Valley of the Kings
Valley of the Kings
| 23 July 1954 (USA)
Valley of the Kings Trailers

Hard-boiled archeologist Mark Brandon is searching for ancient tombs in Egypt when he is approached by beautiful Ann Mercedes, who convinces him to help her fulfill her deceased father's life's ambition - to provide solid proof of the biblical Joseph's travels in ancient Egypt. As an ex-pupil of Ann's father, Mark accepts and the two embark on a search for the tomb of the Pharoah Ra Hotep, said to have had some connection with Joseph. The trail to the tomb is fraught with intrigue, betrayal, murder, and the possibility that the tomb itself has been emptied of all its artifacts by ancient looters.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
jvdesuit1 Although not a cult movie, Valley of the kings is a nice entertaining movie. For me it has a special flavor as I had left definitely Egypt 3 years before to settle with my parents in Paris.I saw the movie when it was released in Paris in 1954. I enjoyed it. It was the occasion to see those magnificent temples and especially Abu Simbel where is shot one of the main scenes. At that time the Assuan Dam had not provoked the disastrous effects we know today nor obliged to move the temple. The faces of Ramses II were not spoiled by the cuts visible today due to the move in several sections of this splendid masterpiece of art and architecture.It is worth seeing such a movie with a good cast and dream a little to what was the shock in those times for the lucky traveler able to reach them. Imagine what was the shock of Belzoni when he discovered the temple sunk into the sand!
utgard14 Archaeologist Mark Brandon (Robert Taylor) is recruited by Ann Mercedes (Eleanor Parker) to help search for proof of the existence of the biblical Joseph in Egypt. Mark agrees, in part because he was a former student of Ann's father and in part because he finds her attractive. After they start their journey, however, they are joined by Ann's husband (Carlos Thompson). Anyone familiar with movies like this knows right away Ann's husband will turn out to be a villain. Why? Because Taylor and Parker are stars and Thompson is very much a nobody. So it was always inevitable that somehow the two stars would end up together at the end. The only way to make this palatable would be to make the husband a villain before killing him off. Which is what they do.Anyway it's a fairly dull adventure film. Taylor is supposed to be the exciting one but he's pretty stiff to me. The rest of the cast is unremarkable. The best thing about it is the nice Miklos Rosza score.
wes-connors In 1900 Egypt, archaeologist Robert Taylor (as Mark Brandon) helps well-heeled Eleanor Parker (as Ann Barclay Mercedes) look for proof regarding Joseph of the Old Testament. They also find themselves mutually attracted, which puts her husband Carlos Thompson (as Philip Mercedes) in a nasty mood. Not that he needed much help. Oddly enough, threatening adultery doesn't derail the mission, perhaps because God has someone to put asunder. The colorful and authentic location cinematography by Robert Surtees is the picture's main strength; its weaknesses are just as obvious.*** Valley of the Kings (7/21/54) Robert Pirosh ~ Robert Taylor, Eleanor Parker, Carlos Thompson, Kurt Kasznar
whpratt1 This Classic film from 1954 was created by MGM and lots of money was put into its production. The photography in Egypt and the many historic sites are outstanding and this was done mainly because Television had taken hold of many families and they were staying home and watching their TV Screens in 1954 instead of going to the movies. Robert Taylor, (Mark Brandon) was an archaeologist in Egypt and was a rough and tough man who loved adventure. Eleanor Parker,(Ann Barclay Mercedes) meets up with Mark in order to hire him to explore some ruins which will confirm that the Bible story about Joseph were true. There is plenty of romance and dangerous sand storms and plenty of riding on camels backs through out the desert and secret tombs and secret doors.