PG-13 | 29 September 2002 (USA)
Valentin Trailers

Valentin, a 9-year-old boy living with his grandmother in late-1960s Buenos Aires, believes his family has problems that only he can solve. The youngster dreams of being reunited with his mother, who's separated from Valentin's abusive father.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
NICO Valentín is a young boy living in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, with his grandmother in a very simple home. Throughout the movie we follow Valentín's life and go through all the struggles he goes through whilst being in the middle of a broken family whom he wishes could reunite and treat him right. The story is one of rich Argentine tradition and tremendous personality. What I mean to say is that the different aspects of life in Argentina during the 60s, when the story took place, are quite accurate and very well displayed. Moreover, being that Agresti was telling a story about his childhood, he was able to create a very personable story which speaks a large sum to the audience about a boy's day to day life back then. The character of Valentín that he created is an incredibly enjoyable one who uses verbiage which is normally used by adults and who thinks about things which no child should be thinking about. At the same time however, the child is wrapped up in the idea of being an astronaut, which shows he is very much still a child at heart. This wonderful story is told through a very simple plot and has no need for extravagant Hollywood techniques as its simplicity makes it so much more personable, clever, and enjoyable.
mmunier 'just switched the "box" on and saw that unusual face that is like a magnet especially when it's combined with what come out of its mouth. So I had to keep watching! Yes, just a little boy without complex but quite a burden has he is really an orphan despite having parents, and parents who seem to have him as a last priority. I missed a good 1/2 hour but what I got was very precious. How kids like this can act so well? Here he is so lovable and so ingenuous with such human quality. I was a little surprised to see this film categorised as "comedy". Yes there are many funny moments but on the whole I found it rather dramatic. People around this little boy are also well chosen and quite believable. In these days of "reality" and violence it's so refreshing to have something unpretentious and yet so enjoyable.
jotix100 Valentin, the young boy living in the Buenos Aires of the sixties, is a kid that is more mature than what his tender age shows. He is articulate, wise and knows a lot about the life of the astronauts he hears about. In fact, he has built a lot of facsimiles of the space ships and even has his own version of a space suit.What Valentin doesn't have is parents. We see him living with his older grandmother in a residential area of the capital. There isn't much money, so their lives are not exactly what one might call it even middle class. Yet, the grandmother is a loving woman that cares intensely for her little charge. It's never clear what happened between the parents, but it appears Valentin's mother was abused by the womanizer husband.Alejandro Agresti's film, which he also wrote, was shown briefly in a commercial run here, but disappeared quickly, so we never got around to it. It came as a total surprise when it was shown in one of the cable channels in its original version.The film is worth seeing because of Rodrigo Noya, the sweet Valentin of the film. Valentin is the narrator of the story. He amazes us with the way he looks at things and his understanding of what's going on around him. This young actor made an excellent contribution to the film without ever being bratty. Our hearts go to the poor little boy that fate has abandoned and is even lonelier after the sudden death of the grandmother.Carmen Maura, as the grandmother, is a joy to watch. She plays a Spaniard who has emigrated to Argentina. Julieta Cardinali is seen briefly as Leticia, a beautiful blonde woman who Valentin would like to be his new mother, hoping his father will marry her. When the relationship ends, Valentin is miserable, but Leticia, seeing the goodness and loneliness of the young boy stays by him. Mex Urtizberea plays Rufo, the pianist neighbor who is kind to Valentin."Valentin" was a surprise that brought joy and fun at the same time.
simonrosenbaum Valentin is an eight year old who dreams of one day being an astronaut. This is the late sixties just before man landed on the moon. He lives with his grandmother. Occasionally he gets a visit from his father but he never gets to see his mother. There's also an uncle, a friendly musician and a soon to be ex-girlfriend of his father's. This is Valentin's world and like that other famous eight year old Lisa Simpson he's more wiser than they are. It may not be that original but 'Valentin' is a very sweet and lovely film perfectly judged and satisfyingly told, and the conclusion will leave you moist-eyed. (8/10)