Watchful Eye
Watchful Eye
R | 16 May 2002 (USA)
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Malibu detective Shannon goes undercover in a group house to discover who murdered one of the women living there. Shannon gets caught up in the sex and parties, not knowing that her every action is being secretly broadcast on satellite TV. When she learns of the broadcast, she puts the clues together and figures out that the men living in the house have sex with all the women for all the world to see. And that's when her life becomes slated for cancellation.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
jameswilliams784 Renee Rea is the main reason to see this movie. She is stunning and the more of her that you see in this movie, the better it is. This movie says its a thriller, well not really, at least until the end and even then its not much. I liked the idea of this movie, a house totally wired to the internet so everything that goes on in the house can be seen on the internet. Still the movie does not do the plot a lot of justice. I give this movie a high rating and its all because of Renee Rea. Most of the other characters are fairly lame in this movie and you really just want them to get off the screen as quickly as possible. Take this plot, throw a lot of money into it and a good script writer, and this would be a heck of a movie.
gridoon2018 I'm glad to see that women like Renee Rea occasionally make it into the soft core sex film market. Renee has a girl-next-door kind of appeal, with a cute face and a refreshingly NATURAL body, free of silicone enhancements. The other women in the film are good-looking too, but they're all overshadowed without a doubt by Renee; you just want to see more of her. The film itself is rather amateurish and drawn-out. I can appreciate its attempt to tell a crime story between the sex scenes, but it could have it all wrapped up in about 70 minutes, instead of 90. And for a movie set around a California beach house, it is surprisingly cloudy! *1/2 out of 4.
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT* I saw this on cable the other night. A hot blonde moves into a big house on voyeur beach. The house is wired with cameras so that the resident pervert can spy on them and make some cash. The girls party, swim naked and generally perform for the camera. Soon the party will come crashing down as murder and mayhem supersedes the sex. We all lose when that happens."Voyeur Beach" is lame. For some inexplicable reason, the filmmakers were more concerned with propelling the plot forward than lingering on the sex scenes. The truly sad part is that the sex scenes weren't even worth lingering on. None of the girls stood out in this one. They all had quick two minute sex scenes and then it was back to uncovering the mystery of voyeur beach. The true mystery is why the filmmakers even bothered making this movie. If they weren't interested in filming sex scenes, what possessed them to make a sex flick? Ahh whatever. Yet another wasted late night for me. Don't let it happen to you too. Avoid this one.
movieman_kev Shannon (Renee Rea) finds a great place to stay at a nice price not realizing that the house is wired to record the tenants every movie. Think "Sliver" minus the horribly talent-less 'actress' Sharon Stone. The main problem with this movie is that the sex scenes are almost fleetingly short. Once they seem to be getting hot, BAM onto the next "plot building" scene. ALL the actresses are pretty cute and I wouldn't mind seeing any of them in other better movies. But as it stands this film sinks MUCH more often than in swims.Where i saw it: Showtime-on-demandThe Goods: 7 sex scenes (6 m/f, 1 f/f); a couple bath/ shower scenes & a risque photo shootMy soft-core Grade: D+