Tom and Jerry: The Movie
Tom and Jerry: The Movie
G | 30 July 1993 (USA)
Tom and Jerry: The Movie Trailers

The popular cartoon cat and mouse are thrown into a feature film. The story has the twosome trying to help an orphan girl who is being berated and exploited by a greedy guardian.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
declankearns-24728 Released in 1992.I hated this film mostly because Tom and Jerry spoke.Every one knows that their not allowed to talk.Secondly,the characters are all unlikable,including Tom and Jerry.With clichéd villains who want to kill an innocent child for no reason.(It is never explained why the villains even want to kill her).The plot is just all over the place.First off,it becomes a musical,the our heroes talk and then they have to save a little girl.Lastly,the jokes fall flat,especially without all the slapstick.In conclusion,the film is one long middle finger to all Tom and Jerry fans.Just stay away from this sh*tty excuse for an animation film.
bugssponge This movie is very good! I have 2 copies of it at home.The movie opens up with Tom and Jerry chasing each other and Tom's owner leaves him. Now homeless, he has to find a new home. He gets thrown out on the street, and meets a dog and flea, who teach Tom and Jerry to be friends. They get mugged, and Tom runs into some alley cats. Jerry saves Tom however, and they meet a girl named Robyn under a bridge.We then fast forward to Aunt Figg, the guardian, crying for Robyn, and the girl is brought back. She sends Robyn to her room, in the attic, cause her room was given to the fat dog. Tom and Jerry are separated from Robyn as they are sent to an animal-prison. They manage to escape and get the girl out. They lose each other at sea and Robyn ends up on an island with a carnival. Tom and Jerry end up elsewhere. Lickboot, the lawyer, finds out Robyn's dad is still alive, which Robyn wants, since her mom died young. Determined, they put a reward of a million bucks for the finding of Robyn. Captain Kiddie runs the carnival and sees the reward on a milk carton and traps her on a ferris wheel to get the money.Dr. Applecheek, the owner of the animal shop, is mad at Aunt Figg because Tom and Jerry were the cause of all the animals to escape, Figg disagrees and Dr. leaves. The henchmen kick him out, when he tells them they won't get any of the money, so he steals an ice cream truck to drive to the carnival. Tom and Jerry free Robyn and trap the henchmen when they arrive. But Applecheek leaves them there, as revenge for not letting him stay in the truck. Aunt Figg arrives and they all chase Robyn as she runs away.Captain Kiddie and Applecheek end the race when they hit each other on the bridge after the dog destroyed it. Lickboot, Figg, and dog head for the cabin where Tom and Jerry are headed and make it there before Tom and Jerry. Figg accidentally knocks a lamp and burns the house unintentionally, but Tom and Jerry push them onto the boat they were on earlier and they sail away. Robyn's dad comes and rescues them.They go back to their current house and Robyn gives Tom and Jerry a new house. But they start chasing after resuming their antics.The animation is wonderful, by the original directors of the movie, but takes a different approach on the characters, which is acceptable.10/10
Bob Hope Some idiot in a previous review just asked whether it really mattered that TnJ could talk and weren't always trying to kill each other. A bit like saying that it wouldn't really matter if you took the witch out of Wizard of Oz or Snow White out of the movie of that name.It is probably OK for kids at a certain level but the crime is in defacing an iconic and ballsy classic. If this was a KFC franchise, the head office would be nailing the front door shut and suing the franchisee or maybe even having him bumped off, depending on the location.Interestingly, the movie does borrow some action shots (the alley cat beating up scene is one) from the real TnJ cartoon as well as from several other sources but this only serves to underline the gap between this and the real thing.
Thane Dynamo Words alone cannot express my reaction to this film when I saw it, so to have an appropriate image of it, watch the Nostalgia Critic's response to the landmark of this film's *epic* failure: Tom and Jerry effing TALK (and sing about how they hate chasing each other and are actually friends)!!!!!! They went and turned a cartoon sensation into a cinema abomination. There we are, no more to it. That's the short version of what I think of this. Poor Tom and Jerry. It's as if the movie murdered them.Oh, and recite the analysis of the climactic chase scene...*without* going completely insane!