SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Sameer Callahan
It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Casey Duggan
It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Interesting film that shows turning points of relationships and life itself as compared with plot points of stories and movies. In particular, the never-ending relationship between Mads and Marie is made known. Mads is a script writer, he had plenty of dates before settling down with Marie. After a wee while of being with Marie he realizes he's not happy with his current life. They break up and then Mads' search for who knows what starts.Mads with many girlfriends after breaking up with Marie is presented again. Ups and downs in his life and in his writing he both encounters.This Danish film is an entertaining picture of life and characters who pass through different stages at their lives. They probably without noticing the curves depicted by their lives are exactly those plots film makers want to find and screen for others.