Thriller: A Cruel Picture
Thriller: A Cruel Picture
NR | 05 June 1974 (USA)
Thriller: A Cruel Picture Trailers

Madeleine, rendered mute after being sexually assaulted as a youth, accepts a lift from a wealthy and sadistic pimp who soon enslaves her into his prostitution racket. Despite her limited means, Madeleine embarks on a bloody road to revenge against her captors.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
tomgillespie2002 As part of the 'rape and revenge' exploitation sub-genre that cropped up in the glory days of 70's grindhouse, Thriller - A Cruel Picture (aka They Call Her One-Eye), stands out amongst the rest due to the fact that it's actually bloody good. Frigga (played by exploitation regular and occasional porn-star Christina Lindberg) is mute due to being sexually assaulted as a little girl. On her way to the doctor she is offered a life by sleazy rich-boy Tony, (Heniz Hopf) and wined and dined before being drugged in his apartment. She wakes up to be told she's been hooked to heroin, and is forced into prostitution as Tony becomes her pimp.When Frigga begins to show resistance, Tony reacts badly and stabs her in the eye, causing her to wear an eye-patch. After months of being forced into sex by her strange and abusive clients, Frigga uses her savings to plot a deadly and bloody revenge against the people that caused the misery in her new life. The film was banned in Sweden, and only received a heavily-censored release in the U.S.A., mainly due to the notorious eye-popping scene in which director Bo Arne Vibenius used an actual dead body for a close up of the eye being stabbed.Quentin Tarantino frequently refers to this as one of his all-time favourites, and although hardly a masterpiece, you can kind of see why. Also, Frigga is an obvious inspiration for Daryl Hannah's sadistic assassin Elle Driver in Kill Bill, and possibly for Kurt Russell's Snake Plissken in Escape From New York. Frigga is a very interesting character. One half an innocent, shy girl that seems to accept her new situation with sad resignation. The other, a silent, patient killer-in- waiting. Lindberg pulls it off admirably, even though never speaking a word during the whole film.When the film threatens to become monotonous with the scenes constantly drifting from a scene of heroin abuse to a scene of sex, the second act kicks in as Frigga begins weapons training, drag racing lessons and martial arts. And when the revenge comes, it's as stylish as a film of this budget could possibly be. Frigga mows down her victims in super slow motion, as bullet shells fly gracefully through the air, and objects explode into pieces in vivid detail. It's a style mirrored in Guy Ritchie's Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels, although it's much more effective in this film. It is, however, also one of the films negatives as it highlights how low the budget actually was, as fake, brown-looking blood erupts on the victims' torso's. It is also way overplayed in a scene where she uses her martial arts skills to fend off two policemen.It clearly benefits from a director who had the honour of working with Ingmar Bergman earlier in his career as the film transcends similar films to the genre (such as Wes Craven's Last House On The Left). I would possibly urge you to watch the censored version if you can, as the unnecessary hardcore sex scenes bring the film down a level. A virtual classic in it's genre and compulsive viewing for exploitation film
Boba_Fett1138 This movie does only partly lives up to its reputation. It's certainly a quite brutal movie with also some real explicit nudity and sex in it but at the same time the movie isn't really an uplifting or entertaining enough one. Bo Arne Vibenius' previous movie was a financial failure and to cover up for the losses he thought he should make the biggest commercial exploitation flick ever. Sex, lesbians, violence, it is all here in this movie, as well as a main premise in which a young woman violently takes revenge upon those who did her wrong and exploited her. Yet still as an exploitation flick the movie falls sort of short. It's because the storytelling just is a bit off at times and the movie has lots of slow moments in it, especially during its first halve. It really doesn't make the movie as fun to watch as its premise make it sound.Still it's a movie that constantly tries to shock, with either its very explicit sex or its violent plot. I still love the movie for this, also since it all got done in a quite unique style. This movie is a Swedish one so of course you are going to get something different from an Hollywood exploitation flick.It overall is still a good movie in parts but yet not as great or even as entertaining as it all could had turned out to.7/10
trashgang As many into the exploitation/horror and revenge genre has heard of this Swedish delight. Long before IKEA became the Swedish thing there was an director, Vibenius, who made classics in the genre but had one problem, distribution. After Swedish MPAA saw the movie they really mashed it up by cutting it. And the cut version became available everywhere except for France were the uncut version somehow appeared in dirty cinema's. After a fight for the rights of the movie and some bankruptcy of dealers the movie came in hands of Synapse who restored the movie and brought it out in the cut version and in a 25000 limited edition in his full glory with a lot of extra's. This version I have. The uncut version is somehow what Last House On The Left should have been, normally it would have been a XXX movie but no actor agreed to have intercourse on screen. So it happened that LHOTL became what it is today. So you can say that this is what LHOTL should have been, with full frontal nudity of Christina Lindberg, coming out of soft core nudies. It even contains the the live action in front of the camera but so it was labeled under porn. In fact it never was, it became on of the first roughie revenge flicks loved by many as like Tarantino. The storyline is simple, child got raped and in her teens drugged and raped again, so she takes revenge but when she takes revenge it's all filmed in slomo, well done for the time being. Catch yourself a copy because the price for a copy is rising.
Scarecrow-88 A young woman misses her bus and accepts a ride into the town by who she believes is a swell enough fellow, not knowing his plans for her. It seems Tony(Heinz Hopf)has a little enterprise where he picks up young women, treats them to a nice dinner, drugs their drink, injects heroine into their blood stream, day after day until the body needs it to survive, forcing them into prostitution to remain dependent on him and the narcotics. Madeleine(Christina Lindberg)has remained mute since a terrible sexual molestation at the hands of a rotten vagrant, whose relationship with her farming parents is close. Tony, after kidnapping her, sends typed cruel letters to Madeleine's parents claiming she no longer wishes to see them. Deeply hurt beyond repair, her parents commit suicide, and this act sends Madeleine careening into madness where she uses the money made through prostitution to train for combat on her days off. Tony doesn't recognize that she is studying martial arts with a karate instructor, learning how to drive a car at high speeds with an expert at car handling, and working with a professional gunman teaching her the ability to fire weapons with marksman skill. Only adding extra motivation to her cause, Madeleine discovers that Tony had a fellow hooker killed. The film shows an alternating group of customers who take advantage of her through rough sex( takes photographs of her in whatever positions turn him on), setting themselves up as future targets when Madeleine goes on her rampage, equipping herself with a sawed-off shotgun, stolen from a rifle range shack. Soon all of her training will pay off in one way or another until all who wronged her meet their doom, wishing they had never crossed paths with the one-eyed "pirate."Director-writer Bo Arne Vibenius handles the material with a methodical approach(..he sure takes his time, not in any hurry to speed the movie along)really ratcheting up the violence towards the very end as Madeleine hunts down and kills all those who caused her embarrassment and grief. In Peckinpah fashion, all the major action sequences are shot in slow motion, such as when victims are shot repeatedly by Madeleine's shot gun(..also, there an extended sequence where Madeleine pummels two policemen with her recently adopted martial arts skills). Shocking eyeball piercing packs a wallop. The hardcore scenes I could do without, but they merely represent the sex that was taking place, placing extra emphasis on why Madeleine sought to get even in the first place. Lindberg(..a stunning beauty, her pouty lips and long hair, never uttering a word, yet showing the burst of emotion when she sees the funeral procession taking away the caskets containing her parents;steely and cold-blooded when taking out those that wronged her)has the role of her career in this bleak, uncompromising exploitationer. The film essentially is made up of three parts:(1)Madeleine's capture and slavery(2)her influx of customers and preparation for her future revenge and (3)the bloody assault itself. Tony's fate is especially satisfying..if not as explicitly gory as I'd have liked. Lindberg's allure is the film's strongest asset, in my opinion. Her colored eye patch(..often matching her wardrobe)and leather trench-coat certainly add dimension to Lindberg's iconic image. The countryside of Sweden where a great deal of this takes place is idyllic.
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