Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal
Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal
R | 13 May 2001 (USA)
Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal Trailers

Rock superstar Slade Craven has decided to hang up his rock & roll shoes and has planned something very special for his final show -- instead of a typical concert in some sports arena, he'll play a set aboard a 747 jumbo jet, flying from Los Angeles to Toronto, with the gig broadcast live to millions of fans over the Internet. But what Craven didn't count on is the presence of a deranged fan with a gun who attempts to hijack the plane, throwing the show into chaos and putting the lives of everyone aboard the jet at risk.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
john-allen76-1 I don't care what some of the idiots below have written - they obviously spend too much time sat in their pathetic bedrooms writing rubbish reviews as their lives are unfulfilled and they are just sad lonely geeksThis was a great film - good fun and I loved it - not only because Rutger was in it Come on guys - look at the film for what it is about and try and get a life!!!!!! GREAT FILM - WATCH ITThe whole thing is that is about having a laugh - not being a sad lonely film reviewerBrilliant stuffTotally worth the rental fee
sexylips69 this film was utterly diabolical i enjoyed the first one and the second one because there was suspense this one was a sorry excuse to try and line another directors pocket with millions.come on who can actually hold a rock concert in a 747-400 and then to have it hijacked and the plot of having a hacker trying to sort the mess out was even worse i think it should have never even been released like i say i enjoy the first one and second but this one should have stayed in someones rubbish imagination.and never even been discussed.and to have total unknowns was even nastier.please think twice before releasing a fourth please
apotatojudge This has to be one of the most entertaining movies I have ever seen. My friends and I, hating our lives, decided what better way to lift our spirits than by seeing a shitty movie? I suggested a movie I saw part of on Cinemax, so we rented it.The rest is history.I have never had a night like the night I watched Turbulence 3. It is, by far, one of the worst films I have ever seen, yet I find myself watching it every time it comes on television (which is very, very often - especially if you have those multi-channel Cinemax packages). Seriously, I don't know why, but I probably watch this movie at least every two weeks.And it never fails to bring in the laughs.This movie is highly recommended if you have nothing to and are looking for some seriously fun laughs, a la Mystery Science Theater 3000 (witty banter not included though).My favorite line is when Jack Fletcher, a pilot with an latent speech impediment, says, "Hewwo, Slade? This is Jack Fwetcher, and I'm a pirate." Favorite scene: The FCC.
paranoid_endjinn This film has terrible acting. It has a terrible plot. It has terrible music (and I like metal). It wastes the talent it has.But it's sheer brilliance.I simply cannot describe how superb this film is. It goes so far beyond awful that it becomes a work of unbelievable quality. Right down to the moment when Slade Craven, the action goth, renounces Satan and prays to God to help him land the plane.It's got it all - the moralistic hacker who fights the corporations for the little guy, the cute FBI girl who is chasing him but falls for him after he helps save the day, the girl wanting to make it big in TV news and finally getting her break now, the cliched heavy metal fans, the laughable attempts at kung fu, Rutger giving it the most OTT suicide attempt ever...Watch it for the laughs, and you'll discover a gem.
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