Tiger Orange
Tiger Orange
| 26 July 2014 (USA)
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In the small Central California town where they grew up, two estranged gay brothers struggle to reconnect after the recent death of their father.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
GazerRise Fantastic!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
dawangyoushu Maybe the pacing is a little off, maybe a little script doctoring is in order, but for a low budget indie gay film, this is pretty good. Gay men will appreciate Frankie Valenti's butt (which many of us have seen in other filmic contexts), and may be surprised, as I was, at his solid acting chops. A few little things stood out: Tood (Frankie V.) wears cowboy boots with shorts, a bandanna on his head, while plinking at nothing in particular with his bb gun. Beats the hell out of the stereotypical costuming usually reserved for the-city-boy-come-home-to-the-small-town meme. That bit felt real to me. The flashback scenes of Todd and his brother Chet also have moments that work--good casting, here, too, as these young actors work well together. Marc Strano at the helm of a film he costars in has done good work with Tiger Orange. Far better than the usual gay indie work, well edited, well shot, well done. Those of us who grew up gay and closeted will see familiar situations, here.
meaninglessbark Tiger Orange is a generally quiet, small town queer drama, much like the film Pit Stop. The film looks good and is adequately acted.The story feels believable even with a sort of gimmick of two gay brothers, one an I'll-do-what-I-want rebel and the other a do-what-needs-done good son.The character of the good son nails the small town gay man who is single and avoids drawing attention to himself. The rebel son is something of a shallow character and though he definitely seems realistic there's little to like about him, the only reason to even care about the character is he's important to the good son.Tiger Orange's greatest shortcoming is it runs a bit long. two thirds into the film I was losing interest and when the film ended I realized I'd only half paid attention to the final scenes. Still, I'd rather have quite believably than melodrama that feels tacked on for the sake of spicing things up.It's worth watching if you're a fan of queer film and it's definitely than a lot of queer film options.
ksf-2 Two gay brothers reconnect after the death of their dad. Mark Strano is Chet, who stayed in the family home, and even runs the family hardware store. (Strano was also in Out to Kill). Frankie Valenti is brother Todd, who has left LA to return home, after a bad breakup. (Valenti also has a thriving career in the "alternative film industry"... which explains why we keep seeing him get undressed and dance around naked. In the adult films, he's known as Johnny Hazzard). Chet and Todd are two completely different people. Chet is quiet, conservative, and keeps a low profile. Todd is the loud, rowdie one, and they butt heads right off. And Todd likes to start fights, so we can tell its going to be a huge problem. It's a great story. Good script. MOST of the actors do a great job, but there are a couple weak apples in the crowd. or am I mixing my metaphors? All kinds of cussing and adult gay guy talk in this one, so its definitely NOT for the kiddies.Directed by Wade Gasque, who had only directed short films before this. I was looking for a production company name on IMDb, but i see at the end of the film, this was funded by kickstarter. That's the website where people donate to the fund to get it made, and they have their name listed at the end of the credits. Glad to see it succeed. Quite entertaining.
billy_dana Ugh. There are elements I appreciate in this story, but in general it fails to get airborne. The black sheep brother needed an actor with strong chops - as much as I wanted this role to work for this movie it never comes to life, gains much dimension.In fact none of the acting in the story is very strong. I like the lead character very much and he's fighting to rise to the occasion, but his work feels uneven and never fully engaged. Ugh again! Great story idea, great setting, like the premise of the brothers who have parted ways - but it ultimately doesn't work.(It is almost certainly unfair to push this all off on the actors! The directing seems uneven and unfocused as well.) This is a story I'd love someone to try and do again - with a much stronger cast and better direction.
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