Three Daring Daughters
Three Daring Daughters
| 05 March 1948 (USA)
Three Daring Daughters Trailers

Three young girls try to help their divorced mother find the right husband.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
richard-1787 This is not, by any means, a great movie. In fact, if it had starred some anglo American male in the male lead, it probably would be of no interest whatsoever.But that's not the case. It stars the Spanish pianist José Iturbí, with whom the very Caucasian Jeanette MacDonald falls in love and marries. That never once enters into the dialogue when MacDonald's three daughters object to the marriage, but it probably entered into the minds of more than one of the audience of the time.And yet, it truly is not an issue in the movie.Which makes this very interesting for its day.Other than the "racial" issue, it's an OK, undistinguished flick. We get to see a lot of Iturbí playing the piano, which is fun. He was neither handsome nor a great actor, but he was a fine pianist, and he gets a series of real blockbuster numbers.MacDonald doesn't get to sing much, and gets no romantic duets, which is a real change from her previous films.Jane Powell is fine in her numbers, but undistinguished.See it for the non-issue.
rsternesq It amazes me that so many people cannot see that the past is different from our debased and decadent present. This is a lovely reminder of what was and will never be again. We will keep on remaking poor Carrie but will not and cannot remake this movie in a way that is true to its truth, that love is a wonderful thing and that music, real music is an uplifting and special experience that expands the world of the audience. I have seen the movie several times and by modern standards it is corny but it is also true that we would be much better off in a world of this music and these people with their love for each other and for music and for having a good and joyous life is a whole lot better than one in which Saw XXX has an audience. This is real magic both at the movies and in our aspirations, without the need for Harry Potter and this is what we have lost.
chakarlu "Three Daring Daughters" is a sickly sweet, rose-colored look at divorce, remarriage, and single-parent living. Obviously, social issues and economic difficulty have no place in the picture perfect life of a single parent mother who feels exhausted, takes a cruise, and then dates and marries a band conductor. Even when the "its just a movie" phrase excuses the script from addressing real-life problems, 'Daughters' suffers from too many incoherent high-note songs, children whose personalities are not based on real children and band leader Hose Iturbi playing himself. Isn't it bizarre that any real person would star in a film in which their supposed real self gets married? Admittedly, this movie was released in the nineteen forties. Only a love for old style Hollywood romance and comedy could make 'Daughters' a tolerable film.
aromatic-2 Silly but enjoyable musical comedy with Jeanette McDonald playing a character very much like herself, and Jose iturbi playing her love interest, a character even more like himself -- himself! Jane Powell and her two sisters are both multi-talented and precocious, and Edward Arnold heads a fine veteran supporting cast. Certainly not a great movie, but a pleasing one.