| 06 February 2016 (USA)
Uncaged Trailers

After nights of sleepwalking, a troubled teen straps a camera to himself and discovers a sinister truth.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
woodsconnection I wish these movie producers would stop throwing homosexuality down our throats. I think I'm watching a good horror movie and the horror is the homosexual scenes, I mean really? I feel when writers have to start off their movie with useless, tasteless scenes, they are brainless writers just looking for fillers that have no place in the movie itself.
john dovle So the movie was a low movie budget with new actors and bad visual effects.At first i was searching for a movie and i went through the categories section to search and found this movie.I was not sure what to think of it because you see a werewolf type of creature on the main picture of the film and it's also marked as a comedy.But the developers of the program i am using were right that they placed the movie in the comedy section because the way the actors were acting was laughable and they weren't acting they seemed that they were like forced to play in the movie, like someone was forcing them with a gun on the head to play on the movie and they were like OK lets do it so we can go home .That gangster Gonzo was bad a.f. and he tried to prove to the protagonist that he is strong by placing his hand a meter above the lighter like you could tell that his hand was too far away but man he was a tough guy that most of the people were afraid of him...Well i am not gonna say anything else and end this review right here.To anyone reading this you should know that this is my opinion.
normanclinker OK, so low(ish) budget by Hollywood standards with naturalistic lighting, no constructed sets and some hand held digital camera work - and all the better for that, by the way - but... just fresh and in parts very very funny. (Especially the bit where a gansta proves just how scary he is with a lighter!). I had to write this review having read some negative ones. Contrary to some you might have read there are no odd plot turns, no moments when you don't know what's going on, and above all the acting is great. I particularly like the relationship between the cousins.Definitely worth watching if you're a fan of the werewolf genre or just like off-beat, funny movies.
elfnik OK, i was so irritated of this movie so I had to write short review. So, first it does not look like a B-category movie on first sight. It has some nice story for beginning, the camera is good and all in all the flow of the movie starts kind of a promising.So, as the story progress..you just go into it, and then all of a sudden you got totally unconnected story point, then it happens again and again and again..until you lost track of what's going on here. On top of that add dozen of awkward moments that come out of nothing. Totally unexplained moments which just pop in and story progress into some irrelevant direction. The cherry on the top is the awful acting (with 1 honest exception from the guy with the glasses).So simply put in: The movie looks like bunch different of clips with the same people just stitched together. I'm just giving 2/10 because of the good camera. Waste of time, or you can watch it like a comedy.