Turbo Kid
Turbo Kid
NR | 28 August 2015 (USA)
Turbo Kid Trailers

In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, an orphaned teen must battle a ruthless warlord to save the girl of his dreams.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
lordtakyon Just a short review, this film was pretty good. Lots of 70's and 80's Sci-fi nods. Not even close to a masterpiece but certainly worth the watch.
Bento de Espinosa Who gives this movie less than 7 stars does not have sense of humor and does not know what a tribute is. This movie is not to be taken seriously. It is a tribute to cheap science fiction movies of the 80's, including film score. I loved it! And one of the reasons why I loved it was... Laurence Leboeuf.
puppe-75017 By far on the the best little post-acpo retro movies ive seen yet (tbh im to tired to write)
Eric Murphy This movie, for some reason, was rated 80%+ on that Rotten something site which fooled me into it. To sum up in few words. It's cheap, boring, predictable, disgusting, idiotic. It's like a Tarantino wannabe just finished a mediocre film school in Canada and then was able to lure the government people who has no experiences in film industry to give him some subsidized money to produce a low budget pointless movie just so that they can promote the location where the film was made. If some point in your life loved watching the Japanese-made Power Rangers or some kind of low budget candy super heroes thingy, this might be the movie for you. But you also have to like some disgusting things like blood and gore too, because this Tarantino wannabe made blood splashed like the waterspout in Yellowstone. Human's organs was cut and throwing around like it was supposed to be funny. Well, yeah, if you are a fan of Happy Tree Friends. The only thing that kept me watching this is the bimbo robot that made me slightly wondered that she might be hot in real life. Sometimes, there are movies you think they are not worth spending money to watch, this one was not even worth your time. I think some people rate this good just because they are nostalgic about the idea of 80's apocalypse, which was executed badly, or they just simply sadistically sick people.