Tiger Claws II
Tiger Claws II
R | 25 May 1996 (USA)
Tiger Claws II Trailers

Released five years after the first installment, Tiger Claws II finds Yeung's martial arts serial killer, Chong, busted out of jail by a team of heavies in the employ of gangster Dai Lo Fu and whisked across the country to San Fransisco's Chinatown. When NYC cop Tarek Richards learns of a rash of recent killings using Chong's distinctive M.O.— a claw-like mark across the face of the victim— he contacts his old partner, Linda Masterson, who is now living in L.A., for help. But Chong, as it turns out, has nothing to do with the murders. He's just being used by crime kingpin Lo Fu, who needs to combine his energy with Chong's to open some sort of time portal to provide vital supplies for the ancient Shaolin monks. In truth, though, Lo Fu greedily plans to use the portal to smuggle heavy modern artillery back and rule Qing Dynasty-era China himself.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Steineded How sad is this?
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Comeuppance Reviews When evil arms dealer Victor (Lurie) joins forces with the sinister Chong (Bolo), presumably to start some kind of criminal empire, and people are found dead all over San Francisco, cops Linda (Rothrock) and Tarek (Merhi) want to get to the bottom of it. Also they are in a romantic relationship. Things get really complicated when Dai Lo Fu (Ong), using his Chinatown restaurant as cover, is staging underground martial arts contests - with a supernatural twist. Now, to get to the truth, Linda and Tarek must compete. Will any of this make any kind of sense? Clearly the world was asking - nay - BEGGING for one more Tiger Claws movie. And there's even a third one after this! This movie is a hodgepodge of half-baked ideas that make no sense. It feels like the filmmakers were just kind of flying by the seats of their respective pants and kind of making stuff up as they went along. Probably not a good idea, especially if your choice for the male hero is the unintelligble, mumbling, personality-less, unlikable Jalal Merhi. He looks like a Balki-era Bronson Pinchot crossed with Night of the Wilding-era Erik Estrada. One of the biggest plot flaws is why Cynthia Rothrock is in love with him. And the scene in which he must use his awesome martial arts prowess to "save" Cynthia Rothrock is just preposterous. It should have been the other way around.We like Evan Lurie, especially after American Kickboxer 2 (1993), and he was a good choice for one of the villains. He is charismatic and perhaps a member of the Trenchcoat mafia. How his illegal gun shipment has to do with a "secret passage" and a mystical prisoner (Lee) cannot be explained. Han Soo Ong, who we've seen in Last to Surrender (1999) and King of the Kickboxers (1990), we believe is Korean, so why is he the crime boss here? The presumed Punchfighting sequences are just cash-ins for video games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, and are just silly and nonsensical. Additionally, the film is filled with funny continuity errors and has that Canadian feel. And while Merhi isn't quite as sucky as he was in Talons of the Eagle, 1992 (which was written by director Maunder, as was TC 2000 (1993), as well as the other Tiger Claws movies and other Merhi vehicles - he must have really believed in the "Tiger Claws" concept, as well as Jalal Merhi, so his judgment is certainly in question), he's no prince here either. Even Rothrock, who we love, can't save this one.For more action insanity, drop by: www.comeuppancereviews.com
t_atzmueller The first „Tiger Claws" was one of those charming straight-to-video flicks that somehow captured the essence of 90's straight-to-video flicks; it was cheesy, it was fun, it had a hammy atmosphere, good choreography and must importantly, it had Bolo. Bolo had made dozens of Hong Kong kung fu films, worth watching just by the sheer virtue of him being there. Look no further than "Bloodsport" – had Bolo not been the antagonist, Jean-Claude Van Damme would probably be living in Belgium today, working at some martial art school and enjoying some "Geuse"-beer after work.Personally, I was looking forward to see a sequel to "Tiger Claws", expecting a straight sequel to "Tiger Claws": perhaps martial arts serial killer Chong (Bolo Yeung) having escaped prison, and cops Tarek (Jalal Merhi) and Linda (Cynthia Rothrock) having to return or finally disposed of him. Wrong expectations: Chong has indeed out of jail, or rather; a kingpin has his henchmen kidnap Chong. However, (for some illogic reason that is never explained) prison has turned Chong from maniac killer to good-guy and soon Chong joins forces with his former opponents."Chong is an honourable man", Tarek muses at one point, oblivious to the fact that Chong is a serial murderer, who prior had not only killed Tareks partner but also a score of other people. The plot then takes a twist, revolving around "Bloodsport"-like martial arts competition, time-travel and mystic hokum.Around the final quarter of the film, Bolo puts on a hood over his head; apparently a body-double takes over in the last few scenes. He never reappears nor is his leaving explained but with him went the sole reason to watch this hotchpotch in the first place. As a wise Shaolin monk once told me: "a film featuring a good-Bolo isn't half as good as a movie having a bad-Bolo, but it beats not starring Bolo at all.Sadder even, with the exceptions of "Blizhniy Boy" (which I'm not even sure has been released, never having met anybody who had seen this film), "Tiger Claws 2" would remain Bolo's final screen appearance.In the end, the film has none of the redeeming qualities of the original, being simply too lame, too fragmented, not even a "so bad it's good"-film like, for example, "Undefeatable". There's one reason to watch this film and that's the final screen appearance of Bolo Yeung, so, if you still feel tempted to push "Tiger Claws 2" into your video-player, do it – just don't say I didn't warn you.
gridoon Why weird, you ask? Well, consider these points: 1) It's called "Tiger Claws II", but the Tiger style is barely used in it.2) The first movie was a "track down the serial killer" story, this is more of an "underground martial arts tournament" story.3) Bolo Yeung is now - get this - a good guy! In the film's most laughable line, he is referred to by Jalal Merhi as an "honorable man"! I guess Merhi has gotten over the fact that several innocent people - including his best friend - were killed by Bolo in the first "Tiger Claws". 4) Cynthia Rothrock (who looks very good for 41) has virtually no action scenes until the 50-minute mark, but does get a couple of good fights near the end.5) There some half-explained sci-fi elements, including time-traveling.Two more points: the production values are slicker than those of most DTV action sequels, and Evan Lurie, playing one of the bad guys, has a kind of slimy charisma, as opposed to the lead Merhi, who has none at all. (**)
wanderingstar There is only one scenario where you should watch "Tiger Claws II".You are on an airplane which crashes in the South Pacific. The only survivor, you swim to a nearby deserted island. You learn to eke out an existence on this island by eating tropical fruit and spearing small boars in the jungle. A monkey becomes your only friend, but every night it hurls feces at you from a tree and chatters annoyingly. And it doesn't just hurl its own feces, it actually gathers the feces of other animals and throws that at you too. This goes on every night for 15 years.One evening you are exploring and find a cave. Entering the cave, to your surprise, you find a TV, VCR, and generator. You pull the cord on the generator and again surprised, it starts. You plug the TV and VCR in, but unfortunately the only movie is an old copy of "Tiger Claws II". You wonder whether to spend another evening with the monkey, or watch the movie.This is the only scenario where you should watch "Tiger Claws II".