| 14 August 2017 (USA)
Veronica Trailers

A female Psychologist who has stopped practicing medicine, decides to take the case of Veronica de la Serna, a young woman whose previous therapist has mysteriously disappeared.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Winifred The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
bahamut20 There is no way to talk about these movies, the two Veronicas, without spoilers. Interestingly enough, they share a common twist at the end. Plus, they are both weak before that point. I think this one in particular is weak due to the characters lacking depth and development. Given the minimal amount of characters in the film, the sin is dire. The plot has some holes on top of that. But the end, I think, is strong and interesting. The fact that the original screenplay had male characters and then they just switched their genders shows. The story is harder to believe as it was shot, perhaps because it is a very rare occurrence that needs a deeper explanation in the case of women, on account of how rare it is, in my opinion.
ComedyFan2010 The movie is done in a beautiful way. The simple setting and it being black and white keeps one in the uncomfortable feeling which is perfect for this genre.While the feeling of suspense remains for the whole movie one still has the feeling that one knows exactly how it ends. Yet at the end one still ends up getting a surprise and is satisfied that the movie ended up being not as simple as one expected.Great acting as well. The two main actresses are fully in their characters and keep us watching by contributing to the psycho thriller with their acting.
mifunesamurai Technically this is a brilliant film. Only downfall is its analytic approach to the subject matter of duel personalities, which is a little dubious with unconvincing results.What I did admire about the film is the use of black and white cinematography and the strong visuals it conveyed in minimal locations. There are moments of visual brilliance and the use of sound. The directors show great communications skills in the technical department, but as a whole lack a strong convincing story structure (which at times puzzled the hell out of me, which I kind of like due to the fact that it almost reminded me of David Lynch).I found myself questioning a lot of aspects during the movie which was distracting. Most of those questions were somewhat answered by the end. By that stage I wasn't totally convinced and the characters had no empathy for the movie as a whole to succeed in gaining my attention.
Jair HCastillo During Guadalajara international film festival 2017, I had the opportunity to attend the screening of this movie.In the film, we follow a reclusive psychologist living in a lonely cabin in the middle of the woods, that decides to take as a patient a seeming disturbed young woman, as the therapeutically sessions move forward a mystery of childhood traumas unravelsNow, that is a premise is not very often heard in Mexican cinema, this psychological thriller revives true hope in new stories and new themes for the Mexican film industry and most important to its audience.Finally, I must mention that from a technical standpoint the movie is very good, shot in beautiful black & white and with excellent camera work.Kudos to all the staff involved in the making of this film, for taking chances to bring something else to Mexican cinema.