Virtual Combat
Virtual Combat
R | 01 November 1995 (USA)
Virtual Combat Trailers

Two Nevada border officers, Dave Quarry (Don "The Dragon" Wilson) and John (Ken McLeod), amuse themselves off duty by honing their kick-boxing skills via virtual reality combat. Elsewhere, a computer tycoon prepares to market his company's latest invention, a combination of DNA and virtual reality that creates beings and creatures who look and feel real.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Frank Markland Don Wilson stars as a cop who enjoys the occasional virtual reality fighting game, however things go wrong when the people behind the game decide to take virtual reality to a new level by making real people from the video game, okay actually they make the cybersex models as prototype but the main bad guy from the video game awakens and starts killing people and now the only man who can beat the guy is Don Wilson, who in the mean time falls in love with the cybersex model. Actually with all things considered my biggest confusion was trying to understand if the people brought over from virtual reality land, were robots, human, cyborgs or just some type of unidentified computer program. It doesn't matter since this is all just an excuse to watch one of the worst actors ever butcher dialog as if he were running a deli. Don Wilson's complete lack of charisma is the film's biggest flaw since one just doesn't like the guy, he's too goody-goody, his voice is too high pitched and doesn't look very impressive in the action sequences. What saves this bore-fest from my lowest rating is Athenia Massey who looks super hot in high cut outfits and who gets occasionally naked. Also on-board is Loren Avedon (A good martial artist), Stella Stevens and Michael Dorn as the main voice of the bad guy but their efforts are in vain as they are all concealed by the very bad acting of Wilson. Another flaw which is the film's biggest mistake is a lack of action, as we are asked to watch the story unfold but aside from Massey's nudity and maybe some unintentional amusements due to laughably unconvincing acting, there really is nothing of interest. This also extends to the action sequences in which are flatly choreographed, badly directed and completely drained of all possible excitement. Making this virtually unwatchable.* out of 4-(Bad)
RolandF1 Owww, man. This movie is funny. The villain Dante is probably one of the funniest villains I've ever seen in film. He can beat up anyone, he doesn't move his mouth when he speaks, makes feeble attempts to show emotion, has cheesy and hilarious lines. What more could you ask for? Probably a better movie, but we're looking at this one, right? Don "The Dragon" Wilson can take down almost anyone in this film, showing his energetic martial art skills but when it comes to the sex scene he provides the biggest laugh of them all. After taking down all sorts of evil punks, he sleeps with a beautiful woman he barely knows for 10 minutes, but lays there completely lifeless as she does all the work! Come on, Dragon, show a little energy next time! For a serious sci-fi movie, look elsewhere. For some laughs, you could do worse.
Angelus I have watched this movie on and off since it started playing about 1 hour ago, and i have to say, thats an hour of my life i wasted and will not be getting back, The acting is crap and the scripts need a serious look at, and whoever wrote them needs to be slapped, perhaps the TV will explode and put me out of my misery..... The only good thing about this movie is that for guys and girls it has some good eye candy in it, though, most of which i wish would disappear, as far as the movie is concerned, the special effects as sh*t, Dante? who thinks a guy dressed in skin tight leather pants and half a leather jacket is scary, he looks more feminine than most of the women in this movie, the voice of Dante is pathetic, nobody finds it threatening or scary AT ALL..... please TV i beg you to blow up!!!!!!!!!!
Viper-59 Ok now I'm dead serious here.When I said this movie is good for laughs I meant you'd die laughing.....ridiculing it. Of all the movies I've ever seen,this one really goes to show that there are some REALLY lame actors out there who have pathetic scripts and are cast together in one of the most despicable movie ever made.Trust me,over half the scenes in this are so superficial and cheesy that it actually makes you wonder how bad actors can really be. If given a choice between jumping off the empire state building and the movie.....JUMP(and trust WOULD want to jump).