Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!
NC-17 | 04 May 1990 (USA)
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! Trailers

Recently released from a mental hospital, Ricky ties up Marina, a film star he once had sex with and keeps her hostage.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
athena24 I have seen 'Tie me up, Tie me down' yesterday night with my wife. We both came up with a feeling that it was quite average, and we both were quite disappointed relatively to the good rating it has, and the majority of positive reviews. In fact when I lay in bed, yesterday night, I was thinking of why didn't I enjoy more? Great cast, fantastic camera work, interesting moments and on occasion it contains hilarious jokes. Yet the movie seemed to drag and bore instead of entertain or touch feelings. This morning I think I have the answer.I didn't really buy what the director tried to sell. Marina didn't look like a heroin junkie or a porn actress. Her place was quite neat and she didn't have any sign of addiction or weakness towards drugs. She didn't look like the one who needed to be saved from herself. So I was told one thing but saw another and subconsciously it didn't fit. All the story was a bit silly and childish. Also, because it felt a bit childish and silly the explicit nudity and sex scenes seemed unnecessary.To sum it up, 'Tie me up, tie me down' is light, has funny moments and without perversions prevailing in Almadovar's films on one hand. But on the other hand, it doesn't involve any strong feelings and it's not funny enough to hold for the whole movie and to be considered a good comedy.
dholliday I'm no prude, not even close. And I have little time for most of the hysterical cries of modern middle-class feminism. But I believe violence-against-women to be one of the worlds' most profound (and common) problems and as such must be handled with care & respect in artistic mediums. There are many dumb movies which feature such violence but are justly ignored by the discerning viewer. Once Were Warriors & Nil By Mouth are two films which deal with this issue in an admirable way.Almodóvar is someone who's raved about by the intellectual film community, and as such there is a responsibility for the film critic to question his values where appropriate. His films glorifies the woman-as-victim image: or rather the woman-as-plaything (see also La piel que habito). Tie Me Up champions this value, glamourises it, and worst of all, romanticises it. It's the male-chauvinist fantasy those mad fems have been warning us about all along, except they probably don't recognise it themselves as it's Almodóvar.If you understand the psychology of women in abusive relationships, it's the feeling of being trapped and of being fooled by the perceived romanticism of it which prevents many from protecting themselves. It's a genuine problem, with lots of potential in the film medium as a dramatic premise. This film does the very opposite of shining a light on this issue, it merely encourages it. Those that claim detractors "miss the point", or "don't understand the irony" are missing the point themselves: there is no irony. It is what it is, and it is morally-irresponsible.Still, the film-buff in me doesn't want to rate it quite a 1/10: the acting from both leads is very good, and the film's technicolour is appealing.Recommended for those who want to decide for themselves.Not recommended if the negative reviews here have convinced you.
a-tsitsos After watching Almodovar's Atame i stood a little bit and had some thoughts about what i saw(something that happens almost every Almodovar film).The way that Almodovar tells he story is brilliant.Banderas's role makes the viewer that the plot will be evolve into a triller rather than a romance comedy.Almodovar once again chooses a female for the lead and once more he succeeds serving the action around his characters.The plot is such a unique story about a psychological ill man who loves madly an ex-porn star and kidnaps her,tying her down in her own apartment.He wants her to love him,but his sometimes violent methods seem that he won't complete his goal,but then there's the plot twist.Almodovar,whose movies are a mean of shocking the after Franco Spain,does indeed shock again.People in the time that the movie was realized didn't have used to live in a free Spain so the ignored some of their personal rights.Almodovar helps them to know their rights and respect the different.In this movie you get to know about real feelings,love and how it can be grown in the most odd places,in the oddest situations.Ricky evolves from an violent former mental patient into a love subject.Marina evolves from a ex porn star now on her zenith of fame into an understanding lovely woman who after many pleasures gets to know true love.Another funny element is Almodovar's alter ego the director of the movie Marina stars in.It is said from the director himself that he is a director of women so does Almodovar.Although it might not be Almodovar's best it is certainly a have to watch.I personally had a great time watching the movie.I don't believe that only Almodovar's fans watch this film as it is not his most shocking of his career(not like La mala Educacion,The Skin I Live In).A beautiful movie whose happy ending leaves you a sweet taste for tomorrow.
Martin Bradley Minor Almodovar it may be but this early, black comedy-thriller still takes no prisoners with it's relentless tale of obsession, (obsession is something Almodovar seems to be obsessed with). The Hitchcockian motifs are still there, as are his (too) obvious love of cinema and a totally exaggerated riot of colour which, in this case, completely transcends camp.Antonio Banderas is the young 'hero' recently released from a mental institution who kidnaps junkie and porn-star Victoria Abril in the hope that if she gets to know him up close and personal she may even fall in love with him. It's a bit like "The Collector" with the gloves off. There is something faintly Neanderthal-like in Banderas' assumption that slapping a woman around and tying her up is going to make her fall for him and Almodovar tickles our sensibilities by going down a few dark streets other directors wouldn't dream off.Both Banderas and, in particular, Abril are terrific. When they finally do get down and dirty and do the business there is a genuinely erotic charge in their acting and there is just enough ambiguity in the ending to give the film that extra edge.