Vampire Hunters
Vampire Hunters
R | 23 May 2003 (USA)
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In 17th century China, zombies and vampires roamed the lands, feeding on the unsuspecting. A group of martial artists / vampire hunters find themselves employed by a very rich - and very insane - old man who has kept everyone of his relatives preserved in wax and not buried. Apparently it is his family's tradition. So, having generations of potential zombies in your cellar may not be the smartest idea ever, but it takes two to tango. In this case, a thief wants the old-man's treasure and hires a zombie-wrangler to re-animate the waxed up relatives in order to sneak into the mansion and steal the treasure. It's up to the kung-fu fighting vampire hunters to save the day (or night).

Pluskylang Great Film overall
SpecialsTarget Disturbing yet enthralling
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Leofwine_draca TSUI HARK'S VAMPIRE HUNTERS is very much a film of the 2000s, an update of the classic MR VAMPIRE genre of filmmaking but updated to the new millennium with slick visuals, heaps of dry ice, and some basic computer effects to depict the movement of the undead. The light storyline has a bunch of vampire hunters touring around and battling evil, but these guys are a bland and faceless group, with only the reliable Lam Suet standing out. The story itself is barely discernible, although there's plenty of corpse-hopping mayhem staged throughout. I found it all a little slight and irrelevant, lacking the character of the '80s productions, and failing to impress in the action stakes. Cast-wise, the best actors are the old-timers in support: Rongguang Yu as an ally, Shaw Brothers legend Chen Kuan Tai as a corpse master who gets way too little screen time.
Woodyanders 17th century China. Four bumbling, but brave and highly proficient martial arts students must destroy a lethal vampire king who's been terrorizing the woodland area surrounding the Jiang estate.Director Wellson Chin keeps the eventful and enjoyable story whisking along at a snappy pace, offers a flavorsome period atmosphere, sprinkles in nice touches of loopy humor, delivers oodles of outrageous gore, and stages the assorted berserk karate fights, wild swordplay, and insane vampire attack set pieces with considerable go-for-broke aplomb. Tsui Hark's nutty script not only has a nifty nod to the 1930's horror classic "Mystery of the Wax Museum," but also presents a ferocious all-powerful head vampire who flies and belches fire. Moreover, the goofy protagonists are quite likable, Anya makes for an extremely fair damsel in distress, and Chun Hua Ji cuts a formidable figure as the tough and valiant Master Mao Shan. J.M. Logan's spirited score hits the stirring spot. The sharp cinematography by Herman Yau, Kwong-Hung Chan, and Sunny Tsang Tat Sze gives this picture a pleasing moody look. An infectiously off-the-wall blast.
GL84 In the 17th century China, a group of warriors attempting to find the vampire that abducted their master find themselves caught in a feud with their new hosts whose enemy raised an army of vampires to destroy them and must fight them together in order to save themselves.This here was quite the fun if slightly flawed effort. Like the vast majority of Hong Kong vampire efforts, the fact that there's such an endless array of high-quality martial arts scenes in here is the biggest attribute to this one, keeping the film charging along at a frantic pace for the majority of the film. The opening assault on the main vampires' grave, which includes plenty of the usual aerial martial arts-based acrobatics as they lure the creature out of the tomb and combat it while it drains their life-force and brings about the explosive final part of the confrontation where they steal away the body into the forest gives this a fantastic opening, a later encounter where the looters find the creatures out in the woods and get torn to pieces is another gruesome highlight and the hand-to- hand fighting in the dojo where he finds that his opponents are the reanimated creatures is a lot of fun and gives this a great deal of action to run throughout here. Other great battles come from the resurrected vampires' attack on the small village as their hopping through the streets causes a great deal of destruction, and the fine follow-up confrontation in the woods is a lot of fun with the atmospheric location and raging thunderstorm providing plenty of set-up for the masterful hand-to-hand combat within and giving this all a great deal to like about it and sets up the ending confrontation with the master controller at his temple which is a wholly spectacular fight generating plenty of stand-out wire-fu tactics to bring about a fantastic and engaging sense of energy within the scene while utilizing plenty of inventive and unique tactics to combat the creature. Alongside this great set of action- packed horror set-pieces, there's other great traditional hand-to- hand and sword-fighting tactics throughout here which results in plenty of fantastic action in the set-pieces for a thoroughly frenetic and high-energy effort. Still, there's more than enough straightforward horror elements to work here, mainly centering around the rotting zombie-like look of the vampires filled with demonic visages and even maggots falling off their faces which makes for a rather fun and chilling-looking villain that really makes this appropriate which lets the scenes of them hopping around the villages casting plenty of shadows makes for some really suspenseful moments. Coupled with the nice gore in the bloody kills, these here give this one plenty to really enjoy and is enough to overcome the flaw here. The only real thing that holds this back is the fact that there's just not a whole lot of coherence in the story about what's going on, as there's just not a great deal of logic in why they're coming out or why they're targeting the family and as a result it makes the first half seem somewhat slow and uncoordinated. Otherwise there's quite a lot to like here.Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Language and Brief Nudity.
Grapple Man This is THE worst movie I have EVER seen! It is SOOOOO bad I felt compelled to write this message: DON'T EVER SEE THIS FILM! IT IS SO DREADFUL YOU FEEL STUPID FOR HAVING WATCHED IT! PLEASE DO NOT SEE THIS FILMSeriously, the most pointless piece of crap I have ever seen, the story didn't make much sense, the effects were D-grade, they were that bad and the fighting has nothing on a B-grade Hong Kong action flick. Absolutely terrible.