Trailer for a Remake of Gore Vidal's Caligula
Trailer for a Remake of Gore Vidal's Caligula
| 02 March 2006 (USA)
Trailer for a Remake of Gore Vidal's Caligula Trailers

This is a short film based on the 1979 film of the same name. The film is stylized with the actors wearing modernized robes and Roman jewelry and females playing male characters and vice-versa.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Sammy-Jo Cervantes There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
haystack-caldoon This seemingly-pointless trailer for what appears to be a pornographic film is actually much more than that.Gore Vidal requested that his name be removed from the original "Caligula". He did so because he felt it had been produced as a low-grade soft-core pornographic picture, rather than as the more serious and lofty one he had intended. Thus, there is no such thing as "Gore Vidal's Caligula".What you have here is a trailer for a remake of a movie that never existed. That remake can never be made, of course! It's quite an elaborate and outrageous production for such a sly, clever joke. Even the super-raunchy nature of the trailer is a nod to the reasons the movie it suggests could never happen. I'll admit that, when I was shown this at an art historian's lecture, I didn't understand why the fellow in front of me began cackling madly the moment he saw the trailer's title. Once our lecturer (John Paul Ricco) explained the history behind the trailer, though, the laughs came from all over.
Andariel Halo Being that I loved the original "Caligula" even with all its flaws, I have to say this remake trailer was abysmal.Listening to Jovovich say in that lazy American accent "Mmm cuhligyooluh..." makes me feel sick. The set doesn't look Roman at all... it looks like some rich actor's Hollywood mansion backyard, and the Roman costumes look like cheap crap you buy at a suburban costume shop.That "charming" Adriana Asti looks like a fifty year old Hispanic woman totally terrified out of her mind, as if not knowing it's a movie trailer.The acting has got to be some of the worst I've ever seen, with most of the lines I hear being random actors screaming "CALIGULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" as loudly and obnoxiously annoyingly as they can.The random sex scenes also filled a good 40 or 50% of the trailer, and the scenes with notable actors/actresses like Gerard Butler (who graces the screen in shadows for all of three and a half seconds) not doing anything but looking uncomfortable or going all-out over the top with their minimal lines, just dragging it down with the ridiculousness of their delivery.Courtney Love's part consists of her looking like her usual dumpy crack-whore self leaning against a door mumbling about the moon or something. You can't tell because she's either drunk or high or just mumbling idiotically.Karen Black is just annoying... randomly laughing, and screaming in such a way that irritates you.Helen Mirren... she was in the original, and her return to "Caligula" consists of... "CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALIGULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I particularly "love" (and by love, I mean hate) Ennia's line, "Caligola... j00 no maki me *something incoherent*.... *something that sounds like j00nalo*" It's also insanely arrogant to say Caligula's four year reign was greater than Jesus's birth and death.Honestly, this has got to be the worst, most exploitative, self-indulgently arrogant piece of crap labeled as "art" I've ever seen. Even if Gore Vidal hated the original Caligula, he shouldn't have shown up or given his name over for this crap-pile, no matter how much they paid him (unless it was a billion trillion yen). Worst trailer ever.
Rebelgadfly1968 I have nothing more to say but it was awful. I cannot imagine why Helen Mirren and others were part of this degrading mess. And if certain actors don't want people to question their sexuality then perhaps they should refrain from making more of these films. There was at least one seen that left me curious. Just my opinion. SHUDDER to think what was going on that was cut from the film. SHUDDER to wonder what went through the minds of the actors who made this film. Shudder to think about the thought process and voyeurism that went on in the directors mind. Like I stated before its a degrading mess. Its not even funny. As Ebert said of the film Caligula with Malcolm McDowell, Its not a good film, not a good story and its not even good porn. YEESHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH............
Galina I actually bought the idea that "Caligula" (1979) has been remade and I somehow managed not to know anything about it. The mock trailer begins with Gore Vidal introducing the remake and answering the question, "who would need a new "Caligula"? with the words, "everyone does". Well, there is not going to be a remake but the trailer is five minutes of sheer fun, class, perversity, humor, and Art and is very interesting and unique by itself. I was happy to recognize some familiar faces: Helen Mirren made an appearance as Tiberia (she was mocking Peter O'Toole performance and played Caligula's grandmother and she was as sexy and provocative as ever. Adriana Asti replays her role as Ennia once again using a special face-cream, fresh and warm manually prepared for her to make her skin look young and radiant. Green-eyed model/actress/singer, Milla Jovovich is Caligula's beloved sister Druscilla; Karen Black - Agrippina (another Caligula's sister, the future mother of Nero and Claudius' wife), Michelle Phillips (a member of the pop group, "The Mamas and the Papas") is Messalina, Claudius' first wife who was called the most depraved woman ever. The biggest surprise was Courtney Love as the mad Emperor Caligula but who knows - maybe it was not such a big stretch for her.Very funny, classy, and stylish 9/10
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