Tom & Thomas
Tom & Thomas
| 23 January 2002 (USA)
Tom & Thomas Trailers

A young boy thinks he's got a lookalike around him, but nobody believes him. Then, he meets Thomas and they switch homes.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
griz-259-175100 I won't re-hash what other proponents of this movie have already said so well. I wasn't expecting a lot and got far more than I expected. Sean Bean's quieter role as a concerned parent was bang on. He added huge depth to the movie without stealing the thunder . . . which quite rightly belongs to young Aaron Taylor-Johnston. The whole movie few or flopped on the acting skills of this young man and it flew. He so competently played two different characters that I had to check the credits the first time actually thinking they had cast twins for the roles. His reactions particularly as Tom retreating from gestures of affection were powerful, revealing hints of his abusive past. Also powerful, were his periods of absentia when he was sharing in Thomas' dire flight from the baddies and eventual capture. And personally I found it very amusing when Tom lost composure and hurled a bit of a curse at his father followed by a totally believable "Sorry Sir!". A very talented, very young actor. It is a movie well worth a watch: and I disagree with the assessment that it doesn't have "enough energy" to be a children's movie. My thought is that we've endured too many Disney-type movies with with an energy-level geared to an ADHD child slamming back Red Bulls!
rdoetjes First of all a splendid performance by Aaron Johnson, I personally see him as a top performer look at movies like the Thief Lord and The Illusionist and he's a real nice character as well.It's really obvious that this movie isn't a true English movie, you can tell by the colours and the way how the images are composed. The Dutch way of film making is apparent but it's the best movie from Dutch soil thus far. With brilliant mixed British and Dutch cast and a thrilling story which suits both parents and children alike.The only noticeable rather annoying things that's wrong in this movie is the fact that the film plays in London (shot on location which is rather unique these days). But when Thomas gets abducted and is brought to the airport to be send to Nairobi we see them driving on the A40 towards Heathrow/Gatwick (all okay there). However the scenes shot on the airport are shot at Amsterdam Schiphol airport. You can tell by the little posts near the entrance of the animal terminal where Tom's brought in. And the scene with Mr Bancroft and Finch in the car which is obviously shot in the Schiphol parking garage (you can also hear the announcer). I've worked and roamed around Schiphol and visited many airports in the UK and I know one airport from the other a dodgy unnecessary inconsistency. And the fact that you're not allowed to drive your motorcycle on the Southbank is a bit of a joke. The theme music is a bit weird I don't know what the Dutch have with harmonica music, it gives me the creeps, next time a nice guitar or piano would be better. (But hey everybody's a critic).Aaron plays two great roles, I love him in his Tom character his cockney like accent and the cheeky eyes. The making of this movie is also a nice extra on the DVD. You can see the great improvement in Aaron when you see his screen audition.
Suren This is a very interesting movie for little children and adults. This movie is about Tom and Thomas two twin brothers that have no idea of each others existence. But they both have an imaginary friend one has Tom the other has Thomas. When one is in trouble the other feels it. So one of the twins Tom is in an orphanage and the other lives with his dad Sean Bean (not his real father) that adopted him. Well Tom runs away from the orphanage and lives outside for a while until they both suddenly meet each other. He doesnt tell his step dad about his brother until... Then you see all the adventures they go through and all the things they do.This is a very good movie maybe my summery is not that good but you have to see this movie to understand what I mean.
francesca orr This film just blew me away! I thought I'd watch it coz there was nothing else on and I thought it would be you're average kid's film, boy was I wrong! I thought it would be a lame plot with lame acting, but it was the complete opposite of that, it was very well made with an excellent plot and amazing acting! Aaron Johnson is one talented kid...I mean the way he portrayed the completely different twins, 'Tom' and 'Thomas', was terrific, I'm running out of good words so I'm probably going to start getting quite repetitive! Anyway, I loved all scenes in this film, the way it all pieced together, the shots, the music, the acting, the lines, the baddies, the heroes, the emotion, everything seemed perfect! It is very funny at times, and very sad at others, it is very exciting and there is never a dull moment, something exciting is always happening. The film provokes a lot of pity from it's audience, probably towards 'Tom' the twin who had ended up in an orphanage. The scenes where the twins share each other's pain, as one of them is being beaten, is very well portrayed and it was one of those scenes that make me appreciate film a lot more! This is one of the topics which adults would probably be advised not to show younger children, as to the subject of child abuse, although I did see this with my five year old nephew and he seemed to enjoy it, and to my amazement said it was better than toy story, this coming from a boy who has his bedroom covered with toystory posters, cuddly toys and pillows! But back to 'Tom and Thomas'! Like most little kid's my nephew just thought there would be a happy ending, because in end the everything will be happily ever after, well that's what they think when they watch a movie. I'll tell you it does have a happy ending though. But I'm sure those kid's would need counselling! No matter what happens in a film, whether it's child abuse or not, when it's over and has a happy ending, most little kid's don't really think about it! well all I can say now, well, actually I could say a lot more, but I'll just say that this is one of my favourite films, I don't care if it's kids film, it a very unique, brilliant, inspiring, and one of a kind film. It is also very realistic and superbly and expertly made! It doesn't seem like a child's film, yet can be very enjoyable to children of all ages and unlike a lot of kid's films very exciting and enjoyable for adults of all ages too, just ask my mum, so there you have it, my nephew thought it was great, I'm a teenager and I think it's one of the best films I've ever seen and my mum thinks it is an exciting film too! Oh and I applaud Aaron's acting skills in it, very powerful and great emotion, and he's just one of the best child actors I've seen before...So I am telling you now you have to and I mean have to see this film! WATCH IT!!!Bye, luv Cesca x