly choreographed, badly directed, and badly edited. There is a little amusement seeing B movie legends Michael Pare and Clint Howard giving somewhat hammy performances, but it's not enough to make this even rainy day viewing.
GL84 Joining up with allies in WWII Germany, the half-human/half-vampire finds that one of her victims was a Nazi officer now bestowed with her powers and intends to use them in a plot to make Hitler immortal.An incredibly enjoyable and entertaining entry to an already fun and entertaining series, though this one doesn't reach the heights of the original. Still, this contains enough bloodshed, gore-drenched slaughters, limb-ripping and throat-slicing to give it a try, as there's a ton of blood in this including the other tortures inflicted on the vampires which adds more bloodshed. That's due to a high number of action scenes here as the confrontations with the different groups lead to a number of ambushes, firefights and martial arts displays that make for a pretty enjoyable time. As well, the increased amount of nudity certainly helps this one along, and altogether with a fast pace and enjoyable, simple story it gets a lot of good grace, only with the nagging problem of it's way too short running time to count as any sort of real flaw here. This is quite a bit of fun overall.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity and several intense lesbian sex scenes.
Kuma If you are expecting a good and serious vampire movie then please don't even think about starting here. The movie was quite horrendous... stupid and poorly done. But I will admit I found it quite funny even though everyone involved was trying to be quite serious. Really found the lesbian sex scene out of place... and really in the initial scene for that all I could think was that Rayne's actress had some really odd nipples, because you can't honestly take that scene serious at all.Hated how the movie would snap between scenes with no transitions and would jump important details. This was really poorly done and I wasn't really expecting much, especially after the disaster of bloodrayne 2 but this was just insanely stupid. I'm glad I could find this movie funny otherwise it would have just been a complete waste of time.... not that the production of this movie isn't already a complete waste of time.