Traces of Death
Traces of Death
| 20 April 1993 (USA)
Traces of Death Trailers

Shockumentary that consists of various scenes of stock footage depicting death and real scenes of violence.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Illyngophobia The year is 1993. Fifteen years ago, the world was introduced to the shock mondo of the late 1970s; Faces of Death- supposedly banned in 46 countries. From that glorious day to the early 2000s, mondo films have been pushing their way into the masses. In 1993, Damon Fox presented the "Traces of Death" series to the world; four sequels would (the last would be released in 2000).This low budget feature ($18 estimated) which grossed only $230; has a similar vibe as its father series, Faces of Death. What separates the two is a thin line. As motown stated, its not so much a film and its not so much a documentary. While both TOD and FOD show graphic accounts of executions, autopsies, accidents and other causes of death-- this has more authentic footage, which makes can make Traces of Death the true real shockumentary. Also shown include things such as car accidents, car bomb explosions, a story told by a man who survived a suicide attempt as well as tedious sex change operation footage.Being made on a near shoe string budget; the movie is very poor in quality and narration; compared to FOD with a budget of nearly half a million dollars. While Dr. Gross narrates most of Faces of Death, Mr. Fox comes in rarely; and usually only makes dark humor remarks-such as that to be found in Faces of Gore.With all of this being said, I will be generous and give the film a 5/10; its somewhat shocking for its time--but the quality decreases it quite a bit. I do give credit to the company for having more authentic footage, compared to Faces of Death; where most of it is reenacted.
Texas-Chainsaw-Massacre This is the most nastiest piece of junk I've ever seen. Forget Faces Of Death, this is all real and very graphic footage of well, let's see, Medical Operations, Accidents, Autopsys, plus pictures of suicides and police photographs. The shockementary is badly edited and is clearly meant to be exploitative and as sick as they, the producers, could get it. It's that badly edited in fact, that it just looks like a 2 VCR editing setup with a MIC attached. The commentator only rarely speaks, and when he does, his comments are gibberish and just to poke fun at the mayhem what unfolds. (During a scene of 'death' pictures) Comments include, " You will witness visions so incredibly graphic that your brain will surely comprehend the ghastly images it will receive!". Although, this footage is supposed to be 100% real, you won't know what the circumstances behind the scenes were, and therefore I found it boring and just vile. At least in Faces of Death, the commentator explains each scene so you know what has happened. Traces Of Death also includes the televised suicide of Bud Dywhite. This scene is replayed in different angles, replayed slowed down, and plainly just played till it would make you sick. If your after a rambling collection of death scenes this is your dream DVD!. However, if your after a serious documentary, then don't bother with this. I see its also banned in the UK, normally I think censorship is abhorrent, but in this case the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) should be given an award instead of the baseball bat!!!!. At this point I'd also like to point out this part does NOT have any death metal music. It's sick, vile, disturbing, and is strictly for adults over 18 what has a open mind, In my opinion, if you want a real shockumentary, Get Bumfights Presents: Terrorists, Killers & Middle East Wackos. Be warned, this is very graphic. I'll give Traces of Death a 3, because of it's pure exploitation!
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki Without a doubt one of the most atrocious movies (made for $18?) you're ever going to find, "Death" or otherwise. The great majority of the movie is still-photographs of murders, suicides, electrocutions, car crashes, and it's mostly SILENT FOOTAGE, so that little bonehead Damon Fox added in some horrendous, canned background music, and his own idiotic narration to fill that particular void. Damon has the personality of a toilet plunger, so why would we need to hear what he has to say? Why did Damon not address the allegations of his pedophilic convictions, alcoholism, and various other sundry affairs in his bone- gratingly bad narrative, or in his lengthy, and wholly fraudulent, bio?By the way, to Damon Fox, clever title that you came up with for this. What did it take you, maybe all of about four seconds to think of that title? "Faces of Death" and "Traces of Death" may have similar titles, but they're nothing at all like each other. Faces of Death was a brilliantly marketed movie. Its tag "Banned in XX countries" made people believe that it really had been banned in many countries all over the world, which only made many people want to see this to see what the big deal was. It was largely fake, but was coherently put together, and told its mock story well enough to make it involving.. Faces of Death at least had a sleazy, trashy documentary feel to it, some attempt at a sequence or progression from one scene to the next.None of that here though.This is just one still-photograph of brains splattered on the wall after another, another silent video of someone crushed in a compactor after that, all edited together without any progression from one scene to the next, with that annoying hairball Damon providing a thoroughly obnoxious and grating narrative. His fraudulent bio on IMDb is pitiful, claiming to be a big time film producer, musician, alleging that he graduated high school when he was 12 years old, etc. Why did IMDb bother to add such nonsense? What a pathetic fraud Damon he is, and what a pathetic video this was. We can only hope that his death comes soon. Few times has a movie made me as angry as this, or has a worthless waste of life like Damon made me as angry as this has. Rot in Hell, Damon.Damon, and every copy of this, should be burnt, and the ashes sent into deep space, to never be seen again.
rattman_3 Wow theres not much that a user can say about this movie except maybe "Gross" or "wow" or "Shocking". But the movie is much more. A lot of people have badmouthed this film due to its violent content but that is just the point of the movie.Although it doesnt live up to its image it is at times shocking and sickening. Its by far better than Faces of Death is. The narration is boring at times and it seems like the narrator is trying to gross people out and waste time instead of explaining the situations.While it is more graphic than Faces of Death it does miss the storyline and the narrator explaining the things. There are several scenes that I found strange and would have liked to know some background on what I was seeing but it was not there.Another low point in the film is the major hospital scenes. People under the knife and what not. This would have been truly shocking in the 80's / early 90's but now that we have shows like "Trama Life in the ER" scenes like this fall short of being shocking.Overall the movie is well rounded in its style. Some times the movie does drag on but its much more entertaining than films like "Mondo Cane" and the like.Overall I give this movie a 8 out of 10. While the film did keep me interested It fell short of being shocking. The prolonged warning at the beginning just made me hit the FF button.***KEY POINT*** A key point to look for in this movie is towards the end they are "selling" body parts and other sick things.....its strange and without giving it away, just check it out for yourself. Its funny, strange, and shocking. I call it a reward for suffering through the whole entire movie. ***KEY POINT*** So overall I give this movie a 8/10. Its worth checking out if your a hardcore mondo fan...which I am not