U.S. Seals II: The Ultimate Force
U.S. Seals II: The Ultimate Force
R | 21 June 2001 (USA)
U.S. Seals II: The Ultimate Force Trailers

At a secret Russian nuclear missile base, an ex-U.S. SEAL member is planning to launch a missile strike on the United States, and the only way to stop him is with the best of the best. Because of a natural gas refinery leak, the newly formed team must infiltrate without conventional weapons and use a mixture of martial arts skills, swords, crossbows and unconventional arms in their top secret attack.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Frank Markland US Seals II stars Michael Worth as as a commando who uses his martial arts skills to take on a former marine/martial arts expert(Chapa) who has taken a scientist hostage (Notice how the scientist is a sexy chick who looks more like a kindergarten teacher than a scientist, with big boobs, no less) so that she can help him turn a missile nuclear however the catch is that there is so much flammable air that one cannot light a cigarette let alone fire a gun (Or for that matter a nuclear missile) so Worth gathers a gang of martial artists as well as Marhall Teague (The film's best character) who is armed with acid paintball guns (Thinking about this movie logically will get you nowhere) and to which the seals take on the terrorists with martial arts battles. I actually probably wouldn't have reviewed this had I not clicked on "Michael Worth" and had seen that he was in this, which I had subsequently caught on HBO (Or Showtime, or something...) I remember enjoying the action sequences as well as the stupidity here. Indeed U.S Seals II is so silly it makes Issac Florentine's other efforts i've seen (Desert Kickboxer, Cold Harvest and Bridge Of Dragons) seem like works of supreme intelligence. The movie is full of plot holes, it is reported that you can't shoot guns but this doesn't stop our villain from smoking or launching a nuke. Worst of all is when the film tries to concern itself with characters, who don't register anything towards reality. (Teague's character aside) still it has lots of action and it has tons of carnage, so in other words this is perfect for the action fan looking for a guilty pleasure but little else. I haven't seen any of the other U.S Seals movies but despite enjoying this goofy entry, I still doubt i'll be seeking these out.* * out of 4-(Fair)
vrrc This movie is no where near as terrible as everyone else makes it out to be.The dialogue is indeed terrible, as are many of the lines. The plot is somewhat silly, and the acting ranges from mediocre to corny. All this and more make this a movie worth watching.The opening scene is an absurdly funny gun fight (whether or not it was meant to be) including a guy pulling a bazooka out of no where to kill someone for a 3rd time. Also present in this scene are needless backflips, and the overused wooshing noise that gives this movie character.The whoosing noise was most definetly added in in jest; no director would ever think it serious to have a woosh when someone nods their head, and the overuse of this is hillarious.Most of the movie takes place on an island where one spark would cause a giant explosion, so they fight with swords and the like. Yes, the swords would create sparks that would cause an explosion, but they had to set it up somehow so that the melee scenes could make sense.And the fighting is some of the best seen in a while, with weapons ranging from chains, an acidic paintball gun, and a scarf. How many movies do you see where someone actually gets beaten up with a scarf that goes "woosh?"Not a film for those who like to think deeply into everything they see, US Seals II is nothing more than a Western Hong Kong film, whose plot mostly serves no more purpose than to provide a catalyst to bring on the amazing fight scenes.And as every single other review points out, the main bad guy did indeed have a cigar in his mouth while in an island that any spark would blow everything up. What every other review does not point out is the fact that the cigar is not lit.
fox_muldur After seeing the first U.S. Seals, which was an atrocious movie, I figured I would see U.S. Seals II just for laughs. Well it certainly didn't let me down in that department, but for all the wrong reasons.You can tell any movie is going to be bad when it opens up with the main character cocking his pistol, staring directly at the camera, and giving this RIDICULOUS grin. Then his commander says, "Good Luck, and Godspeed!". Even if he was a good actor (rest assured, he is not), it is still a very corny line.The action starts up pretty quickly, and just like in the original, it goes down hill even quicker. Even the average viewer will notice that the "weapons" (are they even real guns??) change several times in the battle. I almost burst out laughing when the SEALS start shooting the bad guys and one of them runs out WITHOUT A GUN and jumps over some crates like he was hit. Then a bad guy is shot and flies through a wooden door and flips around several times until he decides he is dead. It is also enlightening when a SEAL says, "Hey Amigo" and shoots the guy who promptly flies 30 feet onto the ground, the rolls around a few times. I was rolling on the floor when a jeep on fire plunges in a lake (you can see the fire go out) and then boom!, BOOM!, BOOOOOOOOOOM! and half the port blows up!! Then, after the bad guy in the tower is shot for the 5th time, a SEAL pulls a bazooka out of nowhere and blows up the tower and the bad guy flies (extremely fake).The worst part about this is the first 30 minutes of the movie have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the rest of the movie. I'll spare you the horror of the rest of the movie but I'll briefly discuss the other bad parts:-Everytime anybody moves their hand, head, body, gun, or whatever it makes this retarded WHOOSH sound - just like the first movie.-About every 30 seconds the movie starts playing this ridiculous, and very tiring, chinese music.-One of the bad guys uses his DEADLY SCARF to fight a SEAL - he whips it around and knocks the SEAL down, eventually killing him with a SCARF.-The army major is wearing absolutely no army patches on his uniform, and also has an Australian accent.-Not a single US weapon is used in the movie.-The rest of the movie is set on an island NORTH of Siberia, yet everybody is wearing shorts and t-shirts?-The head SEAL is also apparently quite adept at operating a submarine.-(SPOILER) The whole plot basically revolves around 2 nuclear missiles on an island that is permeated with methane gas - precluding the use of guns. Now you would think that the whole grand scheme of LAUNCHING A MISSILE off the island would set off the methane. The head bad guy is also smoking a cigar the whole time, but a tiny spark in the end blows up the whole island??
salty_the_bear This movie was unbelieveably bad. It had quite possibly the most cliche and inconsistent plot ever, and they never had any idea what they were talking about.*SPOILERS, as if you CAN'T SEE ALL OF THIS COMING FROM A MILE AWAY.*Obviously the most stereotypical part of the plot: evil madman, ex-US soldier... nuclear missle... hostages... wants money... But! Besides there are unique plot inconsistencies that aren't so cliche.The dialogue was utterly atrocious. Bad grammar, stupid phrases, and tough 'slang' plagued this film and would haunt any English teacher 'til the end of their days. The actors obviously had no expirience whatsoever, and everything that they said and did was far too easy to make fun of.Every time someone would turn their head, or move their arm, there would be a really annoying whooshing noise. By the end of the movie you will either have killed yourself to spare you the stupidity, or wished you had.The entire movie is basically set on this island. It was an old Soviet weapons testing facility. According to the plot, it had been contaminated with methane gas around the year 1989, around the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Anyway, this methane contamination prevented the use of guns, or sparks of any kind, for that matter. -_-;; Well. WHY, then, are they launching ballistic misslies from the island?Also throughout the whole movie, the bad guy is smoking a cigar. The relentless sword fighting SURELY would have made a spark at some point...? 'Why, of course they wouldn't, and don't call me Shirley'. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think bthat there IS such a thing as a 'Red 7 Ballistic Series' Missile, that happens to look just like the Saturn 7 rockets used by the Apollo space missions...But if you're judging the movie by how many laughs you'll get out of it... this is a good movie for you. Terrible fight scenes, exaggerated deaths, and US soldiers that say 'G'day' and speak with Australian accents are only a few of the laughable things in this movie, although it gets REALLY slow and boring at times.Some nudity, but not anything really extreme, or anything particularly meaningful for that matter. Meaningless fighing, sex, dialouge at all times' is an accurate way to describe this movie, though maybe without the sex so much. The ending is cliche and disgusting as to how the bad guy dies, and the special effects are terrible. All in all, a terrible movie, but in a good way (kind of). If you're looking for laughs, here's where to find 'em. G'day!