Tin Pan Alley
Tin Pan Alley
NR | 29 November 1940 (USA)
Tin Pan Alley Trailers

Songwriters Calhoun and Harrigan get Katie and Lily Blane to introduce a new one. Lily goes to England, and Katy joins her after the boys give a new song to Nora Bayes. All are reunited when the boys, now in the army, show up in England.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
JohnHowardReid Copyright 29 November 1940 by 20th Century-Fox Film Corp. New York opening at the Roxy: 21 November 1940. U.S. release: 29 November 1940. Australian release: 17 April 1941. Original length: 9,000 feet, 100 minutes. Cut to 8,757 feet (97 minutes) in Australia and to 92 minutes in U.S.A. by deleting a song number, "Get Out and Get Under", featuring Faye, Grable and Oakie.SYNOPSIS: 1915-1919. Rags to riches to rags and back story of a couple of song publishers, one of whom is dumb (and greedy) enough not to realize Alice Faye is a loyal, sensitive girl who's in love with him.NOTES: Tin Pan Alley originally went into production in Technicolor. About half the film was photographed in color (approximately the first half, although there are a couple of later sequences in which the grainy lighting and too-thick make-up indicate original color cinematography) before the process was abandoned. Why is a good question. Two reasons: (1) The Sheik of Araby number ran into censor difficulties ("too much showgirl") and had to be re-shot. It certainly looks less daring in black-and-white. (Perhaps the Nicholas Brothers and Princess Ammon were also added at this stage to give the number "class"); (2) Zanuck felt that Technicolor flattered Grable at Faye's expense. Alice had made her color debut in Hollywood Cavalcade in which she looked great but had no competition. Immediately Tin Pan Alley was in the can, Zanuck rushed Alice into That Night in Rio, her second Technicolor feature, this time with a safe co-star - Carmen Miranda.Alfred Newman won an Academy Award for Best Score. This was the film's only nomination. Because of the color/black-and-white compromise, photography and art direction were ineligible for nomination, but it is strange that "You Say the Sweetest Things, Baby" was not proposed for Best Song. It's not only the first song Harry Warren and Mack Gordon wrote for Alice (it remained her personal favorite of all her numbers) but it's given such a stand-out treatment with such an elaborate musical reprise, I can't figure how any nominator could possibly miss it.The film was remade in 1950 as I'll Get By, with June Haver and William Lundigan directed by Richard Sale.COMMENT: There has to be a higher rating than 100% for this movie. Alice of course dominates the film but she is not allowed to completely overshadow the rest of the cast - as some critics have claimed. True, the script has John Payne elbowing Betty Grable aside to give Alice a shot at "Moonlight Bay", but Betty is by no means neglected. Although she has no romantic steady, she has a couple of solo production numbers as well as joining Alice for "Hawaii" and the movie's delightfully zesty showpiece, "The Sheik of Araby".Comedian Jack Oakie has a regal share of the limelight too, while Payne has if anything even more footage. And there's a grand supporting roster including Allen Jenkins, Elisha Cook and Charles Wilson (all of whom have some delightful running gags), not to mention Esther Ralston, Billy Gilbert, the Nicholas Brothers and Billy Bevan who are also given their opportunities to shine.It's to Alice's credit that she's so electrifying we still pine when she's off-screen (which is really quite often), especially during the straight Payne episodes. Fortunately the songs are an incomparably breezy lot - and they are given a marvelously aggressive orchestration and often an all-stops-out treatment with elaborate reprises and thrilling montages. The sound of course is absolutely dazzling.Walter Lang's pacey direction makes the most of the picture's superb production values. No expense whatever has been spared on lavish sets and crowd scenes. And what about those incredible period costumes that Alice and Betty fill so gracefully? All told, marvelous entertainment with catchy songs, amusing business and a power-plus cast. Hollywood zest at its best!
Kalaman "Tin Pan Alley" is a serviceable if slightly undernourished musical extravaganza starring Alice Faye, John Payne, Betty Grable, Jackie Oakie. I thought it would turn out to be as memorable and enchanting as Faye's greatest musicals like "That Night in Rio" or "Hello Frisco Hello" also co-starring John Payne, but it is nowhere near them. There is a sense that something is missing; the idea is there but somehow it doesn't quite coalesce, even despite the luminous presence of Faye. Nevertheless, it has one of the most spectacular dance and musical numbers ever staged: "The Sheik of Araby" - featuring Faye, Grable, and the Nicholas Brothers who also appeared in Grable's previous hit wonder, "Down Argentine Way". The dance number has a spark and excitement most of the movie lacks.
willrams Alice Faye was my favorite singer actress and made so many good films when I was in High School. Tin Pan Alley was especially entertaining and had our favorite Ethel Merman. As always she was the great belter; remember her in Alexander's Ragtime Band with Tyrone Power and Don Ameche. Both Power and Ameche played in several of Alice's films; and then there were Jack Oakie and June Havoc; what an amusing pair they were! The films I liked best were Tin Pan Alley 1940; The Gang's All Here and Hello Frisco Hello both 1943; and State Fair remake with Pat Boone and Bobby Darin (1960s?) In 1985 Alice Faye was at the Arlington Theater promoting health care products, and I had the privilege of talking to her. She was a great lady and very nice!
Peter Cavaghan From the first time I saw Tin Pan Alley I played it over and over, because I enjoyed the music so much and the stars were in top form. While I rarely seek out the actors in films made to-day, I tune into any old film featuring Alice Faye, John Payne, Betty Grable or Jack Oakie, hoping to find something just as engaging. The unabashed sentimentality of the music and simple straight forward humour make it a refreshing change from to-day's tasteless films. While Alice Faye tackles the love songs with John Payne, as a consumate professional, I am always sure he is using a lot of self control not break into laughter, and that they had a lot of fun making the movie.