R | 08 February 2019 (USA)
Untogether Trailers

Once considered a teen prodigy, a recovering addict sobers up and tries to get her writing career back on track. She begins a relationship with a rising author known for his wartime memoirs.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
perryjoanna Hands down this is the worst film I saw at Tribeca this year and to be honest it's the worst film I've seen at any film festival in the last 5 years. As a film historian and film buff I make it a point to try and see at least one film a day and what struck me about this one is how monotonous and non consequential it was. Every character, line of dialogue and sequence in the film was so homogenous it felt like like I was sedated and being forced to watch paint dry in a straight jacket. I don't care how many of the 50 producers on this movie (like VJ-45463) give it a 9/10 rating and justify it's existence for an "intelligent" audience (I have a PhD in Political Economy and Government from Harvard thank you very much); this movie is less watchable than a dog eating it's own excrement only to regurgitate it and devour it once again; repeating the cycle endlessly! Clearly hollywood producers will do anything to sell their movies including redefine intelligence (oh and Ms. Forrest was divorced after this film was shot -- perhaps Mr. Mendelsohn astrally projected himself into the future and read my review!).
okohuhan Great little movie, with a good performance of Jamie Dornan and Jemina Kirke.
relevantinfo I have followed the creative journey of Emma Forrest for decades, whether her books; articles; interviews; or current screenplay. Universal and personal themes expand vigorously throughout her oeuvre. Ms. Forrest's self-referential view of the human condition touches every raw and refined emotion manifested by women and men alike. If you have read her books, as a lagniappe, you will recognize the symbolisms characterized by various actors in the movie "Untogether," which I saw recently at The Tribeca Film Festival.It took many years to complete the "Untogether" project, and it was worth the wait.
anonymoustipster-04593 I was at a screening in Tribeca and barely made it through this incredibly boring movie. If you thought Jamie Dornan was a terrible actor after 50 shades wait till you see the homeless version of Christian Grey (That beard.....god!) in this movie having a "Friends with Benefits" relationship with the disgustingly sloppy Jemima Kirke. The two have as much chemistry as Bin Laden and George W did and there is nothing original about this story or its predictable conclusion. It's clear this director must have had a "Friends with Benefits" relationship with someone to have gotten this made. Billy Crystal was it's only saving grace and everytime he appeared it was like being given a glass of ice water in hell!
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