Way of the Wicked
Way of the Wicked
R | 20 May 2014 (USA)
Way of the Wicked Trailers

Lawrence Salva's script centers on a detective on the trail of a murderer, who is led to believe that a local teenager, harboring some sort of strange supernatural power, may be involved. Slater plays a man of the cloth who aids the cop on his mission.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Michael Ledo It appears creepy little Robbie Mueller (Jake Croker) has telekinetic power and people who want to harm him, tend to die. After being away from his home town for five years he is back in high school creeping everybody out with his knowledge of Drake's Equation, bad hair, and inability to smile. The only thing more creepy is Christian Slater playing a defrocked priest following him around wearing a gold gangsta cross.Robbie has designs for Heather (Emily Tennant) who shows as much emotion as Kristen Stewart. Her father is a small town detective played by Vinnie Jones who is as convincing as when he played Ivan Rudovsky.The film felt like I was listening to someone tell a story who doesn't know how to tell a story.I had "Carrie" flashbacks as well as "The Omen." The small Washington state town with a girl being liked by a guy with special powers had me thinking "Twilight" especially with the low end acting. There is a twist which I admit didn't see coming, because the clues were light and you were dragged heavily in one direction. So think twist, and if you get it before the last 30 minutes, I owe you a Scooby-Snack.The film might have some stoner camp value to it. Not a serious horror/thriller.Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity
Leofwine_draca Like most viewers, I watched this because I'm a fan of Christian Slater and Vinnie Jones, both of whom are prominently advertised in connection with the movie. A word of warning: Jones only has a major supporting role, while Slater is in the film for about fifteen minutes. A bit of false advertising, then.Plot-wise, this is pretty unoriginal stuff, coming across as a cross between THE OMEN and TWILIGHT. The storyline involves a kid who's supposed to be the son of the Devil, but instead of crafting a creepy, supernatural horror yarn what we get is a twee TWILIGHT copy full of teenage angst and high-school bullies getting what they deserve.To be honest, whenever the seasoned actors aren't on screen, this is dull. Jones and Slater are both adequate but we needed a lot more of them to make this a decent film. The romantic stuff is extremely tiresome and seems to have been thrown in either for padding or to appeal to a teenage crowd. Either way it makes this hard to enjoy, even though it has been quite professionally put together. Watch out for one of the dumbest, most pointless twist endings ever.
Tony Heck "Everything that's been going on around us has all been foretold." After residents of a small town begin to die mysteriously the local cop John Elliott (Jones) is at a loss. When his daughter tells him of an old friend of hers as returned to her school he remembers events of the past. When Father Henry (Slater) shows up and tells Elliott what he thinks is going on he doesn't believe him, but when his daughter becomes a target he is only one who can stop him. If you were to judge this by the cover and cast (like I did originally) you would probably not expect much. Christian Slater has fallen into the Val Kilmer school of acting lately. He does a lot of movies without caring if they are good or not. Vinnie Jones is, well, Vinnie Jones. Armed with those expectations I was looking forward to a long boring movie. While the movie isn't amazing or something I would watch again I have to say that I did end up liking it. The movie is kind of like if Damien went to high school. There are enough horror aspects to appease horror fans and enough drama and intrigue to please non horror fans. This is a B movie and nothing amazing but I expected much worse. I do have to say that this is Slater's best movie in a while. Overall, it's not one of the best movies I have seen in a while but it was entertaining and I wasn't bored. I give this a B.
Jesse Boland Christian Slater and Vinnie Jones play the Priest, and the Cop dealing with what they grow more an more certain is the rise of the Anti-Christ. That is the sexy line, but sadly the movie does not live up to the idea, mostly because the writing is just so completely messed up. The reveal is not in any way surprising, and the lead up is just so much filler. Slater is a Priest who really just seems creepy, always hanging out in the bushes, and who somehow never really sees anything happen to anyone, and still jumps to the conclusion that he has all the answers in his books. Mr. Jones is a Detective (When did all these ex-military fellas from the UK move to North America to work as cops in small towns?) who is completely out of the loop, and for some reason never really has to work unless it is at some inopportune moment, he is accused of being a drunk, but you hardly see him with a drink anywhere near him. The saintly Daughter is one of the worst problems though as first those are not the eyes of a 17 year old, sorry they just can't be, and her relationships with the other characters all seem fake. There is no point at which you believe that she has any true feelings for either of the guys fighting for her. (This could be written off as a deeper clue to the ending, but even that would be flawed) The stone angel never breaks, so what does that mean? Who is the second angel then? I could not find anything in this movie to Enjoy, and these are usually two top actors who you can count on even in a low budget mess to stand above it with their own personal talents, and I can not recommend this movie even to fans of dark magic with brooding teens as it is just not good enough. However there was a good effort put up by all the players, and the production is not some cramped studio, you have nice outdoor scenes that are shot quite well. Just a real slog getting past the story to see the beauty framing it.