| 20 July 2011 (USA)
Victims Trailers

A man beaten and kidnapped on his wedding day finds himself on a fast road to hellish revenge for a brutal crime he allegedly committed as a child.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Tad Pole . . . THAT would be news in America, because our more religious folk would want the resulting embryos locked up as "bad seed" in their state penitentiary. On this side of the Atlantic we've always known that there is no minimum age for EVIL. Everyone reads Ray Bradbury's creepy short story, "The Small Assassin," in school. Everyone has seen THE OMEN. Everyone knows about the lethal Flint Kindergartner (a classmate dissed him, so the next day--with "premeditation"--he brought his uncle's gun to school and shot her dead). America switched to executing citizens by lethal injection because Five-Year-Olds didn't fit in the electric chair. Only in a naive country such as England would a film maker waste 82 minutes of screen time debating how long to punish a sex maniac responsible for a torture\mutilation murder committed at age 11. Even if the Perp were 5 years old, all of us Yankees can hear Nancy Grace, Jane Velez Mitchell, and every other TV Wise Woman screaming in our ear "Till Hell freezes over!" If any Americans besides me are lured into viewing ABDUCTED: KIDNAPPED AND BRUTALIZED, they will marvel at how quaintly old-fashioned the English are, debating issues we and most of the world settled in the 1600s.
David Malcolm British director David Bryant has been a finalist in the CUT short film festival and released the indie horror DEADWOOD along with his co-directors Sebastian Smith and Richard Stiles. Now Bryant strikes out on his own armed with a camcorder and a concept that brings a new take on the recent spate of found footage films.On what should be the most memorable day of his life, his wedding day, a groom is thrown into the back of a van by masked kidnappers and subjected to a barrage of questioning from his captors seeking answers to a truly memorable day, memorable for all the wrong reasons. The entire event is recorded by the kidnappers as one continual take with the film presented as "found footage".Any aspiring film-maker will have read the advice from Robert Rodriguez to make a film with what you've got. Where as most interpret this as a camcorder, friends and a bottle of ketchup Bryant has utilised his access to talent, creativity as well as the camcorder and friends resulting in a challenging piece of film making both on technical and narrative levels. Flourishing out with the constructions of Hollywood and instead embracing the even more constricting DIY indie world VICTIMS steps beyond the coral of recent found footage films that have found themselves herded in by ghost stories and possession tales and utilises the best tool available to any film maker; originality. The constant "one take" is executed perfectly with Leighton Wise' camera work balancing perfectly between swaying disorientation and amateur style zoom and pans without ever becoming sickening and the naturally occurring sound design really sells the real life angle on events and yet seems intentional. The cast are largely undiscovered but could put professional and paid working actors to shame particularly the lead John Bocelli who carries the weight of the whole film with total believability and conviction.A kidnap drama that escalates itself with a topical subject matter solidly founded in outstanding performances and modern film making techniques VICTIMS is the solo indie debut of the British director to watch. Nolan and Edwards have led the way Bryant could be the next big name you're paying at the multiplex for.
The_horrifying_Dutchman In this gripping British mix of drama and thriller, a man is dragged into the back of a van by a couple of balaclava clad kidnappers and gets handcuffed. He's being accused of a gruesome crime that, according to them, was committed when he was a child. The shocked man, who's on his way to his wedding, keeps denying this. In real time, we get to witness the ordeal he goes through. Finally, the shocking truth is revealed.Victims is a film that grabs you by the throat from the very first instant and regularly hits you like a sledge hammer. It's presented from the perspective of one of the hijackers, who's filming everything – more or less in the vein of films like The Blair Witch Project, Cloverfield and REC. Victims, however, is completely unlike any of those pictures. Victims first and foremost is an intense, grisly realistic, mind-blowing psychological drama that explores the darkest caverns of human nature – on both sides. What makes it extra compelling and atypical is that it has a twist: about halfway, the story takes a very surprising turn. When that occurred, I almost fell off my seat! (I was already sitting on the edge of it.) The fact that this film was made with a minimum of means, no big names and a very small crew goes to show that you don't necessarily need a mega budget, major stars or hundreds of crew members to make a solid, memorable film. Director David Bryant and his people prove that when you're creative and resourceful, you can establish the most amazing things. Having talent helps, too, of course – and that's what these makers have in abundance.If you want to see something truly different for a change and are open to the subject matter, watch Victims. I'm confident you'll find it refreshing.
ewoker2001 From the start Victims draws you into a dark question about truth, sowing a seed of doubt in the mind of the watcher. John Bocelli plays the part of the "victim", wrongly accused, very well, unwavering throughout most of the film leading the watcher to question the validity of the kidnapping. The way the film has been shot – in one continuous take leads you along with the story nicely, building up the suspense as to what will happen when they reach their destination. The confrontation between Nina Millns and John Bocelli is very well acted and asks the question – what would you do? How would you react? All through the film the cold calm exterior of Sarah Coyle, the kidnapper, holds except for one brief interaction with Nina Millns, showing us a glimpse of humanity under the detached persona. The final confrontation between Sharon Lawrence, Bradley Cole and John Bocelli allows us to see the true "victims" in this piece and is done with feeling and depth. The whole story carries you along easily from the first shot - preparing the camera - to the final scene - as the van doors close. Victims is a film that makes you ask questions about human nature – justice and injustice. How would you handle it?