Warrior of the Lost World
Warrior of the Lost World
R | 01 September 1985 (USA)
Warrior of the Lost World Trailers

A nomad mercenary on a high-tech motorcycle helps bring about the downfall of the evil Orwellian government, the Omega.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
MartinHafer I pride myself in my knowledge and appreciation of bad films. Back in the late 1970s, Harry Medved wrote an amazingly funny and brilliant book called "The 50 Worst Movies of All Time" and it kicked off the craze to see and appreciate bad films. I actually found and watched all fifty of the films from the book and then went in search for more awful films and decided to try watching IMDb's infamous Bottom 100 list. Not all of them are available and several have no subtitles or dubbing, so I cannot possibly see them all. However, I've seen a huge number of them and have noticed an annoying trend--nearly all the American films on the list were skewered on "Mystery Science Theater 3000" and MANY really bad films were never on this show--mostly because they couldn't get the royalties for all the films. Plus, other bad films have come out since the show ended. As a result, many absolutely horrid films NEVER appear on the list even though they are much worse than those featured on "MST 3000"...such as "Plan 9 From Outer Space", "They Saved Hitler's Brain", "Robot Monster", "The Room" and ALL of the films of Larry Buchanan, William Grefe and Ted Mikels! Clearly this list is NOT even close to being the 100 worst films...just the lowest rated and apparently the TV show's fans vote!I say all this because although "Warrior of the Lost World" is a terrible film, I've seen hundreds of films that are worse. But it is bad...really bad. Part of it is because they somehow decided to use Robert Ginty in the lead. I am sure he was a nice guy but he wasn't leading man material and his biggest claims to fame had been supporting parts on the TV shows "Black Sheep Squadron" and "The Paper Chase". Also on hand are Donald Pleasance (who would appear in ANYTHING provided it paid) and Fred Williamson (ditto). As for the film itself, it really looks like it was done with almost no script--just a broad outline and lots of guys running around firing the weirdest sounding machine guns I've ever heard in a movie. And, our hero and his babe escaping again and again from some ill-defined enemy.The bottom line is that YES this is a bad film with an excruciatingly low budget and little to recommend it. But it's not THAT bad...at least not Bottom 100 bad.
geminiredblue Whew, what a bad movie! Clearly, Italian cinema was going through a Mad Max rip-off phase, and this is probably the worst of the bunch. The movie opens and closes with a visual technique borrowed (or perhaps stolen) from HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER. Immediately after the lone Warrior rides his motorcycle into focus, we're subjected to 90 minutes of some pretty wooden acting on the part of Robert Ginty. Perhaps the director told him to play his part like Clint Eastwood, but half of the time I couldn't understand what Ginty was saying. Dear old Clint made a career out of his famous sneer and grizzled, growling whisper of a voice. Unfortunately, with Ginty it doesn't work. Instead, most of the time he comes across sounding like a whiny little pipsqueak. Equally excruciating is his talking (yes, talking) motorcycle named Einstein. The barely-perceptible story hinges on the Warrior getting involved in some sort of revolutionary movement and doing spectacular motorcycle stunts. All while blandly pursuing and rescuing the daughter of the movement's Jimmy Carter-esque leader. What's astoundingly awful is that there are actual stars: Donald Pleasance, Fred Williamson, and Persis Khambatta (from STAR TREK fame.) However, even they can't save this fiasco. The best way to enjoy this film is with the MST3K guys. However, if you don't have a copy of their episode, get a DVD if you can find it and gather your own brood of funny pals. Remember, it's okay to drink while Ginty is driving!
editguy Elegantly, wonderfully, deliciously bad. The only way to truly appreciate this cinematic train wreck is to watch the MST3K version (less than a minute into the opening credits, Tom Servo asks, "Is it too late to kill myself?") Robert Ginty mumbles and grumbles his "dialog", Donald Pleasance reprises his many roles as the androgenous bad-ass, and a supporting cast of extras resembling Jimmy Carter, Saddam, Bluto, and Mimi keep things moving. One of the many films that makes an inexact science of ballistics -- no one with a gun can manage to even nick another character with a shot, even at point-blank range. Worth seeing, if only to watch in sadistic delight as "Megaweapon" runs over Einstein, the squeaky-voiced, talking motorcycle.
jerome_horwitz Warrior stars Robert Ginty as The Rider, and Persis Khambatta as Nastasia. Persis is best known for her role as Ilia in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. She is very beautiful, it's really unfortunate this was about the best level of movie productions she was a part of.Warrior is a dystopian tale of a future that has roots from many stories. While the movie bears very little resemblance to great films like 1984, there are parts of the story that are similar. As well you'll see elements of Mad Max series as well.The movie starts with the The Rider being chased by the suppressive government, the Omega. Of course he defeats his foes, only to get away from one group of enemies to run into some "dorks" or "dickheads", as his motorcycle's on board computer refers to them. While escaping them, somehow he runs into a mountain and blows up his motorcycle, apparently injuring himself, or maybe even killing himself accidentally? Well, this is one of the parts that really doesn't makes sense.Next we find him in a ghostly, smoggy room with some weird characters. They shine lights from their hands and heal his wounds. There's only one thing, a deal of which he has no choice, is forced upon him to help rescue Nastasia's father from the Omega. It's that, or apparently she will just kill him again! From this point, the story continues on to develop in the typical fashion, which isn't necessarily bad. While rescuing Nastasia's father, of course she is captured and so on. There is one plot twist in the end which wasn't entirely predictable.Unfortunately, this movie has fairly low production values. Mega-Weapon isn't anything but a dump truck. The sounds that most thing makes are strange, weird, and of poor quality. For example, spiders literally squeal like mice. Actually they squeak more like tribbles, a movie connection, hhhuuhh?! Guns and helicopters make some strange sound, like whipping butter or something. The sound is also poorly recorded, and it can be difficult even to hear what The Rider is saying at times.There are a couple redeeming values. The acting isn't horrible. The story is decent. There are a lot of real stunts, such as crashing vehicles and jumping motorcycles. It's really a shame this movie was that close to being a good movie. 2/10 (maybe a 2.5)