Voice Over
Voice Over
| 23 November 2011 (USA)
Voice Over Trailers

I won't tell you whose voice over leads us through three extreme situations that are actually the same. Will you survive?

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) "Voice Over" is a 9.5-minute short film from 4 years ago. The director is Martín Rosete and the writer is Luiso Berdejo, who you may know from the "REC" movie series. The star of the film, however, is Féodor Atkine and he is also the reason why the language is French, even if this is a Spanish production. We see the same man in deadly situations, in which he is about to suffocate, to drown and to bleed to death. It looks like a real life horror movie, almost torture for the audience with these hopeless scenarios. then again, there is the most unexpected plot twist near the end and this does actually become a romance movie. Who would have thought. I sure wouldn't. Probably the parallel drawn here between these situations is slightly absurd and over-the-top, but it was still refreshing how this actually turned into a happy ending. Good watch and I recommend it.
ashah03 let me start off by saying, this is by far one of the best short films I have ever seen! It takes you on a full emotional journey and captured me in a way most short stories couldn't dream of doing. if you have 10 minutes, don't waste anymore time. Go see this beautiful piece of art NOW! :) You'll thank me later.to the reviewers saying it's not as smart as it thinks it is.... you missed the whole point of the beautiful story and narration. it is a grand tale to tell the story of the simplest thing. I appreciated the simplicity and subtlety of the final shot and the way it ends. and i do agree with all the reviews that the editing, cinematography and narration is unbelievable!
Theo Robertson A short film linking three separate story lines . I was reminded somewhat of Aronofsky's THE FOUNTAIN a film I didn't like though it was beautiful to look at from a technical viewpoint . VOICE OVER is also another beautiful looking and I wonder how much it cost . Almost certainly one of the more expensive shorts I've watched recently with the underwater scenes in particular stand out . Very good cinematography and very good editing and for the most part my attention was gripped as the three separate stories were intercut with one another . The problem lies in the ending . It's at this point I suppose the audience are gasping " Sacre bleu " and so was I - except not in a complimentary admiring way . It's good for the most part and some people will enjoy the feel good factor to it but seems very much like a cop out of sorts which is a pity
bob the moo I came to this film with a bit too much hype as it was linked as being the best 10 minutes "evah" in the way sometimes happens and the title of the linking post talking about the great ending, thus putting it out there that the ending would be great, rather than something I just come to. The film is set in several scenarios, all of them featuring the same man racing to achieve something while his heart beats and adrenaline pumps. The reasons for this become clearer as the film goes on, but the ending is not particularly clever or great – good but not more than that.Instead the delivery is what makes the film work, because the scenarios are effective. The film jumping around throws the viewer off guard and shares the sense of urgency. It helps that the segments are really well filmed; whether they are a distant planet, WW1 or underwater, they all look great. The narration works very well too; the French dialogue fits and the voice is well cast and well delivered, adding to the feel of the film a great deal.It ends pretty well but also a bit simply; it is tidy and it has a certain honesty to it but it isn't as smart as it thinks it is. Very well made for sure, but the link doesn't totally work.