| 18 August 2006 (USA)
Unidentified Trailers

Two reporters working for the same magazine are sent to Texas to investigate a string of UFO sightings. As they investigate two distinct theories begin to develop. Both reporters are driven to prove their own theory, but in the end only one can be right.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
reagynpaige I'm a big proponent of Christian movies, even when they're not "good" movies in the way that we typically think of it. There's usually an excellent theme or lesson being taught; something helpful to be gained by the watching. Even Jesus taught by using stories - parables- the movies of His day, and there was a reason for that. We often see ourselves more clearly in stories. The biggest theme that ran through all of Jesus' stories, though, was love. The gospel is called "The Good News," and the greatest point to all of it is love. This movie sends every message BUT that one. The gospel is presented almost argumentatively, and the one man that is led to the Lord in the movie is done so using the classic "guilt trip" that is the very thing that turns so many people off to Christians. The one man that stands by his faith is self-righteous and defensive, and the (spoiler alert) trick that is played on the end seems almost vicious; a type of "getting back at the guy," rather than trying to lovingly make a point. In my experience, it would only have increased his resentment and resistance rather than made the point that it was trying to make. In short, this is not a movie even for believers, and certainly not one that I would want unbelievers to watch because it propagates the stereotypical sanctimonious bible-thump image of Christians. Please avoid!
the_lollipop_princess I happened across this movie while channel-surfing and it seemed to be yet another poorly- made Christian film about The End Times (which I find rather entertaining because they take themselves so seriously). To be fair, I only saw the last 30 minutes, so I missed the part about UFOs and the Sci-Fi stuff. But it was long enough for me to categorize it as an embarrassing and appalling representation of the Christian faith, as well as a rather pathetic film in any artistic sense.As a film, the script was terrible, the acting was mediocre, and the pacing was poor. The cinematography and direction were sub-par: no interesting visuals, no layered plot line, no creativity. Don't just blame it on the budget- films can still be interesting without special effects. This wasn't. Christian films cannot excuse their mediocrity and unoriginality in the artistic sphere just because of their message. And the message here was hardly "Christian."**Disclaimer: The rest of this comment is targeted towards Christians**First off, it is unethical in any business to bait-and-switch your customers. I don't like being told I can win a free iPod only to realize I have to spend $300 at participating stores first. Nonchristians don't like being told they're watching a Sci-Fi film and then get bombarded with Christian propaganda that has all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Hidden agendas don't win you any friends, much less converts. Secondly, you should not use overt threats to convince people your beliefs are true. The actors who represented Christians came off as callous, smug bullies when dealing with the skeptical "unbeliever"-- they even go so far as to stage the rapture in order to scare him into believing. Representational dialogue: "Turn to Jesus- OR GO TO HELL!" "Fine, don't believe me- BUT YOU'LL BE SORRY!" "The day you die, I can guarantee you'll wish you paid more attention to this Jesus stuff- WHEN YOU LAND IN THE BELLY OF HELL!" OK, I may be exaggerating, but it certainly came off in the same manner. If you think this is a "clear message for Christ," you're wrong. I don't recall Jesus using threats and coercion. And I don't think people can make an authentic decision to believe in him out of fear. So Christians, please don't use this as a "witnessing tool" for your "unsaved" friends. It is heavy-handed, offensive, and inaccurate in portraying a true Christian message.Thirdly, the theology was bad. Apart from characterizing Jesus as a means of hell-insurance, it gave no room for debate or discussion and didn't attempt to engage the issue of whether UFOs or alien life could exist. Instead, it offered one pat answer: "UFOs are the devil's scheme to deceive people when the rapture happens," which is neither biblical nor widely-accepted by most Christians. As the Bible doesn't mention UFOs or aliens, you can't use it as a source to draw conclusions one way or the other. The rapture isn't necessarily even a widely-accepted, sound biblical concept, though nowadays most evangelical Christians seem to believe it because of a popular book series. If you do your research (as so many of the supportive reviewers are suggesting), the idea of two comings of Christ (the first as the rapture) is a relatively new phenomena in Church tradition, popularized by some traveling evangelists around the turn of the 20th century. The majority of orthodox Christians will probably find this film's message to be a pretty big stretch that rests on a lot of unsupported presuppositions.Basically, this film misses the mark both as a worthwhile piece of entertainment and as an accurate representation of Christianity and its beliefs. I wouldn't recommend it.
avsherwood1 Wow... just... wow. There are a lot of reviews on this movie already but I wanted to add some comments of my own. I agree with most reviewers who have said this movie has terrible acting, writing, and directing - whoo boy does it ever. However, I think there is some other problems here.1. Why is Christian belief and the allowance for extraterrestrial life mutually exclusive? The film acts as though you just can't be a Christian and also allow for the possibility? Why? They ever-so-briefly touch on this in the film (i.e. "The Bible doesn't say there is aliens." "Well, the Bible doesn't say there isn't.), but the actual rebuttal is never answered. The Bible really doesn't say there isn't. So how about dealing with the question instead of dismissing it out of hand? Or better yet, acknowledge that this is an infinite universe we live in and if we believe in an infinite God there is the possibility that he made some other life somewhere and has his own plans for them.2. How come the ONLY two explanations for the abductions that are valid are demons and hoax? What about sleep paralysis and night terrors which have been linked to abduction experiences? What if it's something else entirely? Too bad the film makers already have their minds made up.3. The film makers claim that all who have had abduction experiences have had ties to the occult. That's a pretty big claim to make without any factual evidence to present. I'm not necessarily arguing that they don't, but if you're going to say something so asinine you'd better have the facts to back it up.4. Why does the other reporter (not the Greasy Haired Blonde Guy, the other one) always have his hands in his pockets? It's hard to take someone seriously when they're constantly playing pocket pool.I WISH this had been an exploration of Christian faith and UFO phenomena, but unfortunately the film makers were too concerned with their "Faith Message" to care much about make a thought provoking movie. As a Christian myself, this saddens me.
makthemo I watched this movie after reading the derogatory, bible bashing comments. I cannot believe that anyone could be so shallow to make such bigoted comments on such a well made and original concept of a movie. Anyone with ANY imagination at all could look past what the comments refer to as "propaganda" and see a truly plausible explanation to the ongoing UFO phenomenon.As far as it being a "religious advertisement", it is ridiculous to even make the statement...EVERY movie "advertises something"...EVERY movie has "a message"...why should it not be acceptable here??? These people are just trying to help others to see something that many, many have never considered.I gave the movie a 7 only because of the lack of Christian compassion that was conveyed in the film. It should of been done differently, because the goodness of God, leads people to repentance, not severity.Even with that minor drawback, I still recommend this movie to anyone who has questions regarding UFOs and would like to broaden their understanding. It causes one to really think and question "what is what" in this world we live in!