Time Bomb
Time Bomb
NR | 14 July 1953 (USA)
Time Bomb Trailers

When a saboteur places an explosive device on a train full of sea mines, the authorities call for bomb expert Peter Lyncort to diffuse the situation, unaware that he has explosive problems of his own.

Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
davidesteiner It's very interesting that the average of (at this writing) 241 votes is 6 out of ten. But there are almost no 6 ratings. People seem to either like it very much or hate it.I first saw this in a theater in 1953 and I thought it well done, suspenseful and entertaining. Tetzlaff and Ford made me believe in the life or death aspect of the script, and in retrospect the film in black and white added to the atmosphere. I have since seen it once or twice on television and it's now a period piece about things that no longer exist, but the suspense and terrorism themes are as topical as ever; we read about defusing bombs almost every day and we wait for news of the next IED's death toll.If one looks beyond the period trappings, the fundamental qualities of life, survival and ultimately death are examined and exemplified with some care. Given a suspension of disbelief, this movie can be both entertaining and illuminating. I suspect viewers will continue to either like it very much or dislike it very much. That diversity should make those who've not seen it curious.
verbusen Some people have rated this a one star, too each his own, but they probably have not seen many movies to think this is that low. A simple straightforward thriller. I really enjoyed this film. If you don't like older, lower budget films than this wont be your cup of tea, so to speak, but I do like them and being made by MGM it had quality all over it. I would have thought that in post war London they would have had no trouble finding hundreds of bomb disposal people than to use one Canadian though! I was also saying to myself, how is he going to search that whole train by himself? In reality they probably would have had dozens of war vets searching that train, but that wouldn't have been much fun, now would it? I liked that it wasn't the Glenn Ford show, there was the patrolman searching for the terrorist, and the sergeant who was with the Detective and so forth, even the Royal Navy pitched in with an early helicopter, so it was a good group effort. A reason why I also enjoyed this movie was the banter among the characters like the scene when the switch man tells the train conductor that he needs to dump off his load in a siding and the conductor is reluctant to do it, that seemed real, I really liked that. Well if your watching Turner Classic movies in the middle east (like me) and are tired of the limited movies they usually show, it's worth a watch from start to finish. 7 of 10, Ford was pretty good! Oh and if you want a true one star film check out Beast Of Yucca Flats, thats a real "worse film ever made"!
Cashpot Nicely made British suspense thriller with a twist in the tail that would have looked very realistic at the time of production when it was quite common to transport unprimed explosives by railway. The British bobbies although in the "Dixon of Dock Green" mould behave as we remember them at the time. Walking or maybe pushing a bicycle. Steam enthusiasts will enjoy the well researched train movements except Redhill suddenly popping up in the vicinity of Birmingham! The only thing that does NOT ring true is the use of a North American who it appears is suddenly an expert in British anti-shipping mines because he works for the Anglo-American Machine Tool Company! Suppose even in those days they had one eye on the American audiences who as we know cannot accept that any incident can be brought to a satisfactory conclusion without their help. The sub plot of his marriage break up being resolved by her fear for her husband might have been true in the 1950s. It doesn't today!
Mattias An enjoyable British thriller from the 1950s with an excellent supporting cast makes this well worth watching. But was it necessary to get an actor all the way from Hollywood? Glenn Ford always played himself, perhaps there could have been idea to have a more anonymous actor in the lead? The love story between Ford and Anne Vernon is unnecessary and does not add anything to the story.