Titanic: The Legend Goes On...
Titanic: The Legend Goes On...
| 15 September 2000 (USA)
Titanic: The Legend Goes On... Trailers

An animated retelling of the worst passenger ship disaster in history. In this version, love blossoms between the upper-class Sir William and the blue-collar Angelica, who is hoping to find romance in America. At the same time, there are also a number of animal passengers, including talking dogs, cats and mice, who are also looking forward to arriving in the New World.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Cissy Évelyne It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
mikehan-11529 This movie made me cry. A part of me died today but was also resurrected shortly after. MUST WATCH!! Recommended to watch with in-laws, till they kick you out of the family.I now have hope for true love and a baby
Eric Stevenson This is the worst animated movie that I have ever seen in my entire life! I think the only reason it was relatively easy to find this to watch was because nobody wanted their name associated with it! I saw the original animated Titanic movie first. Contrary to what the Nostalgia Critic's review says, this one actually came out second. That makes it even worse than the original because it really did rip off an already terrible film! The first one ripped off the 1997 movie and this is a rip off of a rip off! This manages to include more stuff from the 1997 movie, including the locket plot line.Some people would say that the original is technically worse, because it has a dumber story, but I found this as awful as it gets. I think there was even a time where this film was actually ranked as the #1 worst movie on the Bottom 100 here! The other one currently has a lower score and that one at least had better animation. Don't get me wrong, it's still in my Top 10 worst movies of all time, but this is in the Top 5! I think it's even worse than "Chairman Of The Board" and that's "really" saying something. The animation is probably the worst and cheapest I have ever seen in my entire life.Almost every character in this movie is a ripoff. There's two dalmations who are obviously ripped off from Disney's "101 Dalmations". There's a wicked stepmother and two wicked stepsisters who are obviously based on the characters from Disney's "Cinderella". There's a bunch of stereotypical Mexican mice who are obviously based on Speedy Gonzalez. The entire plot is lifted from the other awful Titanic movie. Absolutely nothing is original in this piece of crap! When it ends, it gets even worse. The credits (or at least in the version I saw) go on for fourteen minutes! I am dead serious! All they do is just show a bunch of scenes from the movie with the names attached.This movie is only 70 minutes long, which means that the credits take up a fifth of the entire film! I hated this film from the very first minute. The movements are the worst I've ever watched in any cartoon. I thought there was something wrong with my version, but they're all like that. They just seem to be freezing it for a millisecond over and over. These characters scare me! They are horrifying to look at. It reminds me of the same animation that was used in the CD-I Zelda games. We got horrendous shading, especially in some scenes where you can't tell if it's day or night. We even get scenes where a woman has a flashback showing scenes that only lasted for a few minutes. Everything in this awful film is just repeated over and over again.I am not kidding. We actually get the exact same stock footage shown four times in a row! Oh, and then it's shown briefly again for good measure. There's more and more stock footage of the same scenes. My brain felt like it turned into spaghetti watching this. I have no idea if this can even be called a cartoon. It just seems like some errors people made when drawing stuff and they just put random footage together. It's dreadfully boring and the pointless scenes make it last like an eternity and the story is only 56 minutes long! It's even worse than "An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn!" because that looked at least slightly better.Every single frame of this is painful to my eyes. It's the worst movie I have ever reviewed here and I wouldn't be surprised if it was featured in the first episode of the new "Mystery Science Theater 3000" show coming out next year! Well, they've never done an animated movie before. I guess it would be lazy to paraphrase Roger Ebert, but I will anyway. "I hated this movie. Hated, hated, hated, hated, hated this movie. Hated it. Hated every simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting moment of it. Hated the sensibility that thought anyone would like it. Hated the implied insult to the audience by its belief that anyone would be entertained by it." Don't recommend it to anyone for any reason ever. Zero Stars
j-jessie-weaver This "movie" practically takes a heartbreaking disaster that happened years ago, stomps on it, spits in the faces of the people who died, then proceeds to laugh at the both of them. I have never seen a movie so atrocious, abysmal and retched, that I hope I never have to watch it again. "Titanic: The Animated Movie" is a huge example of how not to turn a historical event into a kid's cartoon.First off, the animation is incredibly horrible. I have never seen animation this lazy. Did the filmmakers' even TRY to put effort into it? No, of course, not. They were probably being just as lazy or didn't give two craps. I've watched TV shows and movies where the animation was very bad, but at least they were tolerable. This is just pathetic. The Titanic itself looks like it came out of an N64 console. A three year old could do better than these guys at animating.The characters are bland and are nothing but rip offs of characters I saw from other movies, especially Disney. Angelica and William are basically clones of Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukator from the original James Cameron film, except the "poor" and "rich" roles are flipped. There is also a family of mice that looks like Fivel's family from "An American Tail," two Dalmatians with red and blue collars, (where do you think that's from?) and various similarities which bring up one word: "Plagiarism." Not to mention, there is a rapping dog in this film. No, I am not making it up. A RAPPING DOG IN SOMETHING ABOUT THE TITANIC! Can somebody please tell me, how anyone in the right mind, thought that was a great idea? Is this movie trying to be a comedy?Comedy is something for movies that are written to be comedic, and it is not, in any way, appropriate for a historical subject . Stay away from this piece of crap. If you think this'll be a good film, think again. It is beyond insulting, the animation and editing are the worst I have ever seen, and it is bound to make you angry at your species who made this. At least, when Winsor McCoy created his silent cartoon about the Lusitania disaster, he got it right.
ofpsmith This movie is horrific. It's disgraceful, offensive, insulting, choppy, boring, and poorly animated. First off the story. A young girl on the RMS Titanic named Angelica (Lisa Russo) is a poor servant to her abusive stepmother and two stepsisters. Because yeah, that hasn't been seen before! Anyway she meets William (Mark Thompson-Ashworth) a rich young man who is traveling with his nanny (Susan Spafford) who just happens to be Angelica's long lost mother. By the way, I think William is a little old to have a nanny. Well more on that later. Now I have to talk about the first subplot out of many. About a group of Mexican mice and a rapping dog. Yes you did not misread that. A rapping dog. Good to have rap music in 1912. Anyway there's another subplot about two thieves named Kirk (Clive Riche) and Dirk (Doug Meakin) who are pickpockets being followed by an idiot detective named Sam (Mickey Knox) who just happen to steal Angelica's locket. This could have been left out of the movie and it would have no effect on the ending but whatever. Well back to the main story. Angelica shares maybe 3 or less lines with William and it's love. Kind of spontaneous. Anyway the Titanic as we all now hits an iceberg and sinks. Angelica finally meets her mother who by some incredible coincidence was on the same 10 person lifeboat. And guess what they even save Sam and William. Well at least I know Sam is okay. That character that played little to no part in this story is all well and good. Then as we are about ready to turn off the TV or Computer depending on how you watched it a creepy voice tells us that the other characters are all okay as well. That's right everyone is out okay in one of the worst disasters hat ever happened in human history. What kind of a disgusting ending is that. To tell us that everyone was okay! People actually debate weather or not this movie actually exists. And I can see why. I do not recommend it.