R | 26 July 2002 (USA)
Triggermen Trailers

Two British conmen in Chicago are mistaken for hired hitmen by mobsters wanting to rub out a rival gangster. Keen to make a fast buck, they pretend they are the hitmen but soon find they get more than they bargained for when the real ones turn up.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
MBunge Triggermen starts out as a bad blend of Martin Scorsese and Cameron Crowe, then turns into an even worse mix of Crowe and Nora Ephron. It's the sort of film that, while you're watching it, you frequently stop and think to yourself "Wow. This is really not any good at all." From a relentless soundtrack that never stops assaulting your ears to a story that plops itself into that groove of maximum dullness equidistant from both comedy and drama to scenes that I hope were lamely improvised or else I'm afraid that writer Tony Johnston might have some kind of brain tumor, this is a movie where almost nothing works. I say almost because Claire Forlani is always nice to look at and Donnie Wahlberg proves again here that he is, amazingly enough, the more talented Wahlberg brother.At the risk of giving you a brain cramp, here's the plot. Andy and Pete (Andrian Dunbar and Neil Morrissey) are a couple of British crooks who've found themselves stranded in Chicago. Pete manages to steal a briefcase that a mobster (Louis Di Banco) intended for a pair of out-of-town killers (Donnie Wahlberg and Michael Rapaport). The briefcase leads Andy and Pete to a hotel room where they learn the mobster wants the killers to murder a retiring crime boss (Pete Postlethwaite), who also happens to be staying at the same hotel. Andy and Pete decide to live it up in the hotel room for a couple of days on the mobster's dime, until the mobster and his right hand thug (Bill MacDonald) show up and mistake Andy and Pete for the out-of-town killers. Meanwhile, the Wahlberg half of the actual assassins gets infatuated with a beautiful woman (Claire Forlani) he sees at the hotel, who turns out to be the daughter of the retiring crime boss. Then Andy's pregnant girlfriend (Amanda Plummer) flies across the Atlantic and shows up at the hotel…and if you haven't had an aneurysm by now, you've probably got a good sense of where it all goes from there.Andy as a hapless blob and Pete and the overly enthusiastic friend who always gets him into trouble are vaguely amusing. The rest of the characters are as dry as desert sand and as shallow as a puddle of tears. The closest any of them come to human emotion is when Michael Rapaport feels neglected after his partner ditches him to make time with a girl. The rest of the performances are either so coarse they make a Catskills comedian seem subtle or so vacant they make the void of outer space seem like a more interesting dinner date. And while it's pretty standard for this kind of film to be propelled along by the characters' dumb decisions, these people are so moronic they shouldn't be able to dress themselves.And let me again mention how aggravating the soundtrack of this thing was. I'm trying hard to block it all out, but I don't think there was a single scene-to-scene transition in the entire movie that wasn't underlined by 10 to 15 seconds of some annoying pop rock song. It got to the point where I began to wish that human beings as a species where born deaf, so that music would have never been invented and I would have been spared the umpteen melody missiles that Triggermen fired into my brain.Nothing is helped by John Bradshaw's patchwork quilt approach to direction. There are bits like something out of a heist picture, bits out of something like a Coen Brothers' gangster picture, bits out of your basic romantic comedy, bits like a teen sex comedy and even a bit that belongs in some indy flick about men coming to grips with their latent homosexuality.Sitting through Triggermen is a tiresome experience that no one else needs to go through. I suffered enough for the rest of the world.
viss1 I rented this one the other day and was pleasantly surprised. It's unfortunate it didn't get better distribution; it would have made a great short-term summer release.In general, the flick is nicely-paced, the storyline is interesting enough to hold your attention, and the characters are for the most part fun to watch. The interplay between Wahlberg and Rapaport doesn't always hit the mark, but it works more often than not. Morrissey and Dunbar work well together; they have the same argument a number of different times, but it doesn't really get tedious. Postlethwaite is his usual impeccable self. The biggest revelation to me, though, was Forlani. IMO, she either plays the "sympathetic woman always on the verge of crying," or the "strong, independent, sexy love interest." This role is thankfully one of the latter. I must say she looks the best I've ever seen her look in this flick, to the point where she went up a few notches on my hotness scale.The other reviews cover the plot well enough, so I'll wrap up by recommending this to anyone looking for an amusing, easy-to-digest gangster flick. The surprisingly hot Claire Forlani is the icing on the cake.
jotix100 John Bradshaw's "Triggermen" deserved a bigger audience. Judging by the comments submitted to this forum, it must have been a film that went directly to DVD, because obviously it was abandoned to its fate by the distributors. Mr. Bradshaw shows he can produce films that keep the viewer entertained and because he gets good performances from his cast. The film was written by Tony Johnson.The main interest for watching "Triggermen" was to see Adrian Dunbar and Neil Morressey, who are excellent actors. They play a pair of English low lives who have come to Chicago in search of easy schemes, but they haven't been lucky. That is, until Pete, stumbles upon an case that contains money and a photograph of someone who has to be eliminated. His solution is to take advantage of the situation, move with Andy from the seedy place they are staying into the posh hotel that has been reserved for the would be killer.This pair gets much more than what they bargained for. Little do they know they have double crossed the real pair of executioners. The film is a comedy of errors that delivers a lot because of the mistaken identities. Since one knows who is who, there is no suspense because one realizes where the film is going.Pete Postlewaite, one of the best English character actors, appears as the retiring mafia don, Ben Cutler, who is staying in the hotel with his lovely daughter. Claire Forlini is a gorgeous woman to look at, and as Emma, the daughter, she becomes the object of love for one of the real assassins, Terry, who falls in love with her. These other duo, played by Donnie Wahlberg and Michael Rapaport, are good in most of their scenes together.Let's hope John Bradshaw will be back soon with another film where he will be recognized for his obvious talent.
travis-j-rodgers This film seems as if it tried to be a clever comedy/hardcore gangster film along the lines of Snatch, Lock Stock, and some other good ones. Unfortunately, the cast was unimpressive, the story was unoriginal, and the dialogue was not snappy in the least. It just tried to follow a common formula and did nothing new. Furthermore, the things it did, it did poorly. No one would care about these characters, no one can sympathize with much of what went on, with the possible exception of Wahlberg's character.You can't just take a bunch of character actors and throw them into a film and expect it to work. Some of the actors are incredibly competent, but with such limited material to work with, I suppose failure was inevitable.