Throne of Fire
Throne of Fire
| 17 June 1983 (USA)
Throne of Fire Trailers

A mighty hero battles the son of Satan and his evil witch ally to save a kingdom from being taken over by the duo.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
HaemovoreRex Peter McCoy (Pietro Torrisi) who also starred in the similarly themed Sword Of The Barbarians and The Invincible Barbarian appears here in this tale of swords, sorcery and ominous prognostication.In it he plays Siegfried, a mightily muscled hero who is predestined to challenge Satan from attaining mastery over the earth, a feat that the dark one can (luckily for us) only achieve during a solar eclipse and whilst sitting on the magical 'Throne Of Fire' of the films title.OK so the film isn't going to win any awards for ingenious plot intricacies but in this genre what can one expect? As it is, the film is actually mildly enjoyable and even has a few decent scenes on offer (the 'Well Of Madness' being a particular stand out), plus there's some rather energetic sword fights on display from our oiled down hero (who looks a fair bit like fellow B movie action star Jeff Wincott!)Always a plus in my book, this also stars regular Italian sword and sorcery sex symbol, Sabrina Siani who as usual looks absolutely gorgeous!!! On the downside however, the movie does tend to drag a fair bit throughout, especially during the scenes when our hero is fact our hero seems to spend the entire film alternating between getting captured and then staging daring escapes! Oh well.....Overall, if like me, you enjoy these types of films then I'd certainly suggest you give this a try. It's actually not half bad and is certainly infinitely better than most modern takes on the genre.
anxietyresister Boy oh boy. When you see a film as laughable as this one, you know there must be a hell. Yes, we're back in dodgy Italian barbarian film territory, where well-oiled beefcakes duel with rubber swords against helmet-clad stuntmen who die without being touched. Obtrusive music lurks behind every corner, as our badly dubbed hero must rescue the princess from a fate worse than.. watching this movie again? He must follow the ancient prophesy of marrying her and sitting on the legendary Throne Of Fire before the day is out, otherwise.. THE WORLD IS DOOMED!! DOOMED, I tell ya!! Unfortunately, he proves to be rather inept at his job.. getting captured no less than three times and wasting the spell his dad gives him that makes his body invisible and invulnerable to everything (except fire, conveniently). Some 'hero'. The princess, on the other hand is far more impressive.. she can butt-kick for fun and finishes the film without a scratch on her, despite the fact she is only dressed in a bra and loincloth 95% of the picture. Meanwhile, an eclipse that looks suspiciously like a raisin held up against a light bulb tells our protagonist he is nearly out of time, so he must hurry.. it won't be easy, with all those boom mikes to dodge. Can he make it? Who cares, quite frankly. I'm more interested in the mindset of those who would waste their life watching this kind of nonsense in the first place. (Don't worry about me, I've already gone mad..) And if all that still hasn't put you off, get this.. Our muscular, tough-as-nails lead character's real, non-acting first name is.. PETER. I shall now close this review, because if you're anything like me, you'll spend the next 5 minutes in hysterics. In fact, I can feel them come on again.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA etc. 2/10
goriddle Throne of Fire is quite an adventure. It is the story of siegfreid's quest against the son of the son of satan's seat on the throne of fire. The actor who plays siegfreid is very athletic and pulls of the sword fighting well. I enjoyed the entire film immensely, but I was unsure about one thing. When characters in the movie saw Morack with the melted face was it a vision of the future? or was it his true demon self? The well of madness scene was definitely among the highlights of the story. The talking severed head and armored warrior were very cool. the whole scene brought to mind the pit scene in army of darkness. Another highlight of the film is the princess. Movies of this kind rarely have leading ladies so lovely. If you love Throne of Fire, I recommend Lucio Fulci's Conquest. Very similar except with more gore and monsters.
drahcir-2 If you are like don't mind spending a Saturday watching a poorly made movie with swords, magic, and beautiful leading ladies. The Throne of Fire is just such a movie.The plot is basically good vs. evil. Satan's messenger and a witch have a son and he is raised believing no one can oppose him. He sets out to rule the kingdom. In order to sit upon the Throne of Fire (made by the Norse god Odin) he must be a rightful heir to the throne and sit upon it first on a solar eclipse. To obtain the right to the throne he kidnaps the princess of the kingdom and forces her to marry him. However, the good-guy barbarian Conan wannabe is there to try to save the day.Plenty of sword fighting ensues and some pretty bad special effects. In my humble opinion this movie was too long and not worth much to anyone unless you enjoy the genre. The leading lady (Sabrina Siani) is indeed beautiful and I will try to find other movies of hers. Look for errors in this movie such as the Christian wedding ceremony in a Norse Barbaric period.
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