Wackiki Wabbit
Wackiki Wabbit
| 03 July 1943 (USA)
Wackiki Wabbit Trailers

On a tropical island, a pair of castaways look to Bugs as a source of food.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Blucher One of the worst movies I've ever seen
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Michael_Elliott Wackiki Wabbit (1943)*** 1/2 (out of 4)Delightful short has two men lost at sea when their prayers are answered. They finally spot some land and once on the island they see Bugs Bunny and plan on a rabbit dinner.If you're a fan of Bugs Bunny then you'll find plenty to enjoy here as there are some nice supporting characters, some good laughs and plenty of nice action. I thought both supporting characters were very fun and especially the early scenes at sea where they're looking at each other as food. Bugs is in fine form as he creates some chaos between the two including a very good scene where he replaces himself in their stew.
ccthemovieman-1 We see something unusual right off the bat in this cartoon: a quick picture of something that isn't animated. In this case, it's a giant hamburger. That's what one of two starving guys on a raft out in the ocean sees, instead of his partner. The other guy soon is hallucinating, too, seeing food where human body parts are! Thankfully, they are spared from these gruesome things as they spot an island and race there in their suddenly-speedy raft.Bugs Bunny, probably the only living thing on the small island, spots this ravenous duo and quickly sets his brain in motion. How he does NOT become dinner is the focus of this story. Along the way are some funny bits with graphics regarding language translations. It's also interesting that the two LT writers are the guys characterized in the cartoon! Good for them! It's always good to be able to laugh at yourself, so kudos to Michael Maltese and Tedd Pierce.I agree with the reviewers here: this is a classic cartoon, full of inventive sights that are guaranteed to make you laugh. No sense describing all of them. Suffice to say all three main characters are good in here. The ending's a little sappy, but it's hard to get everything perfect.
Lupercali I can't believe the rating this very ordinary Chuck Jones short has at the moment. Two starving castaways turn up on a desert island, already occupied by Bugs. A bunch or predictable, stupid jokes and not particularly outstanding animation ensues. Don't get me wrong, Warner were putting out some classic cartoons during this period, but Tex Avery had just stormed out the door, and frankly in 1943 he had it all over Chuck Jones, even if Jones was to perfect his craft and surpass Avery in the 1950's. I really can't understand how anyone but an animation buff could be more than passingly distracted by this completely ordinary and ever so predictable WB short. Plus it's yet another WB so-and-so wants to eat so-and-so cartoon. *yawn* Now watch the '0 out of 115 people found this helpful' stats pile up.
Robert Reynolds This one is a cartoon classic. The two castaways are not only voiced by Michael Maltese and Tedd Pierce, they are caricatures of the two writers as well. Now, you'd think the rabbit would know which side his carrots were buttered on and be nice to two of the writers putting words in his mouth, but they get the same treatment he gives Elmer. Of course, they ARE trying to cook and eat him, so I guess it is understandable that he treats them rather badly. Excellent short. Well worth watching. Most recommended.