| 25 May 1991 (USA)
Timebomb Trailers

When someone tries to murder watchmaker Eddy Kay, the incident triggers a barrage of nightmares and flashbacks into a past that isn't his own. Fearing for his sanity, Eddy contacts psychiatrist Dr. Anna Nolmar for help. Anna thinks he's hallucinating until another attack proves the dangers are all too real. The two of them go on the run, trying to discover the truth about Eddie's past and true identity before it kills them.

Cortechba Overrated
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
flappyflaps I really like this movie, I saw it when I was very young as I have three older siblings who allowed me to watch 18 rated movies (whilst my mother was at work) and it made a big impression on me. The pillow scene is very intense and the action is great and what lends to the intensity is the tension created by the fact that Michael Biehn's character does not enjoy his new found role as an experienced killer and 'freaks out' at various stages in the film. His character is not easy to sympathise with, he's either a killing machine or a catatonic freak or a timid watchmaker. HIs feelings of guilt, horror and anguish are a refreshing contrast to how the 'heroes' in modern American films seem to be able to kill at will or whim with no visible feelings of regret. Also there's a great bit at the end where a 'bad guy' is thrown from a roof to his supposed death, unfortunately the editor must have been tired/on smack as the soft landing provided by a crash pad is clearly visible.
sol **SPOILERS** Living a quiet life in L.A as a mild mannered watch repair man Eddie Kaye, Michael Biehn, one evening becomes Superman when he rushes into a burning apartment building saving a mother and her infant from curtain death. Eddie doesn't know it but he's really not Eddie Kaye he's Oliver Dykstra and at the same time he was supposed to be dead for years but a person watching the TV news that evening Col. Taylor, Richard Jordan, does. He's was the one who had Oliver brainwashed and given a new name and memory, as Eddie Kaye, and now realizing that he's still alive is responsible for Eddie's being terminated like he should have been years ago.High powered action/thriller "Timebomb" lacks a cohesive storyline with Eddie on the run with pretty Dr. Anna Nolmar, Pasty Kensit, his psychoanalyst who he got to know while he was repairing her late fathers expensive watch. Always on the run throughout the film the couple are chased by Col.Taylor's mind-controlled goons from L.A to Mexico to Arizona an finally back to L.A at the Duke Hotel for the final showdown between Eddie and the entire Taylor goon squad.It turns out that Eddie, or Oliver Dykstra in an other life, couldn't be corrupted by Col. Taylor & Co. to murder innocent people who the Colonel and his bosses high in government feel are a threat to "National Security". Discarted and thrown away in a garbage dump Eddie miraculously survived and lived a quite and uneventful life until he came to the rescue of the woman and child in that burning building and since then he life was never the same again. Escaping from Taylor's men to Mexico Eddie realizes why he's a marked man when he sees a newspaper headline about Dean Jordan, Harvey Fuller, who's running for Attoreny General of the United States. Eddie then realizes that that's the main reason that he's to be killed as soon as possible ;to stop him from preventing Jordan's assassination at the Duke Hotel that coming Sunday. Better then average action sequences with a wild shoot-out in a darkened and almost deserted porno theater with the porn flick still being projected on the screen as the bullets are flying and bodies dropping, what was the projectionist doing? was he asleep or on his lunch break? The final scene at the Duke Hotel was really something to see with all the light shut off as the assassin team with infra-red eyeglasses zero in on the guest speaker, Dean Jordan, for the kill.Eddie saves the day, and Dean Jordan's life, by taking on the entire hit-team and slugging it out with them in the lobby and on the roof of the hotel with L.A police detective Sanchez, Raymond St. Jacques, coming to Eddie's aid just in the nick of time. The movie did touch on things back in 1990 that are very real today about a out of control government feeling that it's above the law and can do no wrong. As long as it has the power to control and intimidate those who dare to criticize or expose it. The one thing that really disappointed me more then anything else in the movie "Timebomb" was the fact that Robert Culp, who played L.A's communications chief Phllips, was given top billing yet Culp was in less then two minutes of "Timebomb's" hour and a half screen time.
skotty-1 I didn't watch the movie from the beginning, so after a few scenes I thought it was a parody of 80-ies stupid horrors and SFs! Unfortunately, it wasn't. The saddest thing is, there are some fine spots, psychology blurb is nice, even some nice action scenes (killing that bald guy with elbow in the face), when Anna tries to escape, Eddie grabs her, she falls slamming her head to the door so hard it was painful to watch :) but everything else is Unbelievably STUPID !!! The best scene is when Anna randomly pushes the buttons on that machine trying to do.... what exactly??? I laughed for 10 minutes straight! :) All in all it was fun watching it, if you like to sometimes watch a really STUPID movie and laugh at it don't miss this one! :)
Mike I am able to admit that the implausibility levels of this movie tend to rise steadily through the entire film; but I enjoyed the chemistry between Kensit and Biehn. At times it also becomes suspenseful. A lot of the scenes leave you scratching your head or wanting more, but I think this film sets out and does its job quite well. It was also good to see Mike Biehn as I really haven't seen him in anything else besides THE TERMINATOR, (I did see THE LORDS OF DISCIPLINE; so so). Other than that I can't say much more except this movie reminds me of the good 'ol late night low-budget action flicks they used to show back in the early 90's on CINEMAX like PRAYER OF THE ROLLERBOYS or CLASS OF 1999!