Tuck Everlasting
Tuck Everlasting
| 05 June 1981 (USA)
Tuck Everlasting Trailers

In turn-of-the-20th-century upstate New York, Winnie Foster, a 12-year-old girl, discovers a family living in the woods near her family's home who never ages thanks to a magical spring they drink from and she is entrusted to keep their secret and becomes involved in their lives.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
dustybug I agree will all the positive comments made on this movie. The Disney version must be loved by a lot of Twilight fans. Winnie doesn't even LOOK like a little girl in it and in my opinion they wrecked the movie by remaking it. The original movie really does take you away to a far place in the past when things were a little bit more simple, kind and gentle. As one reader put it so well...The movie kind of put him a trance and swept him away. It did the same for me. I was curious as to what happened to some of the actors in this movie and was able to get in touch with Margaret Chamberlain ( Winnie Foster) She said she starred in this movie just before she started high school and that is was an enjoyable and positive experience for a girl at her age. In the end she became a successful attorney and still practices today. A very kind and beautiful lady. If anything, I would suggest that people watch this one BEFORE they watch the Disney version. You will truly get a better feel of the movie. The original can be watched on YouTube as well if anyone is interested as this movie is no longer in print and never made into a DVD as far as I can tell.
richard-III Although it has changed some minor things of Natalie Babbit's book, this 1981 film version is a wonderful and very moving film. The acting is good, the simplicity of the locations does wonders. And it has my favorite music box tune of all times! The frog has become a turtle is this film, which is okay, too (the 2002 Disney film version almost shows no interest in the everlasting frog story!). It is an everlasting turtle and in the end, after Jesse has seen Winnie's grave, it walks down the road (while we audience see the end titles and hear the music box tune). That ending blew me away. A total 'A', or ten ********** stars.
aquakingman I don't care if you like it or not this is one of the best movies you will ever see that was made in the early 80s. I think this is the greatest movie I have ever seen because at the end of the movie when time has passed they show a clip of them driving down downtown Medina NY and that is so frickin awesome you could alway go to Medina and check out the location it has changed sense then but that napa store is definitely still there also you could stop at the local library and check out the movie yourself as long as it is in (vhs only). The new movie doesn't compare to this classic they were made in two different states for Christ sakes.
kkrabby89 This movie was nothing like the book. While the book was attention-grabbing and inspiring, the movie is cheesy and boring! Jesse falling off a ferris wheel? Did they even have ferris wheels back then? And unless Mae Tuck was attempting suicide, there is no way she could have cut her finger completely off just by cutting a damn piece of food! I couldn't even get the first 15 minutes before I literally fell asleep. If you can't fall asleep, this is a good movie, if you want entertainment, don't even think about this poor excuse for a movie.