Up Against Amanda
Up Against Amanda
| 15 September 2000 (USA)
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After childhood abuse by her step-father and eight years in a juvenile psychiatric lockup, Amanda Lear is released. Her shrink is also her lover, who surreptitiously pays her rent on a nice house for a year. She moves in, takes one look at her neighbor Richard, and dispatches her doctor. To cover her tracks and to begin her seduction, she gets Richard's help with a security system. Soon she's bugging his calls and spying on him with hidden cameras, taking advantage of a rift between Richard and his wife who's in Nashville cutting a record. Amanda will stop at nothing to get Richard's exclusive attention. Will this good neighbor wise up before the hot tub overheats?

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
JohnHowardReid I'm amazed this movie received so many bad reviews. I thought the film was extremely gripping and so well made that the fact it was put together on a small budget, didn't even occur to me! The script was tight, the situations both really believable and highly suspenseful, and the acting simply superb. I will admit that all the players were unknown to me. So, for me, they were all fresh faces. I found all but one of the actors thoroughly convincing. And the actor I thought was just a little too grotesque, had such a small (if essential) part that it didn't really matter. Super sexy Justine Priestley delivered a gripping, totally charismatic performance in the title role, while David De Witt was also most believable as Amanda's "victim". I thought writer/director Michael Rissi did a marvelous job, not only with the players but with the script. The way he built up suspense was simply brilliant! Available on an excellent New Concorde DVD. (Although this fact is not mentioned on the cover, the movie's DVD has excellent Spanish sub-titles).
Xapora This really is quite a tacky movie but it can be forgiven its foibles thanks to a few redeeming features. Justine Priestley is beautiful so all the boys will love seeing her strut around in next to nothing. And hey girls, need hairstyle ideas for your prom? Look no further. The hairstylist on this movie had a field day; Amanda sports an elaborate new hair-do in practically every scene. Amanda is also quite an ingenious little thing. She gives MacGyver a run for his money with a bit of break & enter followed by the installation of fibre optics in a roof. She has gadgets galore (scanner, model dressed like her attached to a light timer, TV hooked up to David's house watching his every move) and a great line she shoots at Buzz when he complains about second-hand smoke: "It's not the smoke that kills you, it's the smoker". Ah Buzz, second-hand smoke is the LEAST of your worries! This was never gonna be an Oscar winner. It's a cheap little "thriller" with a few (unintentional) laughs and Justine is fantastic as the evil bitch posing as the All-American girl-next-door. What guy could say "No" to this babe? David certainly couldn't and ... well, you can guess the rest. 2/5 stars (for effort).
keesboog I didn't like this movie I must admit. Actually I really don't understand how I managed to keep awake during the flick.I know it's low budget, but the cinematics are so annoying, even 'the bold and the beautiful' has better cameraviews. That's what the entire movie reminded me of: one big soapopera.The acting was not really that bad though. I liked the Buzz character. But the main guy... please don't offer him a job again, unless he improves of course.The two things that did keep me watching: - the music. Very nice blues style. - the sickness of Amanda. The ending is nicely done. I actually felt sorry for her at that point.I won't watch it again. Unless the very gorgeous Justine Priestly threatens me to :) i'd be happy to oblige.4 / 10KJ
MovieLooker I saw this movie when it first came out. It was an official selection for the Temecula Valley International Film Festival and I voted for it for best picture.Justine Priestley is hot as the psychotic, but complex Amanda. This is not your ordinary psycho movie. Lots of interesting and original slants on the genre. Sort of a "Fatal Attraction" for the younger set with some great blues music mixed in as the object of Amanda's affection is married to an up and coming blues singer who has less time for her husband as her career takes off.
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