| 01 May 1983 (USA)
V Trailers

Aliens pretending to be friendly come to Earth and are received openly. The aliens have masqueraded themselves to look just like humans. When it is discovered that the aliens' planet is dying and that they have come to rape the Earth of its natural resources, the war for Earth begins.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
LeonLouisRicci This is probably as good as it could have been for a 1983 TV (Miniseries). All the ingredients are here for some fine Small Screen Entertainment. It is the stuff Sci-Fi is made of, fantastical gadgets and spacecraft, Visitors with mysterious intentions, an advanced Society making contact with a more primitive Culture, pockets of skeptics, Native sympathizers, Freedom Fighters, and so on.This is more than cliché. It is the bedrock of the Genre and everything from Jules Verne to H.G. Wells to Arthur C. Clarke to Rod Serling to Gene Roddenberry to George Lucas to, well you get it, is homaged by Kenneth Johnson's little TV Epic as he just tapped into this Mythos and delivered an allegory that was top-notch TV.The Cult following that this Phenom has is well deserved and is mostly based on this Original Miniseries with some reservations on the follow-up and the Weekly Series that ran for two Years. None of the aftermath Shows diminished the Power of the Original and even today it is thought provoking and great Entertainment. It has Heart and is a timeless Horror/Sci-Fi Tale of caution and is rightfully placed as one of the best Miniseries TV has offered.
kai ringler i loved this series growing up as a kid, it was one of my fav's along with the movies,, this movie seems to have it all it sets the stage for the series,, you have michael ironside, robert englund jane badler faye grant evan c kim,, the list goes on and on,, what a great story , you got aliens visiting our planet and trying to deceive us by saying they are our friends,, all the want is water they say , for their dying planet,, well a couple of our main heroes don't buy into that idea and they are off to prove to the whole world that the visitors are not who they appear to be. they are called the resistance led by Mike Donavan , and Julie, there is also something called the 5th column a secret society of V's that are against the leader,, they are led by Martin,, Dianne is the captain of the Mothership and no one dare crosses her ,, she is assisted by Lydia who doesn't get along well with others.. all in all this is one of the better TV movies of all time i think,,
emgasulla I just happen to cross paths with this miniseries looking for something else, and I thought it would be amusing to read the reviews.And amusing it was, but in the wrong sense: turns out that most people think of it as one of TV's greatest masterpieces!!! I remember it as an over-sized turd. Primitive idea, appealing to our worst fears and prejudices (aliens might look good from the outside but actually they are cruel, ugly lizards). Stone faced acting. You-got-to-be-kidding plot twists. True, the first scenes looked decent, but the very moment some green lizard skin was exposed it became just another crappy TV laughing stock.Well, no wonder Hollywood suits can still pullout stinkers like Independence Day -if so many people think V was that great!
ahaza Hello, I need help from the V fans.. V is a series I used to watch as a teenager. i've been trying recently to obtain all the episodes and checked on Amazon and other sites. It seems that all the episodes of the "first season" so to speak (minus the first 2 that introduce the story) are missing from the market!!! Then we shift brutally to V, the complete series (1984), starting 1 year after the beginning of the story... My sister in Europe tried to buy me the first season for Christmas but couldn't find those missing episodes either. Does anybody know where i Can find them? thanks in advance for your help.ahaza