R | 12 December 2008 (USA)
Timecrimes Trailers

A man accidentally gets into a time machine and travels back in time nearly an hour. Finding himself will be the first of a series of disasters of unforeseeable consequences.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
gengar843 The problem with TIMECRIMES is it can't decide whether to be funny or deadly serious, and therefore both suffer. I was initially intrigued by the husband-and-wife snippy-lovey relationship, but then it became all too clear this was a ploy to watch its deterioration through the sponsored drama. Look, I'll make it easy for you - when Hector went to the research facility the first time, and called himself, he should've known what just happened, and if he didn't he should've kept still. As it was, he acted like an imbecile and put himself in his own predicaments. You may argue, "He's everyman!" to which I answer, "I don't care."The dialogue was OK, not this great screenplay some reviewers rave on about. The setting was dreary. The direction was listless. The acting was actually quite second-rate. The girls were pretty, I'll give you that.
JacobFlynn Timecrimes, is one of the best time travel movies of the 21st century, not only it makes us feel good when we're watching but it hooks us up every second of the film. Personally i almost didn't watch it because it seemed like a low budget-overhyped movie by fans. Decided to watch it and it's extremely interesting. 9/10TL;DR Just grab your loved one and dance in the rain.
george-43710 Don't get me wrong, it's not the worst movie I've ever seen. But the high rating amazes me, so i had to give it a 1 to balance it out. I wanted to watch it months ago and i kinda wish i didn't. As a note, i watched it with the original Spanish dubbing (with English subitles). First off, as many said, the entire plot of the movie is based around unbelieveable scenarios. The fact that the main characters acts like that makes the loop going and it's not that hard to figure it out, more so when he tries to kill his other self (?). The moment when he wrapef his bandage around his head was the moment the movie died for me. It felt like everything from then on was just dragged out the movie. All the twists, if you can call them that, were seen coming from miles away, so there's that. Secondly, who decided to make the main character feel like a zombie? Every time he had a choice he took the bad one, EVEN KNOWING WHAT WOULD HAPPEN BEFOREHAND. Why travel a second time, why kill the forest girl? Nothing makes sense. 1\10
bowmanblue You'll have to excuse the overall 'gushing' nature of this review. In short, I LOVE 'Time Crimes' (although I must admit that the title – once translated to English – does sound a little naff!). So, if you're not in the mood for a Spanish film with subtitles then you probably won't like the film or my take on it either! Not only does the (English) title not do the film's content justice, but it's one of those films where you really have to pay attention to every little detail because something that doesn't seem particularly noteworthy now may have greater significance later on. I would say what 'Time Crimes' is about, but I don't want to spoil anything, as you'll only get the one chance to watch it without knowing where it's going. Obviously, time travel plays a major factor and expect a crime or two thrown in there. But the film's strength lies with its 'realism' (if you can suspend your disbelief long enough to accept that we can leap about through time without the aid of a DeLorean). The 'hero' Hector (and you'll notice the quote marks I used to describe him thus) is a slightly overweight middle-aged man who spends his time with a pair of binoculars staring into bushes while his wife works at getting their new country home up and running – hardly your average Hollywood leading man! Then his quiet little life gets thrown into turmoil when he spots an attractive woman in the bushes, seemingly taking her clothes off for no good reason. This is a warning to us all not to investigate such a phenomenon. However, if he didn't, there wouldn't be such a great story to follow. Like I said, I won't spoil anything, but expect a secret facility, a secret machine and a lot of confusion involving hurtling through time and space.It's definitely not your average Hollywood flick. From the portly hero to the decisions he makes – everything flies in the face of what we might expect from the 'classic Hollywood narrative.' As much as I may love this film, I've only watched it the three times since its release in 2006. This is because it's a story that you really need to watch closely in case you miss something. There are plenty of films out there where you can pop out to make a cup of tea or idly play with your phone, then come back to the plot and find you haven't missed anything. This isn't one. Just expect one hell of a mind-bending experience with plenty of temporal twists and turns. Watch it quick as I'm constantly amazed that it hasn't been remade with someone like Matt Damon in the lead!