To Rome with Love
To Rome with Love
R | 22 June 2012 (USA)
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Four tales unfold in the Eternal City: While vacationing in Rome, architect John encounters a young man whose romantic woes remind him of a painful incident from his own youth; retired opera director Jerry discovers a mortician with an amazing voice, and he seizes the opportunity to rejuvenate his own flagging career; a young couple have separate romantic interludes; a spotlight shines on an ordinary man.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Syl Woody Allen is best known for playing neurotic New Yorkers for decades. Here, he plays a retired opera conductor whose daughter has relocated to Rome, Italy. Woody Allen has written, directed, acted and produced an all star cast with Alec Baldwin, Jesse Eisenberg, Ellen Page, Judy Davis and Allison Pill in the cast. The film is centered around Roman landmarks like the Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona. The stories don't intermingle. Davis and Allen played a retired couple visiting their daughter and make a discovery in the shower. Alec Baldwin guides Jesse Eisenberg through a love triangle during his stay. Roberto Benigni and Penelope Cruz also star in this film. There are some scenes done completely in Italian with subtitles. Woody Allen wanted to pay homage to the great Italian film directors like Fellini and others in this film. The film is not so serious but delightful and entertaining to watch overall.
cinemajesty To Mr. Woody Allen: Writing, producing, directing films each year straight since 1982's "A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy" and the latest installment of Woody Allen's motion picture factory "Wonder Wheel" to be released at New York Film Festival on October 14th 2017, you show remarkable endurance to present films with a calm, filled full of life-time anecdotes, voice, attracting the most accomplished actors of our time from around mainly from the U.S. and Europe, where "To Rome With Love" just fits in as one of the minors, close-to non-sense distracting film of yours, where you only break out once in the last twenty years with the film "Match Point" (2005) by letting actress Scarlett Johansson getting killed by a shotgun attack through Jonathan Rhys-Meyers in order to be able to play a part in London's high society. Everything else leaves your relentless gift of circling around an universal world vision and subjective neurotics from "Annie Hall" (1977) to "Midnight in Paris" (2011), having actor Owen Wilson filling in to your part of the Alvy Singer in all of us again, before granting actress Cate Blanchett her well-deserved Academy Award as best leading actress by making the park's bench a world of its own in a close-up of no further explanation.Sincerely yours, Felix Alexander Dausend
Johan Dondokambey One changes a mortician into a literally shower opera singer; one lives out the predictable eventual unfaithfulness accompanied by the 'guardian angel' senior; one focuses on the instantaneous yet utterly stupid fame; the last one speaks about a husband and wife couple, each having their own strange experience of sex lesson in Rome. The screenplay is just purely stupid for me, particularly with all those stupid twists within each of the sub-stories. Why the senior architect did just stands still and did not tell Sally about what happened between Monica and John? Where did the prostitute come from? And why would Giancarlo be willing to a great degree humiliate himself with the stupid shower on stage? Yet I find the acting is quite sufficient. Ellen Page didn't do enough to hide her real sexual orientation here. Alec Baldwin got really undermined with such an insignificant role. Jesse Eisenberg sticks to his usual character of the timid and often sloppy character.
Desertman84 To Rome With Love is a film of Woody Allen that tells a story of four separate vignettes such as: a clerk who wakes up to himself a celebrity; an architect who takes a trip back to the street wherein he lived as a student;a young couple on their honeymoon; and an Italian funeral director who possesses a singing ability that captures his soon to be in-law who happens to be an American opera director.The ensemble cast of the movie includes Woody Allen himself together with Alec Baldwin,Roberto Benigni,Penélope Cruz,Judy Davis and Jesse Eisenberg.Compared to other Woody Allen films like for example Annie Hall,this is definitely will be considered a minor one due to underdeveloped characters and plot lines.Added to that,many unrealistic events happen that is way beyond belief and it won't be enough to generate the interest of the viewers even though the stories happen in the streets of Rome and it had a strong cast in it.Finally,the plot lines also fail to become one coherent story telling that a viewer may find it somewhat boring and uninteresting at some parts of the movie.