Walk All Over Me
Walk All Over Me
R | 11 September 2007 (USA)
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Alberta, a mousy young woman with the survival skills of a snail, loses cash that isn't hers, so she runs from her small town to Seattle where her old babysitter, Celene, lives - a dominatrix with a classy apartment and a life plan. She lets Alberta stay. Alberta gets a job as a checker at a supermarket and becomes fascinated with Celene's work.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
imdb-1783 A pleasant surprise that had some unexpected developments and interesting characters.
SnoopyStyle Naive small town girl Alberta (Leelee Sobieski) loses an envelop full of money. She runs from thugs escaping on a bus going to big city Vancouver. She reconnects with her old babysitter Celene (Tricia Helfer) who reluctantly lets her stay. She's surprised that Celene is now working from home as a dominatrix. She spills on Celene's expensive outfit. With no money from her grocery store job, she tries to pay Celene back by taking on Paul (Jacob Tierney) who applied to be Celene's client. Rene (Lothaire Bluteau) barges in with brothers Aaron and Isaac looking to retrieve his money from Paul. Alberta is over her head.This is an odd quirky Canadian indie that should be funnier that it is. Sobieski is playing clueless but it's oddly unreal. It would be funnier to be broader. She may not be good enough as a comedic actress but she has never looked hotter. Her boobs look great and her pretend dominatrix dancing is sexy fun. At least, the music is fun. Helfer has a dry wit. There are a few good smirk-worthy moments which keeps this on track.
sbyrd2000 This was a rather funny movie that had wonderful bits of insanity throughout. I felt that Leelee Sobieski did a fine job of being the screwy person way out of her league. Everything she touched turned to fertilizer. I had seen Tricia Helfer in a few television shows where she was effective, but here she steps up nicely to steal the show. She is trying to be in control of everything but Leelee Sobieski is too much for any controlled, organized person to handle. The remaining cast of violent and crazy people fills out the story in a humorous and rather frightening way. To me, there was a nice amount of tension being built as the story comes to its conclusion. Not a classic,but a nice rental to fill out an evening's viewing.
Richard Green Tricia Helfer sparkles nicely in this "Bizarro World" comedy directed by Robert Cuffley. In some ways it hearkens back to the mid-1930s and to some of the great screwball comedies of that era, except with a much harder and daring edge to it. She's an old friend of the bungling ingénue from a hick town ( Lee Lee Sobieski ), who has made a niche for herself in the big bad city by becoming a pro dominatrix.For those who don't know, being a dominatrix is a lifestyle choice with psychological and sexual overtones, but rarely involving actual sex. It is about psycho-sexual mind games and role-playing, with its own rules and subculture. In all of that, Helfer's characterization and charm seems to be admirably suited for the choice of Celine.Sobieski takes a brilliant turn as the goofy young friend who simply cannot keep out of her own way. There is in all of this comedic action a dark undercurrent of criminal behavior, as Sobieski's character -- ironically named Alberta -- blunders her way into and out of real trouble where there's real violence done to the real people in her life. She's like a lightning rod in that regard.The genius of the film lies in how the director and these two superb actresses move the story forward, almost effortlessly, as every time Alberta stumbles into a predicament whatever she does next fails to resolve the problem. It only brings a worse and yet even funnier predicament.The DVD presentation is terrific and there's just enough of Sobieski's beautiful body shown ( for the right reasons ), to warrant this film having a most sensible R rating. There's just too much sexual role playing in the plot for young teens, and it is not something in the way of entertainment for pre-teen youngsters, at all, period.Aside from that caveat, this is one goofy, wacky, well-done comedy.The criminal behavior involved in the plot is diluted somewhat by the hapless nature of the three criminal characters. They are bad hombres for sure but just so darned incompetent that they don't really frighten anyone, all that much ... adults, that is. They are not misunderstood, it should be noted, these characters -- but they are comically incoherent and impulsive.So this film ought to and does get seven stars out of ten, with two additional boxes of popcorn tossed in for good measure.
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