Untamed Love
Untamed Love
NR | 03 August 1994 (USA)
Untamed Love Trailers

A badly abused girl of 6 is saved from having to be admitted to an institution by a dedicated Special Education teacher whose class she's been placed in until there is an opening in the hospital. In that time they form a strong bond and the child begins to heal. The teacher begins to think an institution is not what this child needs.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
cabro11 I read the book by Torey Hayden a while ago and didn't know that the film was based on that until I began watching it. The book was not something I would normally have watched but once I started I could not put it down.Although some may say it is not as good as the book the storyline is almost identical, after only 5 minutes into the film ( even though all the names were different )I knew it was based on the book and the cast had been picked exactly as i imagined them , well done ! I am not sure if I would have understood a lot of what was happening in the story had I not read the book but with hindsight I found it compulsive viewing as the book had been compulsive reading .
Angel_peanut Humm well I've read the book "One Child" and i have to say that they cut a lot more than i thought they would out they never talk about what caused or why the guy did what he did to the girl, I knew that there was a lot of stuff they couldn't actually show you like seeing what she actually had done or anything and i know that the film was made a while ago now but they didn't even cover it in a conversation between Maggie and Catline as when reading the book the after school sessions that they had were very important and the fact that she didn't talk at all when she joined the class.... Humm i liked the film and I'm sure that a lot of people liked it it was just a bit toooo far away from the book i thought but hey its hard to make a film like that so they did well for that :)...
Mac i have spent so long looking for the title of this movie. i was obsessed. i so loved this movie when i first saw it. i was abused as a child and i related to the child. i think this is an amazing movie that is so touching. it really makes you think and feel. i did not know it was based on a real story. people have posted that its nothing like the book therefore not any good. i don't believe that just because a movie is different it's bad. the movie was amazing and no movie follows it's book counterpart perfectly. think of it as individual and you will be sure to love it. i would recommend it to anyone. i would like to publicly thank 'mickeysroom' from the lifetimetv website for telling me the name of this movie. you've saved me from spending any more time looking for it and now i can enjoy learning more about it.
Serious Customer This movie butchers the real book on which it is based. The Maggie character in no way reflected the teaching methods or philosophies of her real life counterpart; John Getz ("Dan") plays a complainer who is just as far removed from his real counterpart as Maggie. The script and acting were stiff and unconvincing. This movie shows the downside of literary license. The real book on which this inadvertently mocks will not be identified by title here to a) protect the innocent, including the real people whose lives on which it is about and b) not to associate it; those whom it is about or its author in any way, shape and form to this trite tragedy of the week.