R | 27 June 2008 (USA)
Unearthed Trailers

In the desert area of Hat Creek, cows are found partially devoured and the farmers believe that a wolf is attacking the cattle. The alcoholic Sheriff Annie Flynn is called by the local farmer Rob Horn to witness the remains of an animal to request reimbursement from the government and for an accident with a tank truck that is blocking the road.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Paul Andrews Unearthed starts late one night as a petrol tanker drives along an isolated desert highway, suddenly something runs out in front of the truck & in an attempt to swerve the driver loses control & crashes. The Highway is completely blocked & with the local gas station out of petrol no-one is going anywhere fast. Sheriff Annie Flynn (Emmanuelle Vaugier) investigates the crash & finds a strange chunk of flesh on the truck, taking it to local biologist Caya (Beau Garrett) to run some tests on the results are surprising, the substance seems totally alien & unlike Caya has ever seen before. Then the small town comes under attack from a mutant alien creature that has been dug up by Kale (Luke Goss) after being in suspended animation for thousands of years, the alien is now awake & looking for food as it viciously kills anyone it comes across...Also known as Alien Rising & Deep Fear this was written & directed by Matthew Leutyler & was one of the '8 Films to Die For' shown at the 2007 Afterdark Horrorfest & to be fair I don't think Unearthed was nearly as bad as some of the IMDb comments would suggest, as far as routine Alien (1979) rip-offs go I'd say Unearthed was alright & even had a few positive aspects. When I say Unearthed is an Alien rip-off it is in the sense that some nasty slime drooling alien creature is running around in extremely dark locations killing any human within spitting distance, the only real difference is that Unearthed is set on Earth rather than in space but for all the difference it makes it doesn't matter. The script feels a little unfinished or maybe Unearthed was cut down to come in under 90 minutes, character's & situations are set-up but never come to anything. The Sheriff & her drinking problem, the hostility of the locals towards her, some kid or other dying that has something to do with her, the two women in the truck, the guy broke down on the side of the road, the annoying Native American mysticism that is hinted at, Kale's personal grudge, the grandfather's mission & other details that are never properly followed up or resolved or explored. Unearthed just feels a little unfinished with the plot trying to go in various directions but never succeeding for whatever reason. The character's are the usual clichés, the town Sheriff, a handy biologist who gets all the scientific exposition, a cowardly one, a wise old one, an antagonist & some cardboard alien food. To be fair the film moves along at a decent pace, there's enough incident, gore, slimy alien attacks & near misses to keep one entertained. While certainly not the deepest or most original alien on the loose film Unearthed is perfectly watchable to an extent.Again, while the other IMDb user comments may suggest the special effects are awful they really aren't that bad at all. If you've ever seen any of the awful CGI effects work from any Sy-Fy Channel film or (shudder) The Asylum then you will think the ones in Unearthed are brilliant by comparison. The alien here looks too much like the alien from Alien, if you know what I mean. All tall, thin, lots of sharp pointy teeth that drip slime everywhere & a long tail. There's some really good gore here, there are ripped apart cattle, ripped in half bodies, a guy with half his head sliced off, a guy with the top of his head missing, plenty of slashings, bites, blood splatter & chewed up, mutilated bodies. If your looking for an Alien rip-off with blood & gore then look no further.Filmed in Salt Lake City in Utah the production values are very good, Unearthed is generally well made but it does get far too dark towards the end. So dark in fact it's sometimes impossible to tell what's going on which is a shame, there's a little too much shaky camera work & quick fire editing as well at times. The acting is alright, former British pop star Luke Goss has a small role.Unearthed is a decent little Alien rip-off, it has competent CGI work, a large body count & lots of gory violence. It moves along at a nice pace & at least tries to be scary & suspenseful even if it can't quite pull it off, by no means the worst horror film out there but at the same time nothing new or particularly special.
David Fowler Re: The "review" by inkslug"Unearthed" is not better than other reviewers would have you believe. It's worse. It's a piece of offal and that's all the comment it deserves. FYI, Ray Harryhausen is an acknowledged genius and his special effects for the original "Jason And The Argonauts" are some of the most brilliant in the history of film. Your epically stupid, staggeringly wrong statement regarding them is a frightening insight into your profound and heartbreaking lack of taste. Stick to things like "Unearthed" and don't bother with genuinely great films like "Jason And The Argonauts". It's clearly pearls before swine and you only embarrass yourself. I know I'm embarrassed for you.
m_chubbs Well, it's not a Hollywood blockbuster, so, really, think that when you see this film. It's just a dumb creature feature and thats all it's gonna be. The acting is gonna be hammy, the effects are gonna be rubbish,it's gonna be pants, but I watched it all the way through, and found it entertaining. It's music was fairly effective, electronic music aways seems to affect me more then big orchestra's and rocky tracks, it reminded me of the old 70's Grindhouse films. Gore wise, it's good, very nasty deaths, and some I found quite funny too.Overall, an okay film, not Oscar worthy, so don't treat it like it is, I enjoyed it more taking it as a low budget creature feature.
Backlash007 ~Spoiler~ And some films should too. Unearthed was one of the few After Dark films from this year's fest I was really looking forward to. The sole reason I was anxiously awaiting this film was because of director Matthew Leutwyler. His previous movie, Dead and Breakfast, is one of the best and most fun midnite movies I've ever seen. I'm hoping this was just the sophomore slump in effect, because Unearthed sucks. There's no nicer way to put it. The plot follows a band of characters trapped in a small town where a creature who was responsible for wiping out an Indian tribe a hundred years ago has been...unearthed. We've seen this scenario a million times and the real classics are either the ones that started it or the ones that did it differently. This is nothing different. In fact, this played very much like a Sci-fi Channel flick. The characters are dull, the creature is obviously, and tiresomely, Giger-influenced, and the CG is really lame. The cast even has some good names and no one particularly stood out. Emmanuelle Vaugier (Saw II) and Luke Goss (Blade II) are the main stars, while M.C. Gainey and Russell Means provide some background support. And let me just ask what in the hell Charlie Murphy is doing in this movie? If he was supposed to be the comic relief, he didn't get any funny lines. Sadly, Unearthed is another one for the fire.