R | 16 October 2015 (USA)
Truth Trailers

As a renowned producer and close associate of Dan Rather, Mary Mapes believes she’s broken the biggest story of the 2004 election: revelations of a sitting U.S. President’s military service. But when allegations come pouring in, sources change their stories, document authenticity is questioned, and the casualties begin to mount.

InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
YukoK Yes, it's a film that sheds light on the finest parts of journalism. But I value this movie because it's a story of a woman who had been harassed by her father all her life. If it weren't for that father, the protagonist may have not become the fighting woman she is now today.The most moving scene of all, however, is when we find out the reason she married her husband. A girl like her would marry a guy like him for that sole reason, and I know because I am that girl.So is this too personal to be a movie review? I hope not. There are probably tons of women out there who live family lives like that of the protagonist. And to know the true value of this precious piece of work, you need to see it, and then you need to get your partner to see it, and then you need to find a way to talk about that scene with your partner, and just a few words exchanged about that scene will make your life so worth it. For that reason, this is one of those great movies like "The Machinist" or "Gone Baby Gone" which cannot get enough attention because the gorgeous part is only in its spoilers.
DKosty123 I like the performances in this film. Nice to see Redford doing a Dan Rather imitation. Cate Blanchett is superb as Mary Mapes whose book and real life experience is brought into the fore front here. Stacey Keach and other support cast is excellent too.The problem here is that despite the Watergate type atmosphere like "All The Presidents Men" which this imitates, there is some major screaming that has to be done and I am doing it here. Dan Rather had to step down as CBS anchor after this George W. Bush National Guard story aired. It is replayed in this film.The story is Mary Mapes digging out the facts about the story. The failure of Journalism here is shown in it's most graphic detail. "Why is the story important?" It is only important because there was an election going on. Even if all the facts were proven (and they weren't), there is no crime. Nixon tried to destroy the two party system. Bush might have gone AWOL. Fact not pointed out in the film, Dan Rather actually did go AWOL walking off the CBS News set when he threw a tantrum.The film actually insults Rather. It points out vividly that he went to air without any verification of the story just trusting Mary Mapes word. I can hear Walter Cronkrite turning over in his grave on this. Rather does not look good on this, and CBS News does not look good either. It is an important film because it does point out what CBS News did recently to Scott Pelley. One night on CBS Evening News, Scott was interviewing one of the top people on the collusion of Russia in the Trump Election. Everything went off well and good until Scott actually had the guts to ask him if he really "had any real evidence of the collusion?" The guy got angry, would not answer because he could not answer the question (he obviously had no proof) that Scott had gone off script with. Within a week CBS had demoted Scott off the Evening News anchor job. This is proof of the establishment that is illustrated in Mary's story and is actually more than a little scary.Rather was a field reporter during JFK's killing and in Dallas. He fed Walter live reports on November 22, 1963. Among those initial reports were hints of a vast Right Wing conspiracy being involved killing JFK. When it came out that Oswald visited/ defected to the USSR, lived there, found a bride there, came back here and then supported the "Fair Play For Cuba Comittee", it is much more logical that Oswald was a "Left Wing Conspirator". One of the great ironies of history as it is written is that a Left Winger really shot JFK, Case Closed.Now, getting back to "Truth", the problem here is just that. The Truth here gets murdered for no good reason. It keeps happening now, because the main stream media is too busy manipulating public opinion through rigged polls which have even less facts than this Guard story, and reporting them as news stories. The real truth is that when a main stream media uses the same sources of polls for news stories as Rush Limbaugh (Pew Research), Houston, Journalism has a real problem. This film wastes a lot of good performances by trying to make a certain type of Journalism look good. What the film really does (I wonder if this is the point of Mapes Book) is make Journalism look very bad. Case Closed
gbkmmaurstad CBS prime news producer Mary Mapes (Cate Blanchett) and her staff investigate allegations that George W. Bush was given preferential treatment while in the military which kept him out of Viet Nam and that he may have also been AWOL for a periods of time. Believing the memos in their position are hard evidence validating their claims, they prepare a segment for their weekly 60 Minutes program. News veteran Dan Rather delivers their findings before their viewing audience just months before the 2004 presidential election.This film illustrates how people can convince themselves they are doing the right thing for all the wrong reasons and leads to the beginning of the downfall of news organizations. If you're not sure how the news is produced, you might want to see this one.
Fredtimbo For the record, I am not affiliated with any political party. Being the hardcore moderate that I am, I watched Truth with an open mind and as objectively as possible. Based on a news story by Dan Rather and 60 Minutes, the movie appears to have gotten some inspiration from The Insider, even ripping off a scene from the Michael Mann classic (and one of my all-time favorite films). I can see how some Republicans may not like Truth, but I always appreciate a good story about people against insurmountable odds. The movie's very well-written and directed, backed by a superb all-star cast. And that's the truth.