To the Other Side
To the Other Side
| 01 June 2005 (USA)
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This drama features three stories about the bonds between children and absent parents. A Cuban boy who lives in poverty with his mother longs to visit his father in the United States, a Moroccan girl attempts to reunite with her father, and in Mexico, and a boy disobeys his father to visit a strange lagoon. These related vignettes showcase the powerful hold that parents have upon their children, which often remains strong despite their absence.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
shell_217 I have not seen such a great film in a long time. I don't know where to begin. It's a great narrative, wisely thought out. The cinematography, well, that's breathtaking. The actors are all great. I really like that they actually did a little research in terms of the reality of these locations. This story deals with immigration to the North (whatever that may be), whether it is Morroccans crossing into Spain, Mexicans or Cubans crossing over to the US. It does not deal with the hardship of the millions of people who cross over, but rather with the families of these, their children, who want to search for their fathers. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!
mikesheldon55-1 This should be mandatory viewing for every loud mouth American who pontificates about immigrants while shoving cheap food in their mouth supplied by workers from around the world. Don't let that statement keep you away..this is no bleeding hearts polemic. These are stories full of heart, sentiment (but not sentimentality), and love. The acting was beautiful: the child playing Mexican Pricilliano (sp?) gave an amazing performance, but an equal argument could be given in the Cuban and Morrocan stories too. The repeated use of actors was excellent. I wasn't totally sure of what I clearly was seeing. The film had humor, pathos, a touch of mysticism, tragedy.........wonderful music, beautiful photography. I guess I opened the review with my statement because I felt so completely immersed in three different cultures, and none of them were worlds that I felt like I really knew before. I just saw it at the Palm Springs Film Festival as one of the potential Academy Award nominees, and I wish it was available for more showings. I loved this film.
19eidyfor This movie has a very interesting structure, good acting, beautiful scenes, even the script brights for moments... but unfortunately no one of the stories involves enough as is expected. Instead we've got a lot of common 'dramatic 'till it hurts' situations as in the major part of this films.Enhacing the fact of the very child performing, the plot is just an easy dramatic exploitation in itself with no sense of touch with the real 'cause and effect' of the parental leaving home.Anyway this film could worth for watching the beautiful photography. Some of the scenes in the 3 stories are simply unforgettable.
Mariana Cornejo Al otro lado (At the other side) is a modest movie, not very long (just 90 minutes), but condensates the whole feeling from what a real movie should be. It's the story of the children and their relation with the problem of emigration and its consequences. This might be a sure formula to get cheap sentimentalism but this film avoids it successfully. Yes, children are always a good way to get not only empathy but the complete favor from the audience. But the story doesn't have the intention to makes you cry: It tells the simple story just as it is in life: Difficult but funny, without giving up the dreams nor the hope. The emigration seen through the eyes of a child is a good theme but it was a pity that the film just focuses in the emigration to the USA and Spain, and this is a worldwide problem that maybe deserved a mayor experiment as seen on 11'09''01 - September 11. What happens in Asia, in Africa, in Oceania? A good example can be seen in the Academy Award Winner Reise der Heffnung(1990)- Journey of Hope. Anyway, Al otro lado is a winner in cinema, in sincere storytelling, in transmitting the message with creation of beauty. Don't miss this one.