Two-Man Submarine
Two-Man Submarine
| 16 March 1944 (USA)
Two-Man Submarine Trailers

Medical researchers Jerry Evans and Walt Hedges are assigned by a pharmaceutical company to work at a secret laboratory on a remote South Pacific Island in order to produce penicillium, the mold from which the magic drug penicillin is derived.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
gordonl56 TWO MAN SUBMARINE This is another of the seemingly endless supply of cheap wartime spy thrillers that were put out by most of the Hollywood studios.This $49.99 special was put out by the B-unit at Columbia Pictures and stars, Tom Neal and Ann Savage. They are the heroes of the story as they spoil an evil Axis plot.Neal and Savage are part of a group working on a new secret anti-toxin drug. Of course the only supply for the compound,is an island behind Japanese lines. Needless to say someone in the group is a spy. But who? The suspects include the doctor, the guards and a shipwrecked sailor.The cast also includes, J. Carrol Naish, Abner Biberman and Geroge Lynn. The director was quickie specialist, Lew Landers. Landers helmed 160 plus films and TV series in a 30 year career. In 1944 alone he cranked out 9 films.Tom Neal and Ann Savage would later star in one of the best low-budget film noir ever, Detour. This particular film however, is a low budget time-waster that has not aged well.
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