Tricked: The Documentary
Tricked: The Documentary
| 13 December 2013 (USA)
Tricked: The Documentary Trailers

This character-driven film considers the evolving sex trafficking landscape as seen by the main players: the exploited, the pimps, the johns that fuel the business, and the cops who fight to stop it.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Nicholas Juntilla This film is a propaganda piece claiming that this is what prostitution is. This is the MTV version of prostitutes including a pimp and ho ball. This is not the vast majority of prostitution. It's labeling all prostitution as some kind of slavery. This is flat out incorrect. There is a current trend concerning sex trafficking that is being use to take our rights away like SESTA. People are being manipulated by media like this so that certain people have more control over them. Prostitution should probably be legal and all prostitution is definitely not sex trafficking. In today's age most of these women don't even have pimps. This film is inflammatory, incorrect and used as fuel to take away our rights.
theprivateer82 This film depicts prostitution with a set of preconceptions.The preconceptions are: 1. Prostitution is necessarily exploitative; (it can be voluntary) 2. That prostitution is only a world of pimps and slaves; where pimps somehow enslave unwilling women. (These women, by the way, to the outside observer: ostensibly are free at many times to leave, contact police or otherwise get help) These women it is said in the documentary hand over ALL of their money to their pimps - thus making them slaves - (Again, HUH?!). This argument to me does not make sense in any shape or form. 3. That pimps are somehow the problem with prostitution, (johns a close second) and as if arresting all the pimps, and perhaps then all the johns would solve the problem and stop the exploitation - without looking at any wider implications of laws in other countries. The makers might discover that legalisation may have a role in stopping this 4. That the police are doing a good job - this couldn't be further from the truth. The pathetic stings of vice police in this movie of johns is utterly ridiculous, and a waste of police resources.I urge anyone considering watching this movie read widely about worldwide prostitution regulation and make up their own mind. To all the USA readers of this review - ESPECIALLY YOU. I gave this 2/10 because I enjoyed the moralistic spectacle of the policemen crying their hearts out.
Bexcellent This is a well done documentary addressing all of the aspects of the complicated and dark world of sex trafficking. With the use of interviews and first hand accounts from pimps, johns, the sex workers themselves and even the police officers and psychologists working to end the sex trade, this documentary is able to give a balanced view of slavery in modern America.If nothing else, it's an important movie to watch based on just some of the comments made by reviewers on this site. Even with the trade of minors into sex slavery and the sexual and psychological abuse that pimps use to keep a hold on their workers, some people still decide to blame the victims of these tragedies. These stories are not suspect nor are they the fault of the women involved - they are stark, and real, and paint a sickening picture of the worth of a woman in a society that has veiled blatant sexism, sexual abuse and victimization by turning a blind eye and blaming the women involved. We laud over ourselves for being advanced in our ideologies, and in the same breath fund a multi-million dollar underground industry where the worth of a woman is, literally, anywhere from $40 to $100.All I can say is, watch this movie. Definitely if you are interested in the background of illicit sex work and especially if you are blind to its existence. The only major thing lacking for me was any discussion of the role of men as victims in sex trade, as I think for us to continue to battle this monster, those voices must not be silenced either. That aside, I found this documentary to be honest, unforgiving and enlightening.
midnight_cinephile "TRICKED" ? Really? Are my heart strings supposed to be pulled by this joke of a film? Perhaps in a few cases some "adult" or in this case teenage women have had a gun put to their head and forced into "the life" but I suspect this is a rare occurrence and this is a very one sided documentary. Once again we have WASP Puritan ethics from the 1700's forming the foundation for sorely outdated moronic laws and vice oriented law enforcement.Entrapping idiotic horny johns looking for a 30.00 dollar blowjobs is not real police work,it's shooting fish in a barrel. Cops that are on prostitution detail are belaboring the outcome and wasting taxpayer dollars-VERY LITTLE OF WHAT THEY DO WILL STOP THE PROSTITUTION GAME.They should be out fighting real crime.Cops have to make arrests and justify their salaries and fill quotas.It's sickening to watch the facade of sanctimonious justified indignation as displayed by law enforcement in this so called "film".THIS JUST IN : If prostitution was legalized,regulated and taxed there would be fewer pimps,violence or disease/unwanted pregnancies.After thousands of years of studying human behavior the results are blaitantly obvious- PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS BUY AND SELL SEX - do I have to cite the biggest cliché ever created ? Whoring is the "world's oldest profession"Get over it already,no one forced these ladies into a life of whoring.Not for one second did I feel sorry for the gal who was "tricked" into being a whore in Boston as she went thru college.She was smart enough to get into a good school,but somehow lost all of her common sense at that rundown motel 6 in Roxbury on that fabled evening on her hands and knees working for "toughie " the pimp? The herd just got a little bit thinner.She could have gotten a real job making low wages flipping burgers like millions of college kids all over the world to pay for her education. Hoe-ever ..the truth is she didn't...she chose whoring instead. Then we get treated to an interview with her mother crying foul about how her child's innocence was stolen?Bitch please....wake up and smell the KY jelly. Your daughter wasn't "tricked" into anything,she was lazy and didn't want to work a real job. She had freewill and she used it.I see a lot of women in the film who took the easy way out and DIDN'T WANT TO WORK A REAL JOB.GUESS WHAT ? IT'S NOT THE PIMPS FAULT OR THE JOHN'S FAULT THAT THEY PUT THEMSELVES UP ON THE MEAT MARKET. As for the film itself : there is nothing new uncovered here. This story is as old as the hills and has been covered extensively in many other documentaries and dramas.Painting the pigs as Knights in shining armor and the girls as victims is a one sided portrayal of a complex dynamic.Nothing in 'reality" is as it appears,nothing is ever so clean cut and black and white in the real world. The truth and reality is that the world is a shade of grey and this film is half assed and biased, Yes pimps are violent thugs, Yes,young women/teens and pre teens are selling their bodies to survive all over the world. This film is enabling the victim mentality and it is a one sided view of the game. I call BS.edit: This review does not in any way advocate or condone the abuse or exploitation of minors____ EVER ! All of my comments pertain to adults over the age of consent-18-21 years of age PERIOD.
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