Trail Riders
Trail Riders
NR | 04 December 1942 (USA)
Trail Riders Trailers

In the 18th entry of Monogram's 24 "Range Buster" films, the bank of Gila Springs is robbed by Ace Alton and his gang, and Sheriff Frank Hammond, son of Marshal Jim Hammond, is killed. The Marshal sends for the Range Busters, Dusty King, Davy Sharpe and Alibi Terhune, to come and restore order to the town. Ed Cole, head of the local vigilantes, and secretly the head of the outlaws, promptly orders the trio out of town. They visit an old friend, Rancher Mike Rand and his daughter Mary. Mary's brother Jeff has unwittingly become a gang member, and carries out Cole's orders by taking a shot at Davy, but the latter makes him a prisoner during a subsequent fight in the town café. Jeff confesses to Cole's involvement, and the Range Busters, with the help of town banker Harrison, set a trap for Cole and his outlaw vigilantes.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Frank Cullen No insult to Ray "Crash" Corrigan (who was one of the great western movie stunt men (along with Yakima Canutt and others), but I disagree with previous writer who dissed Davy Sharpe stepping in for ray Corrigan. I welcome any movie in which Davy Sharpe consented to appear. I don't know, but I guess that Davy Sharpe enjoyed stunt work more than acting, so his "acting" appearances are far fewer than the number of movies he was called upon to double the star and henchmen in dozens of films. No movie cowboy was handsomer than Davy Sharpe or better suited in terms of athleticism and acting chops to be a western star, but, watching him partner Rex Bell so well in Idaho Kid, I have to assume that it was Davy Sharpe's choice to limit his acting roles.
captainace-1 David Sharpe has taken Crash Corrigan's place as a Range Buster. Please come back, Crash! Silly, predictable story line. Alibi's dummy, Elmer, again talks without Alibi near him. The ever present humor is there along with two Range Busters vying for a girl's attention. As usual, neither gets her. There is something strangely appealing about these childhood cowboy heroes. Justice always prevails, but the good guy doesn't always get the girl. With the absence of Crash Corrigan, Dusty King has taken over as the leader. Is it possible Alibi could get top billing? If all Range Busters films were like this one, it's no wonder they stopped at twenty-four. "See you in our next adventure!"